x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 4, 2024
Yerevan, Erevan

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

ABGU Yerevan building
Melik Adamyan 2/2
Yerevan, Erevan, 0010
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Yerevan­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alla Pavlova

Founder of Z.G.EST, Advisor of CQ Impact Fund
As a founder of Z.G.EST - Sustainable Fashion Brand Alla has made an impact with the company's sustainability practices. She has made the first step in the development of sustainable business strategies in Armenia. Wearing her second hat Alla helps financial institutions and startups to grow and develop with her business development advisory services that is backed by her substantial background in commercial banking. Her efforts in establishing a Impact Fund for C-Quadrat Ampega Armenia underlie her dedication to backing social entrepreneurs and initiatives that generate positive social and environmental impacts. She is also an investment committee member at VIA fund by Impact Hub Armenia. Alla advocates the idea that responsible businesses can serve as a powerful vehicle for societal and economic advancement. Graduate of IE Business School and fluent in four languages, Alla possesses a comprehensive understanding of the global sustainability and business landscapes.

Artak Melkonyan

Senior Advisor for PE Finance and Funds at UNDP
Artak Melkonyan is currently a Senior Advisor on equity financing and funds at UNDP. He has 28 years of experience in business and economic development projects across over 40 countries. He held leadership roles in private equity, fintech, banking, venture philanthropy, and international organizations. He worked as an Adjunct Lecturer of Management at AUA. Mr. Melkonyan was the Aide to Senior Advisor to the President of Armenia. He currently leads a dedicated team at the UNDP, specializing in innovative impact finance solutions for businesses and private sector stakeholders to address the Sustainable Development Goals. He holds expertise in advising and mobilizing business support, funding, and investment structures on impact investing, ESG, and other sustainability approaches. He led multi-million dollar projects in impact investments, fintech, sustainable tourism, education, and the green economy. Mr. Melkonyan has spearheaded the development of impact venture accelerators globally.

Artak Shakaryan

Senior Program Manager at International Republican Institute
Artak Shakaryan is a Senior Program Manager at the International Republican Institute, inter alia supporting government reforms in strategic communication. He has 15 years of experience in the field that stretches from grassroots to national policy advocacy, from multi-country project management to multi-stakeholder collaboration on policy reforms. Notably, Artak served as the founding manager of the esteemed School for Young Leaders in Yerevan from 2006 to 2016. During his tenure, he spearheaded an innovative executive education program that empowered over 600 young adults and mid-career professionals. These individuals, now serving in prominent roles across various sectors, bear witness to the importance of transformative leadership and mentorship. Dr. Shakaryan is the author of three monographs as well as numerous academic and analytical articles on Ottoman history and Turkish foreign policy.

Asbed Kotchikian

Interim PSIA Program Chair, Associate Professor at AUA
Asbed Kotchikian has over 20 years of experience in curriculum development, program design, and management for local self-government strengthening. He is skilled in organizing international events, he excels in training on diplomacy, negotiation, and fostering dialogue. As lead researcher, he develops training materials on governance and civic engagement. From 2011 to 2019 Dr. Kotchikian was the academic coordinator of Armenia Higher Education Initiative which organized summer courses in social sciences and humanities methodology retraining for graduate students in Armenia focusing on students from universities outside of Yerevan. He currently works as an Interim PSIA Program Chair and Associate Professor Of Political Science & International Relations at AUA. He also acts as a freelance consultant in the Council of Europe. With expertise in electoral processes, he advocates for public sector reform and judicial system strengthening.

Nanna Skau

WFP Representative and Country Director in Armenia
With over 20 years in international relations, humanitarian and development, Nanna Skau has witnessed resilience worldwide - from those struggling to those finding solutions. She has interacted with presidents and hungry children, authored countless reports and speeches, and fostered innovative solutions like Lego videos for food security. Despite missing family moments, she has dedicated 15 years of her life to the UN World Food Programme, focusing on food access globally. Currently in Armenia, she’s driving transformative initiatives like school feeding and emergency support. Previously, she served in various capacities including as Head of Programme in Lao PDR and in DPR Korea. Prior roles include work with the European Commission Civil Protection Office and Humanitarian Aid Operations, and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her career spans coordination and aid efforts across Asia and beyond.

Nerses Yeritsyan

Director of the Information Systems Agency of Armenia
Nerses Yeritsyan is the Director of the Information Systems Agency of Armenia. He also serves as the Secretary of Armenia’s Information Systems Management Board. In this role, Mr. Yeritsyan oversees the creation of a Digital Society and Economy, an ambitious initiative to drive inclusive growth, enhance the provision of citizen-centric services to continuously improve the lives of people in Armenia. Mr. Yeritsyan was the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Armenia. After joining the Central Bank in 1993, he was the head of the Monetary Policy Department and founded the Financial Intelligence Unit, as well as served as Member of the Board. Mr. Yeritsyan has helped advance the Central Bank’s impact and led the implementation of analytical, organizational, and policymaking capabilities. Mr. Yeritsyan has served as the Minister of Economy of Armenia. He has also represented Armenia in several international organizations such as the World Bank, and International Monetary Fund.

Organizing team


Yerevan, Armenia


Yerevan, Armenia