x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Thriving in the digital age

This event occurred on
April 27, 2024
Yaoundé, Centre

In our modern, fast-paced digital landscape, the prevalence of social media often promotes a culture of presenting idealized versions of ourselves, which can contribute to feelings of isolation and vulnerability. Embracing vulnerability and authenticity becomes essential to foster genuine human connections and personal development. Simultaneously, with rapid technological advancements and economic shifts, individuals must cultivate adaptable careers by embracing lifelong learning and resilience. This involves continuously acquiring new skills and remaining open to change to stay relevant in evolving industries. Additionally, organizations face the challenge of maintaining productivity amidst constant distractions. Prioritizing focus, mindfulness practices, and fostering meaningful collaboration can help create a supportive work environment that promotes productivity and well-being. By embracing imperfections, continuously developing skills, and nurturing authentic relationships, individuals and organizations can navigate the complexities of the digital age successfully, finding fulfillment, resilience in the face of uncertainty and To thrive in this digital age, we should embrace our strengths and weaknesses, keep learning, and build genuine connections with others.

Hotel Mont Fébé
Mont Fébé Yaoundé
1st flour
Yaoundé, Centre, 711
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Annie Djanga

Co-founder Terrific Coffee
Annie Djanga femme engagée dans les metiers du café à savoir la caféculture, la torréfaction et le metier de Barista est une jeune Camerounaise de 35ans mère de 5 enfants et épouse. Aprés l'obtention de son Baccalaureat d'elle poursuit. ses études à l'université de Douala oú elle a fait Biologie humaine et santé pendant 2 ans. C'est en 2017 qu'elle rejoint son époux dans l'entreprenariat et ensemble ils créent "Terrific Coffee" qui est une entreprise specialisé dans le café de spécialité. Annie Djanga est plus qu'une entrepreneure ; elle est une source d'inspiration pour tous ceux qui rêvent de combiner passion, engagement familial et succès professionnel.

Ayuk Etta

Founder and CEO Mountain Hub
He is a technology and sustainability entrepreneur with over a decade of experience building startups and enabling African innovation. As a venture builder and startup ecosystem architect, he is passionate about leveraging technology to accelerate sustainable development across Africa. He has founded multiple technology startups focused on creating positive environmental and social impact. Through his companies, he has built platforms and services that empower African entrepreneurs and connect them to markets, funding, and technical expertise. Ayuk believes technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability are vital tools to supercharge Africa’s growth strategically. He is committed to supporting African tech ventures, mentoring young founders, and cultivating collaborative ecosystems that unlock the continent's immense potential.

Curtis KAKEU

Founder and CEO Seed Innovation
Curtis KAKEU est un entrepreneur camerounais passionné par le développement de l'Afrique, engagé dans la lutte pour un meilleur accès aux ressources sur le continent. Sa vie est marquée par des épreuves qui ont forgé son caractère et défini son parcours. Devenu autodidacte en infographie, il lance sa première agence de création graphique dès le lycée, marquant ainsi le début de son aventure entrepreneuriale. En 2020, en pleine période de confinement en 2020, il lance CrunchFood, un réseau de distribution de repas qui permet à des milliers de personnes d'accéder facilement à la nourriture. Cette entreprise souligne son engagement à apporter une énergie positive et à soutenir les communautés face aux défis. Aujourd'hui, Curtis est le fondateur de SEED Innovation , promoteur de squares.cm et de la chaîne de restauration Crunch Food, qui sert plus de 20,000 clients. Curtis reste dévoué à son but ultime : permettre à chacun de s'épanouir, de rêver et de choisir librement son chemin.

Ethel Lehdufe

Professional in marketing and communication
Ethel Lehdufe is a professional in marketing and communication who specializes in researching problems that hinder the success and growth of enterprises, brands or individuals and proposes solutions to them. She doubles as a public speaker and motivational speaker who coaches and trains people to be the best version of themselves. She aspires to be a life and career coach so as to fulfill her purpose of helping people succeed in their career and life. Lehdufe, who enjoys observing enterprises and providing strategies, has after 5 years of experience prepared a presentation on the importance of different personalities for enterprise growth which she shares with us in this TEDx.

Franck Gérard KOM

General Manager Enterprise Business Unit - MTN Cameroon
Franck Gerard KOM, as the General Manager of MTN's Enterprise Business Unit, brings a wealth of expertise in digital technologies and management to his role. Throughout his career, he has been a driving force in advancing businesses across Cameroon into the digital era. Under Mr. KOM's leadership, MTN's Enterprise Business Unit has experienced remarkable growth, focusing on innovative digital solutions that enhance operational efficiency and foster competitiveness among businesses. His commitment to customer-centric approaches and pursuit of excellence are evident in his strategic initiatives, perfectly aligning with the theme of "Redefining Productivity: A New Era of Modern Work". During the event, Franck Gerard will share transformative insights that highlight the future of digital technologies and the critical role of technology leaders in shaping the business landscape. Attendees can anticipate gaining valuable perspectives from his extensive experience and visionary leadership.

Simon Patrice Minko'o Minko'o (KOPPO)

Koppo, de son véritable nom Simon Patrice Minko’o Minko’o, est un artiste rappeur, animateur radio et acteur camerounais. Il fait ses premiers pas dans la musique en 2003, et est le pionnier de la musique à texte en Camfranglais, argot camerounais qui est un mélange de français, d’anglais, de pidgin et de plusieurs langues locales. Son style musical est un mélange de Hip Hop et autres rythmes locaux. Son premier album intitulé Si tu vois ma go sorti en 2004 connait un énorme succès. Après 13 ans d'absence de la scène musicale, il revient en 2017 avec un single intitulé Gromologie. KOPPO signe son grand retour sur la scène discographique avec un nouvel album de 12 titres baptisé EBOTAN. L'artiste camerounais, plusieurs fois primé, à remporté la révélation musicale du Canal d'Or en 2004, révélation musicale Feux d’Artifice à la CRTV, révélation Hip Hop aux RTS Awards, lauréat 2015 du programme Visa pour la création soutenu par l’institut français, pour ne citer ceux ci.

Organizing team


Yaoundé, Cameroon

Souhad Noura

  • Marie Noella TETKA