x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
February 17, 2024
10:00am - 10:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Vallendar, Rheinland-Pfalz

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Vallendar, Rheinland-Pfalz, 56179
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Christopher Kabakis

He brings everything together now in his work of designing and facilitating the personal development programs at Evolute. His great interest lies in integrating innovative modalities such as psychedelics as well as certain forms of presence-based mindfulness, relational attunement and somatics into his coaching and process work. Back in the old days, Christopher obtained a Masters Degree in Business and Economics from WHU (D2005), was a scholarship recipient of Heinrich-Böll Foundation, lived and worked in Sweden, Italy, Spain and Japan and did Ph.D.-level studies at HEC Montreal, Canada. He teaches regularly at ESCP Europe in different programs (EMBA, EMDIEL, MSIE).

Dr. Jan Christoph Bublitz

Dr. Christoph Bublitz is a legal scholar at the University of Hamburg, working at the intersection of criminal law, legal philosophy, and psychology. He studied law and cultural studies in Hamburg and Cape Town, has led several international interdisciplinary research projects and won several academic awards for his work. One of his main research interests concerns the regulation of the human mind, i.e. the ethical and legal norms about changing our own minds and those of others. At the moment, he is a PI of an international group that examines ethical and legal questions of the merging of human minds with neurotechnology and artificial intelligence, and he will share some of the fascinating topics arising in this work in his Tedx talk.

Frank Bilstein

Frank graduated from WHU nearly 30 years ago. After a successful consulting career, he transitioned to philanthropy. As an enthusiastic journal writer for 15 years, Frank stumbled upon the journals of his great-grandfather, a co-owner of a major textile company a century ago. Intrigued, he embarked on a journey to uncover the timeless lessons encapsulated in those writings, forming the basis of his talk at TEDxWHU.

Lanna Idriss

Lanna Idriss is the CEO of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit HGFD e.V., taking on the role of managing an international non-profit organisation helping children in need in over 130 countries. Her educational background includes studies in Political Science, Islamic Studies, Administrative Law, and Economic Sciences. She has founded multiple non-profit associations, focusing on the equal participation of women and the promotion of intercultural cooperation in and with the Near and Middle East. Since 2022, Lanna Idriss is the CEO of SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit HGFD e.V. Ms. Idriss is recognized as an expert in leadership management in non-government organizations, sexism in the world of work, diversity, organisational development, and socially responsible economic systems. Her work and extensive experience as CEO of SOS-Kinderdörfer and founder of non-profit organizations set the basis for her TEDx Talk, diving into the world of humanitarian aid worldwide.

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Rubeis studied philosophy in Vienna and Tübingen. He received his PhD from the University of Tübingen and his habilitation from Heidelberg University. Since 2021, Prof. Rubeis is a professor and Head of the Division of Biomedical and Public Health Ethics at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences in Krems, Austria. In his research, Prof. Rubeis focuses on the ethical aspects of digitalization in healthcare. He has published extensively on ethical implications of medical AI in clinical medicine, mental health care, and nursing. His monography Ethics of Medical AI will be published by Springer in spring 2024. Prof. Rubeis is a member of the German Academy of Ethics in Medicine (AEM) and co-founder and coordinator of the AEM working group “Digitalization and Health”. He also works as an ethics advisor for biotech companies.

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sproesser

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sproesser leads the department of Health Psychology at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, since 2022. In 2012 she finished her Ph.D. in the department of Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology at the University of Konstanz, Germany, where she afterwards worked as a postdoctoral researcher until 2022. She received a degree in Psychology from the University of Tübingen, Germany, in 2007. Her research targets psychological influences on health and health behavior with a focus on eating psychology. Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sproesser regularly publishes her research in international scientific journals and collaborates with researchers from more than ten countries. She has received several awards for her work, such as the Early Career Award of the European Health Psychology Society, and has held several scientific leadership positions. For instance, currently she is president of the Health Psychology Division in the German Psychological Society.

Prof. Dr. med. Detlef E. Dietrich

He has been working as a Professor of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. After his studies in medicine at the Hanover Medical School, he has been recognized as a specialist in Psychiatry and consultant in the department for Clinical Psychiatry since 1995. His research focused on neurophysiological aspects of emotion/cognition coupling processes and biological factors as well as the treatment of affective disorders. In 2006 he became a Member of the Center for Systems Neuroscience Hanover. Since 2004 Representative of the “European Depression Association” (EDA) and Coordinator of the European Depression Day (EDD) in Germany. Since 2017 Member of a psychiatric expert panel in Lower Saxony, Germany, and since 2018 member of the Scientific Committee of the European Medical Association (EMA). Today he is Executive Medical Director of the AMEOS Klinikum Hildesheim & Hameln, Germany.

Sebastian Breuer

Sebastian Breuer embraces a life beyond the comfort zone, constantly pursuing ambitious goals to ward off stagnation. His journey is a daily canvas for self-improvement, marked by a dedication to challenging the seemingly impossible. Life, training, and competition become an extraordinary adventure under Sebastian's approach. With two decades devoted to high-level competitive sports, Sebastian has achieved a significant milestone by clinching victories in the German and European mountain bike championships. Additionally, he conquered the formidable 750-kilometer Badlands, a grueling 43-hour non-stop desert race in the Spanish Sierra Nevada. As an ultra-race and high-performance athlete, Sebastian recognizes the necessity of taking risks and stepping outside the comfort zone. Whether navigating a snowstorm in Kirghistan during an ultra-endurance race or conquering uncharted territories. Stay tuned to discover more about the catalysts that drive Sebastian Breuer's extraordinary journey.

Organizing team


Vallendar, Germany

Quang Phu Tung

Vallendar, Germany