Join us this Wednesday for the introduction of TED and TEDx to Loughborough with our first event showing an exclusive live webcast of the TEDGlobal 2012 conference in Edinburgh.
You're welcome to bring your laptops and iPads along to work on throughout the day while we watch the live show.
We'll be using the day as a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable experience in the running of a full day at a TED Conference which we will use as a benchmark for the organisation of our "TEDxLoughborough" events in the future.
Location: LDS.0.18, Design School, Loughborough University
Time: 8.30am - 6.45pm
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Programme for the day:
» 8:30 – 8:45: Meet and introduction
8:45 – 10:15 Session 4: "Globality"
- Pankaj Ghemawat (Globalization Thinker)
- Robert Neuwirth (Author)
- Andreas Schleicher (Education Surveyor)
- Natasha Paremski (Pianist)
- Alex Salmond (First Minister of Scotland)
[BREAK 45 mins]
11:00 – 12:45 Session 5: "Shades of Openness"
- Malte Spitz (Politician and Data Activist)
- Ivan Krastev (Public intellectual)
- Gerard Senehi (Experimental Mentalist)
- Gabriella Coleman (Digital Anthropologist)
- Leslie T. Chang (Journalist)
- Neil Harbisson (Sonochromatic Cyborg Artist)
[BREAK 1 hour 30 mins]
2:15 – 4:00 Session 6: "Misbehaving Beautifully"
- Sarah Caddick (Neuroscientist and Policy Advisor)
- Read Montague (Behavioral Neuroscientist)
- Elyn Saks (Mental Health Law Scholar)
- Ruby Wax (Comedian and Mental Health Activist)
- Vikram Patel (Healthcare advocate)
Wayne McGregor (Dancer and Choreographer)
- Robert Legato (Visual Effects Guru)
[BREAK 1 hour]
5:00 – 6:45 Session 7: "Long Term"
- Vicki Arroyo (Environmental Policy Influencer)
- Jonathan Trent (Scientist and Biofuel Guru)
- Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (Cognitive Neuroscientist)
- Susan Solomon (Stem Cell Advocate)
- Jamie Drummond (Anti-poverty activist)
- Usman Riaz (Percussive Guitarist)
- Preston Reed (Revolutionary Guitarist)
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TEDGlobal -
TEDxLoughboroughLive -
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU
United Kingdom
- Event type:
- TEDGlobal2012 Simulcast (What is this?)