x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Empowerment: Empower your Voice, Inspire Change

This event occurred on
April 25, 2024
Richmond Hill, Ontario

The spring empowerment event serves as a call to action for our community and beyond. Join us for an incredible experience that explores the intersections of personal empowerment and the profound impact of an individual's voice on the world. Our goal is to create a space where students and teachers can share their passions in the hope of inspiring others to make change. Empowering others can feel daunting but this event will be curated to make sure everyone has a safe space to express themselves. This event will recognize that we can empower ourselves as well as others and how both are inevitable in creating change.

Holy Trinity School
11300 Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4S 1L4
Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4S 1L4
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Holy­Trinity­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alysha Aziz

The Path to Wellness
Hi everyone, I’m Alysha! I am a student in grade 11 and I’m one of the speakers for TEDEd’s Empowerment event. Having been part of the club since grade 9 and now as president, I’m really excited to share my talk with everyone! I’ll be talking about wellness and taking autonomy over your own mental health. I’m super excited that this is our first charitable event and can’t wait to see you all there!

Esha Sharma

My name is Esha and I am one of the April speakers for the Empowerment TEDEd Event. I am a grade 12 student at HTS and I love reading, theatre, and sneakers. For my TED Talk, I wanted to share a personal story with everyone to push through the message that we all bring something valuable to the table and show ways to embrace who you are as an individual and consistently achieve self growth. I am so excited to be a part of the April Empowerment TEDEd event and hope to see you all there!

James Knowles

How AI Will Empower Humanity
My name is James and I am one of the April empowerment speakers! I’m a grade 12 student and I love getting active and also learning new things. My Ted talk will be about how artificial intelligence can empower our society. With a lot of talk about doom and gloom around AI I wanted to spark a glimmer of hope that we indeed will only be empowered by this new technology.

Julia Parry

Myth of Post-Feminism
Hello everyone! I’m Julia, and I’m thrilled to be speaking at the TEDEd Empowerment event. As someone passionate about gender equality and social justice, I’ll address a prevalent misconception today: the belief that feminism is no longer relevant. Despite significant progress, pervasive inequalities and injustices persist for women in various spheres of life. In my talk, I aim to debunk this misconception by shedding light on women's ongoing struggles. I hope you enjoy it!

Kelly Zhao

The Obstacle = The Solution
Hi everyone! I’m Kelly and I am one of the speakers for the TEDEd Empowerment event. I am currently in grade 11, and I’ve grown to love art, music, film, and wellness. As my second talk with the HTS TEDEd club, I want to talk about how to turn your problems into stepping stones toward your goals. Everyone is faced with struggles in their everyday lives, so it’s important we let these struggles empower us rather than tear us down. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the April event!

Organizing team


Richmond Hill, ON, Canada


Richmond Hill, ON, Canada
  • Alysha Aziz
  • Serena Moledina