x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Carpe Diem

This event occurred on
May 20, 2024
Robbinsville, New Jersey
United States

"Today, we will be hearing about 'Carpe Diem.' A Latin aphorism, it tells us something that we hear in many different languages, in many different ways - 'Seize the Day.' Now, you’ll all hear about the variety in which we can see 'Carpe Diem' in our lives shortly, but I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge how, although common in its meaning, there’s something special about 'Carpe Diem.' To me, what makes Carpe Diem interesting is the meaning behind it. The phrase is taken from the Roman poet Horace’s work, Odes, and the passage we find it from can be translated as such - 'This, that makes the Tyrrhene billows spend their strength against the shore. Strain your wine and prove your wisdom; life is short; should hope be more? In the moment of our talking, envious time has ebb'd away. Seize the day; trust tomorrow e'en as little as you may.' Now, I’m not going to ask you all to tell me what rhetorical choices Horace made to achieve his purpose or the like, but do consider for a moment - how much time do we waste waiting? How much time do we waste wondering, nervously, what will happen? How many things have we lost from simply fear? How many things have we lost because we believe our tomorrow selves will do better? Horace was an Epicurean, who believed in the pursuit of pleasure in life - but defined pleasure as being the absence of fear. How would we live, if we weren’t so afraid of ourselves in the moment, and were more afraid of the cowardice we may show tomorrow? I ask you, today, to consider four things throughout our talks and activities - the phrase, the passage, what Carpe Diem means to our presenters today, and what Carpe Diem means to you... Throughout this event, we'll hear from remarkable speakers who will share their ideas, experiences, and insights, and afterwards, we’ll be participating in activities presented by student led clubs and organizations in Robbinsville, together sparking conversations to create change amongst us. But let's not forget that the true magic of TEDx lies within each of you – your questions, your perspectives, and your willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue. Today, we will find TED’s mission achieved as we look at 'Idea’s Worth Sharing,' in an event designed by our community for our community, which is the beauty of TEDx." - Anamitra Kugapalan, Head Organizer, Opening Remarks

Robbinsville High School
155 Robbinsville Edinburgh Road
Robbinsville, New Jersey, 08691
United States
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­R­H­S events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Dr. Sujanthy Rajaram

Critical Care Physician, Medical Director, Professor of Medicine
Dr. Sujanthy Rajaram is Critical Care Physician, Medical Director and Professor of Medicine. She has specialized in Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine and Sleep Medicine. An experienced doctor, researcher and educator, she has over 100 medical publications and wrote 2 medical books in Critical Care procedures and Covid 19. Married to a doctor and a mother of 3 adult children, she has spent time in volunteer community service and medical education in the USA and Sri Lanka.

Dylan Carmignani

Senior at Robbinsville High School
Dylan Carmignani is currently a senior at Robbinsville High School. He will be attending North Carolina State University and plans on majoring in Sport Management with a minor in Business Administration. Dylan is coming to the end of his two year tenure as a Flock Master and will be speaking about the school culture at RHS.

Elan Ronen

Senior at Robbinsville High School
Eric Steinberg and Elan Ronen are the captains of the RHS Improv Team, which has performed for hundreds of people across performances boasting over 20 performing members this past year. Elan and Eric have also received a Superior for Improvisational Pairs at the New Jersey Thespian Festival, the highest rank in the category. Elan will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall, majoring in Computer Science.

Eric Steinberg

Senior at Robbinsville High School
Eric Steinberg and Elan Ronen are the captains of the RHS Improv Team, which has performed for hundreds of people across performances boasting over 20 performing members this past year. Elan and Eric have also received a Superior for Improvisational Pairs at the New Jersey Thespian Festival, the highest rank in the category. Eric is attending American University in the fall, majoring in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government.

Mayor David Fried

Mayor and Director of Public Safety of Robbinsville, NJ
Currently serving his fifth term as mayor and Director of Public Safety for Robbinsville as elected in 2021, Mayor Fried has been successful in transforming Robbinsville into a thriving municipality. During his tenure, property values have increased, and the sale price of existing homes has risen by more than 25 percent. He has focused on economic development through ratables and shared services, attracting Fortune 500 companies and fostering community service. Mayor Fried has also prioritized preserving open space and limiting new residential housing to control school enrollment and municipal taxes. Additionally, he has been recognized for his efforts in embracing individuals with special needs and fighting the opioid epidemic through his formation of the C.A.R.E Program. On the business front, Mayor Fried is the CEO of PayDay Payroll, providing integrated payroll and human resources management services.

Mrs. Pooja Mehta

Immigration Lawyer
Attorney Pooja Mehta is a solo-practitioner in New Jersey with a federal immigration practice. As a first generation immigrant herself, she understands the complicated obstacles that are presented during the immigration process, and works with her clients to meet their needs. She is the recipient of the prestigious “Who’s Who in America” award in 2023 and has been recognized by many media outlets for her immigration knowledge. She is a resident of Robbinsville, NJ, where she raises her young family.

Ria Sharma

Junior at Robbinsville High School
Ria Sharma is a junior who has participated in clubs such as the Raven Report and RAADA club as well as the Honors societies at RHS. Outside of school, whatever leisure time she can grasp is spent doing things she enjoys - playing video games, spending time with her family, laughing with her friends, or taking well deserved naps after AP exams.

Organizing team


  • Aditi Bohre
  • Christiana Rosica
  • Neha Kunnumpurath
  • Simren Madhusudhan