Oxford Intl School
x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
February 8, 2025
Samarkand, Samarqand

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Oxford International School
Amir Temur 152
1st floor
Samarkand, Samarqand, 140100
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Oxford ­Intl ­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Abdulloh Mavlonov

The hidden cost of free
Mavlonov Abdulloh is a ninth-grade student of Oxford International School . He is passionate about exploring ideas that shape our life. He is interested in diplomacy and law. He thrives in environments where critical thinking and collaboration are key. Abdulloh have desire for participating in international conferences and intellectual discussions.

Aziza Fayzullayeva

Brain rot - how we are silently destroying ourselves
an enthusiastic girl who finds comfort in reading and diving into thought-provoking topics. She enjoys helping people understand how distractions affect our minds and shares ways to live with more focus and clarity.

Behruz Rahmatov

The Development of Mahalla
Behruz, a high school student passionate about community development, explores in his TEDx talk The Development of Mahalla how modernizing traditional neighborhood systems can foster social unity, empower citizens, and promote sustainable growth while preserving cultural heritage.

Diyora Turakulova

Color Psychology
A dedicated student at OIS, Turakulova Diyora is passionate about learning and personal growth. With a keen interest in academic excellence and extracurricular activities, she embraces challenges with curiosity and determination. Always seeking new opportunities to expand her knowledge, Diyora is committed to making a positive impact in her community. In her Tedx Talk, “Color Psychology”, she will explore an interesting but complex world of how psychology influences us and how colors play a big role in our lives.

Faridun Abadov

The Hidden Influence: How Advertising Shapes Children's Behavior and Well-Being
Faridun Abadov, a 9th-grade student at School No. 45, is a passionate public speaker and skilled graphic designer who uses his talents to convey powerful messages. With a strong interest in media, marketing, psychology, and youth development, he explores how advertising shapes children's behavior and well-being, aiming to raise awareness and inspire change.

Kamila Nasridinova

The silent sculptor - how environment shapes behavior and identity
Kamila, a public speaker with multiple rewards for activities, believes that our surroundings silently shape who we become. A passionate reader, graphic designer and keen observer of human behavior and psychology, she has explored how environments - from books to social circles - can influence our habits, mindset, and success

Rukhshona Khaidarova

Why we should invest in girls' education?
I love nature and reading philosophy. I find joy in capturing moments, learning new things, and immersing myself in the beauty of art and ideas. I stand for that every girl has right to get education she deserves

Shakhruzjon Shodmanov

Astronaut Space emission training
He is a teenager at Oxford International School with numerous achievements. He is passionate about politics and actively participates in MUN conferences and TEDx events, using his voice to address global issues.

Xosiyatbonu Xamrokulova

The evoluation of music
.A ninth-grade student at Oxford International School, Xosiyatbonu Xamrakulova is fascinated by the way music has transformed over time. With a deep appreciation for melodies and rhythms, she explores how different genres have shaped cultures and influenced societies. Through her TEDx Talk, Evolution of Music: A Journey Through Sound, she delves into how music has evolved, connecting people across generations and emotions

Organizing team


Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Aziza Khasanova
    Team member
  • Bobomurod Fazliddinov
    Team member
  • Fotimatazzahro Sadilloeva
    Team member
  • Javohirjon Abduvohidov
  • Khushnud Kholmurodov
  • Mirjahon Mamatkarimov
  • Pokiza Djuraeva
    Team member
  • Shakhzoda Abbasova
    Team member
  • Shokhjahon Abdukhalimov