I am the City 2.0
Dream Me.
Build Me.
Make Me Real.
TEDxYekaterinoslavskyBoulevard arranges “Cities of the Future” international conference in Dnepropetrovsk on September 20, 2013. TEDxCity2.0 showcases the around the world. On September 20, 2013, TEDCity2.0 will commence at the TimesCenter in New York City from 9am-5pm EST. Co-curated and co-hosted by Chris Anderson, John Cary, and Courtney Martin, the event will surface stories of urban ingenuity and interdependence from across the globe, and feature an unexpected mix of over 20 speakers, including several 2012 City2.0 Award winners. Attendees of the Dnepropetrovsk conference will watch presentations also seen from Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Madrid, Mexico, Toronto and other megapolises.
TED and TEDx conferences have become the perfect place for sharing innovations and ideas. . TEDxYekaterinoslavskyBoulevard is independently organized TED event in Dnepropetrovsk. (See “About TED” and “About TEDx”)
The conference program contains presentations by local experts and live broadcast from New York City.
TEDCity2.0 Program (NYC, TimesCentre)
Session 1
Redefining Citizen: 9 - 10:30am ET
Hosted by Chris Anderson
• Poverty professor Ananya Roy, exploring the ingenuity of the world's most vulnerable
• Peace strategist Mohamed Ali tackles terrorism with entrepreneurial verve
• Entrepreneur Eric Liu is reinventing citizenship for the 21st century
• Harassment avenger Emily May is reclaiming public safety for women and for all
• Mayor Kasim Reed, who's shaping the future of one of America's most diverse cities
• Pedestrian freestylers Shem Rajoon, Luciano Acuna Jr., and Masi James of Bklyn Beast push the limits of urban movement
Session 2
Reinventing Urban Experience: 11 - 12pm ET
Hosted by Courtney Martin
• Walkability advocate Jeff Speck, who fights against suburban sprawl and bad urban policy
• Aural artist Jason Sweeney, reinventing the urban experience through a crowd-sourced public art project
• Civic technologist Catherine Bracy is scaling "Code for America" internationally
• Radical professor Dennis Dalton, an Ivy Leaguer with a thing for street philosophers
• Urban bard Felice Belle is a poetic voice of and
on the city
Session 3
Reimagining the City: 1:30 - 3pm ET
Hosted by John Cary
• Visionary architect Chris Downey, who lost his sight and gained new ways of seeing the world
• Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan is putting pedestrians at the forefront of transportation policy in New York City
• Robin Nagle, an anthropologist in residence at the NYC dept of sanitation, talks trash
• Street performers John Pita and Avi Snow of City of the Sun are flamenco/blues/indie rockers
• Place maker Toni Griffin, an urban planner working to make cities more just
• Housing advocate Shaun Donovan, the U.S. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
• Sustainability guru Lance Hosey, who's on a mission to make green design beautiful
Session 4
Redrawing Geographies: 3:30 - 5pm ET
Hosted by Chris Anderson
• Transportation evangelist Enrique Peñalosa turned Bogota into an international model for pedestrian life
• Photographer Iwan Baan captures life in informal communities, including the world's most notorious vertical slum
• Impact designer Alan Ricks believes the global south has something to teach the global north about beauty
• Burkina Faso architect Diébédo Francis Kéré creates elegance using local crafts and materials
• Writer Joshunda Sanders, who's remapping the mental urban landscape with memoir
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.
Dmitry Malenko
CTO and co-founder in rollApp. rollApp is IT startup from the Silicon valley that attracted $1 million of investments at May, 2013. The rollApp service allows to render application written on any platform (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.) and access it from the browser. The OpenOffice already works via rollApp and can be used from Chromebook and iPad. rollApp founders presentation on the DEMO 2012 conference https://vimeo.com/40685965. More about Dmitriy http://www.dmalenko.org/Valeria Kozlova
psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer, specialist in high achievements in sport and business. Member of international team of trainers, preparing Ukrainian riding sportsmen team for the 2016 Olympic games. Sweden family therapy project team member. Author and founder of "Psychology of result" school, innovational project in the sphere of personal education aimed to popularize leading achievements of scientific psychology. More about Valeria http://kozlova.org/ru/about/author/Viktor Khazan
Ph.D., scientist. President of the international ecology center of sustainable development, man-caused security and security of vital activity ECOSTAR. Head of sustainable development problems council at International Science Academy of Ecology and security of vital activity. Participant and consultant at UNEP projects (UNO environment protection project) and at other international organizations: Energy Alternatives for Sustainable Europe, Sustainable Use Resources for Europe, Local Sustainability и др. Initiator and co-author of Ukraine transmission to sustainable development concept, accepted by National Science Academy of Ukraine. More about Viktor on GoogleValeriy Kuznetsov
Designer of interiors, author's furniture, industrial Design, art objects, sculpture, installations. Taking part in exhibitions all over the world.Alexey Karpov
Entrepreneur, restaurant-keeper, healthy food connoisseur, manducable events organizer, healthy absurdism follower...Organizing team
Viacheslav Rudnytskyi
Coach & training leader -
Sergey Medvedev
Backstage design, decorations, gifts, teasers, ambient brand activity -
Danil Yasinskiy
Marketing & brand communication leader -
Viktoriya Bud'ko
Financial controller leader -
Viktoriya Raheli Kabardina
Promotion manager and volunteer leader -
Vladimir Terehov
Identity designer -
Andrey Mudrievskiy
Interpreting, attendees discussions moderation -
Hanna Leliv
English translator, Ukrainian Language Coordinator at TED Open Translation Project -
Maria Kizilova
Marketing communication