St Georges Cologne Youth
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Embrace the Now

This event occurred on
May 17, 2024
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen

At TEDx St George's Cologne Youth: "Embrace the Now", we will explore together the power of living in the moment. In a world where we are too often either hung up on the past or preoccupied with the future, on the 17th of May we will learn how to take charge of our narratives, recognising that our planet and our lives are still full of possibility. By reshaping our present, we have the power to sculpt a brighter, more vibrant future. Are you ready to shift your perspective and unlock the boundless potential of the present?

St. George's - The British International School Cologne
Husarenstraße 20
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 50997
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­St ­Georges ­Cologne ­Youth events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alisha Perera

VI Form Student
Alisha Perera, a VI Form Student at St George's The British International School in Cologne, is passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the universe through physics. She aspires to a future in astrophysics and a career in space exploration. Beyond her interest in the cosmos, Alisha is deeply immersed in music, playing the piano and guitar, and honing her skills as a singer.

Beier Wang

VI Form Student
Beier Wang, a student at St George's The British International School in Cologne, hails from Dongguan, China, and is currently in sixth form. Moving to Germany at a young age presented challenges, including grappling with identity and facing ethnic discrimination. Learning about historical discriminatory laws, such as the federal ban on Chinese immigrants in America, fueled her determination to challenge unjust immigration policies like the Rwanda bill in the UK and Australia’s offshore policy. Drawing from her experiences in the school's mock trial club, Beier is eager to propose pragmatic solutions to combat contemporary discriminatory immigration laws.

Eleftherios Rizos

Head Prefect and VI Form Student
Eleftherios Rizos, Head Prefect at St George's The British International School in Cologne, has worn many hats – from leading the Model United Nations club to being an active member of both the cricket and volleyball teams. He has become adept at navigating chaos, whether managing his mother’s illness, organising conferences, orchestrating fundraisers, or staying on top of academics. This journey has equipped him with invaluable skills to tackle any challenge. He has developed a systematic approach to thriving amidst chaos, which he is excited to apply to his academic pursuits, his passion for engineering, and beyond.

Johanna-Friederike Schönfeld

Head Prefect and VI Form Student
In today's age, the discourse surrounding body language has surged in both debate and media attention. But perhaps in all this whirlwind of information, we have lost the true fundamentals: What can body language really do? Is this nothing but a quick fix? Is it the ultimate 5-minute hack? Join me on this new collective journey that I encourage you all to embark on to make your body language a part of who you are again. Using my own personal experiences of growing into my confidence as a backdrop for my narration, this talk will challenge existing perceptions of body language and invite us to see body language in a new light.

Konstantinos Matis

Prefect and VI Form Student
Konstantinos Matis is a Prefect at St George's The British International School in Cologne, who moved from Greece to Germany at the age of 8. His passion for global issues is evident in his contributions to the school newspaper and spirited debates at Model United Nations conferences. Grappling with a challenging language barrier in his early days in Germany, he persevered to become trilingual in English, German, and Greek, achieving the highest IGCSE score in Germany in 2023. While aiming for a future in the sciences, he remains deeply committed to fostering awareness of global issues.

Sania Sardari

Prefect and VI Form Student
Sania Sardari, a Prefect at St George's The British International School in Cologne, has roots in Iran and serves as Head of the St. George’s Cologne 'Moot Courts'. Sania is passionate about bioengineering, driven by a desire to combat hereditary diseases and explore the mysteries of life. Her interests span genetics, mathematics, physics, and biology. Outside academics, she enjoys expanding her horizons through diverse knowledge, nurturing her curiosity, and igniting her creativity.

Shriya Yedire

Prefect and VI Form Student
Shriya Yedire, a Prefect at St George's The British International School in Cologne, is in Year 12 and proudly represents her Indian heritage. She is the editor of both the yearbook and newspaper, channeling her passion for storytelling and creativity. Shriya is deeply involved in Classical Indian and Western dance and helps organize cultural events. Her interests include art, dance, interior design, culinary exploration, and fashion, with a focus on Indo-Western styles. Navigating life in Germany while cherishing her Indian roots, Shriya aims to champion multiculturalism and pursue her passion for medicine.

Sofia Finger

VI Form Student
Sofia Finger, a student at St George's The British International School in Cologne, is deeply passionate about spirituality and personal development. Since her early years, she has immersed herself in podcasts, videos, and various media dedicated to these subjects. Actively involved in committees advocating for sustainability, teaching at music clubs, editing yearbooks, and contributing to TEDx events, Sofia has used these platforms to explore and define her identity. Engaging in these activities has enriched her personally and broadened her perspective, transitioning from fear to eager curiosity and a desire to embrace new experiences.

Organizing team


Cologne, Germany

Sainz Lipscomb

  • Dalya Daglayan