x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The Fallacy of Security

This event occurred on
March 16, 2013
10:00am - 4:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)


“When the rooster crows, the sun rises. Therefore, the rooster causes the sun to rise.”

This statement is a fallacy, an error in reasoning. Although an argument might look formally valid it can still be fallacious and therefore erroneous. Fallacies represent a dangerous idea for society since people tend to accept certain fallacies as truth.

The topic we will be discussing in TEDx IE University is the Fallacy of Security.

The fallacy of security refers to the preconception that not incurring in risk is safe.
However, it can easily be proven wrong.

In our fast moving and ever changing society we need to stand up, speak up and make the difference. We must not allow the destiny to make decisions for us. It is our duty as human beings and as citizens to pursue the best for us and for our people. This is not easy and it takes a lot of effort….and risk.

It is only through risk taking initiatives that innovation will be achieved.
It is only through risk taking initiatives that the status quo will be challenged and improved.
It is only through risk taking initiatives that the world can be changed into a better place.

The Roman Empire was not built without risk. Cristobal Colon did not cross the ocean all the way to the Americas without risk. French Citizens did not succeeded in their Revolution without risk. Neil Armstrong had very little chance to come back from his walk on the moon….however, he took the risk.

Other people take a different path; they choose the fallacy of security. They erroneously believe that not getting their head out there, not speaking up and not trying to be better every day will grant them safety. History has proven them wrong. The closest example we can find is in today’s financial crisis. Unemployment is raising and life conditions are becoming tougher. If you follow the fallacy of security you will try to keep living your live and try not to stand out from the crowd…just in case. You could stay at home, blaming society for your fate and waiting for others to solve your situation. Is this attitude not as risky, or even more, than creating your own start-up? This mindset might buy you some time, but on the long term, if you look for security you will be incurring in a very high risk.

We need to improve, to be competitive, to learn, to change and to adapt. Only through that will we be ready to face everything that this beautiful life has to offer.

We need you: you entrepreneur, you visionary, you leader, you change maker. We really need you.
Take risks and make the difference; you will be safe.

Many things that we take for granted today are the results of brave citizens who took risks in the past.
Let us now be those brave man and women. Let us now innovate, take the risk, invest and create….create a whole new reality, a better place for us an our children.
What do you have to lose? Take the risk, take the lead.

IE University Segovia Campus
Cardenal Zuñiga
Segovia, 40003
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Vyacheslav W. Polonski

Vyacheslav is pursuing the MSc Social Science of the Internet at the University of Oxford, where he is studying the social impact of the Internet and the dynamics of social networks. He graduated from the London School of Economics with a BSc Management degree with First Class Honours. Vyacheslav has previously worked at the World Economic Forum, PwC, Rocket Internet, Mars and and founded the LSE Strategy & Management Consulting Conference, which became Europe’s largest student conference on business strategy and management consulting. In 2009, he was junior editor of the book ‘Inspire a Nation’ about Barack Obama to provide an impetus for political participation and to encourage more youth activism. He was honoured at the British Council ‘International Student of the Year 2011′ awards and was named UK’s 'Undergraduate of the Year 2012' and national winner of the ‘Future Business Leader of the Year 2012’ award by TARGETjobs. Vyacheslav is passionate about entrepreneurship and initiated the Ivy City Network to build a platform for intellectual exchange and collaboration with the aim to democratise opportunities globally.

Jeroo Billimoira

Jeroo Billimoria is a pioneering social entrepreneur and the founder of several award-winning international NGOs. Her innovative approach to managing social ventures and bringing them to global scale has earned her fellowships with Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, the Skoll Foundation and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. Additionally, her work has been featured in Business Week,[1] The Economist[2][3] and several books.[4][5][6] Her most recent initiatives include Aflatoun (Child Savings International), Childline India Foundation and Child Helpline International. Currently, she serves as the founder and managing director of Child and Youth Finance International.

Victor Sánchez del Real

Victor is an innate entrepreneur who is always willing to improve people's communication and personal branding. In his past, Victor was a journalist and a consultant in one of the most relevant Spanish groups in marketing and communication (ImageGroup). Now he has his own business, Elocuent (#SoyDigoDoy), he teaches in the most prestigious Spanish universities and he is mentor in the founders institute in Silicon Valley. Victor is preparing something striking for his speech. Don't miss it !

Javier de la Cueva

Javier de la Cueva holds a Licentiate degree in Law and a Master of Advanced Studies in Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. He works as a practicing lawyer. Amongst others, he has handled the defence for Ladinamo (the first ruling ever to acknowledge Copyleft), Sharemula (which confirmed that websites offering links to p2p networks are not a criminal offence) and p2p developer Pablo Soto. He created and continues to drive Procedimientos Libres (Free legal proceedings), whose first legal proceeding was a lawsuit against levy on blank CDs and DVDs. Beside his work as a lawyer, he is currently engaged in programming projects as the Free Legal Ontology, to maintain catalog or to design Praeter Orwell. He is also a lecturer, a GNU/Linux user since 1998 and a systems administrator under this operating system since 2003. He writes his scripts in Python.

Carlos Polo Gil

Carlos Polo Gil is a computer science engineer by the University of Deusto (Class of 2000), Carlos worked as consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers and IBM Global Services for 2 years before founding his first company at the age of 25, NTS. After 9 years and a awesome growth, Carlos left NTS to found Doocuments. Carlos combines the business development at Doocuments with some collaborations with the University of Deusto, providing entrepreneurial spirit to graduate and postgraduate students.

Jose Ballesteros de la Puerta

Jose Ballesteros de la Puerta has created an exclusive and very well known educational method in communication, sales, personal development and human relations which is called: VESP Vías para la Evolución y Superación Personal. Through this platform Ballesteros has managed to chagne many andd divers organizations and companies. He has got a lot of profesional experience ranging. He started of in 3M, then pursuit his MSM at Boston University-Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Later, he became marketing director at 3M Spain in the división of Health and Pharma.

Carlos Piera Serra

Carlos Piera Serra is a young life-lover who is the head of the movement Delivering Happiness in Europe. Delivering Happines is an association funded by the CEO of Zappos Tony Hsieh after he wrote his book named, as well, Delivering Happiness. Carlos is an active memeber of this organization and is a well recognized speaker. His misión is to spread the word about the aims of Delivering Happiness and bringing positive attitude wherever he goes.

Organizing team

Martínez Valls

Valencia Spain, Spain
  • Eric Cuevas
    Co-Organizer and founder of IEUnivesitySegovia