Concord College Youth
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Symmetry Breaking

This event occurred on
October 21, 2023
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
United Kingdom

What happens when symmetry shatters? Imagine the cosmic ripples from quantum fluctuations seeding the universe with anisotropies. These irregularities grew into the structures we see today. Symmetry breaking brought forth the fundamental forces and particles that shape our world.

In a world that often seems governed by balance and order, the most profound moments arise when we disrupt the status quo, breaking the symmetry that defines our lives. Concord College brings to the forefront a series of narratives that challenge, redefine, and reshape these very symmetries.

From the confines of societal expectations to the raw and intricate layers of personal emotions, "Symmetry Breaking" endeavors to explore the myriad facets of our existence. Every speaker steps onto the stage, bringing their unique experiences, beliefs, and perspectives, aiming to shed light on the asymmetries that shape and enrich our world.

At every moment, our lives are intertwined with numerous dichotomies: the balance between law and justice, the contrast of life and death, the delicate dance between vulnerability and identity..... While some of these dichotomies are evident, others lurk beneath the surface, subtly influencing our actions, thoughts, and feelings. "Symmetry Breaking" seeks to unearth and examine these hidden contrasts, offering attendees a chance to reflect, resonate, and perhaps even redefine their own perspectives.

This event is not just an exploration of individual experiences but a collective journey. As our speakers delve into topics ranging from the transformative power of facing fears to the intricacies of modern art, they urge us to question, to challenge, and to embrace the asymmetries that make us unique.

In a rapidly evolving world, where the line between tradition and innovation often blurs, understanding and embracing these breaks in symmetry becomes paramount. Through "Symmetry Breaking," Concord College invites you to join this intellectual expedition, celebrating the beauty of diversity, the power of perspective, and the endless possibilities that arise when we dare to break free.

Join us for a day of enlightenment, introspection, and inspiration. Let's embark on a journey through the asymmetries of life, discovering the myriad ways they shape, influence, and enrich our world. We venture beyond symmetrical precipices, exploring new phases made possible when perfection fractures. Join us at TEDxConcordCollege!

Concord College
Concord College
Acton Burnell Hall, Acton Burnell
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 7PF
United Kingdom
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Concord ­College ­Youth events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anna-Elizabeth Yaneva

Concord Student
Anna-Elizabeth Yaneva is a 6.1 student at Concord College with a deep-seated passion for exploring the intricacies of mental health and personal growth. Since joining Concord, her enthusiasm has gravitated towards the realm of Artificial Intelligence, particularly its intertwining with human consciousness. This burgeoning interest is not merely academic; Anna-Elizabeth envisions pioneering a tech startup that seamlessly melds AI with thought-provoking gaming experiences. At the core of her beliefs lies the idea that our self-perception and the benchmarks we set for our actions play a pivotal role in sculpting our reality. This philosophy underscores her approach to life, allowing her to manifest her aspirations in tangible, day-to-day actions. Anna-Elizabeth's insatiable curiosity and unending quest for knowledge have been the cornerstones in molding her worldview, influencing not just her academic pursuits, but also her interpersonal relationships and professional aspirations.

Dallon Chon

Concord Student
Dallon, Chon Ka Chon, hails from Macau, where his formative years in education began. This foundation paved the way for his transfer to Concord College in the 10th grade. After his commendable achievement of completing his GCSEs, Dallon is now embarking on his 6.1 journey. Beyond academics, he is the distinguished Head of the Psychology Society at Concord, showcasing his profound interest in the realm of the human psyche. Dallon's upcoming talk promises to be both enlightening and deeply personal. Drawing from his own experiences, he will share insights from his time playing hard, an endeavor that profoundly shaped his perspectives on gender norms. Through his narrative, Dallon aims to challenge traditional beliefs, fostering a dialogue about the fluidity of gender roles and the importance of breaking free from societal constraints.

Hayden Chan

Concord Student
Hayden is an impassioned enthusiast of both science and mathematics, two fields that challenge and intrigue the mind. With a natural inclination towards analytical thinking and problem-solving, He delves deeply into complex theories, equations, and experiments. Whether it's exploring the vast intricacies of the universe or breaking down intricate mathematical problems, his dedication is evident. This ardor for knowledge drives Hayden to continuously seek new frontiers in these disciplines, always eager to learn more and push the boundaries of understanding. Outside of academic pursuits, Hayden enjoys engaging in discussions with like-minded individuals, sharing insights and discoveries, and fostering a community of curious minds. Through this journey, he hope to contribute to the ever-evolving tapestry of scientific and mathematical knowledge, making a lasting impact in these fields.

Ivan Panfilovich

Young Entrepreneur & Concord Alumni
Ivan, a dynamic young entrepreneur, embarked on his business journey at the tender age of 14, launching his inaugural venture with zeal. This early start was just the beginning for him, as he subsequently initiated three more diverse projects. Among his ventures, the game 'Shelter' stands out as a testament to Ivan's ingenuity and dedication. With its enthralling gameplay and user-friendly interface, 'Shelter' has garnered immense acclaim, racking up close to 2 million downloads on both the App Store and Google Play. This remarkable achievement not only highlights Ivan's commitment to delivering quality but also positions him as a rising star in the entrepreneurial realm.

Jiji & Darasimi

Concord Students
As Year 12 students at Concord College, Jiji and Darasimi are fueled by a fervent curiosity and a strong desire to delve into the profound intricacies of human emotions and experiences. Jiji and Darasimi's passion have led them to the TEDxConcordCollege Youth event, where they aim to shed light on the profound topics of loss, grief, and the intricate web of social ties. Through this platform, they hope to engage with their peers, share personal insights, and foster a deeper understanding of these universal themes that touch us all. They believe that by exploring these subjects, we can come together, find solace, and build stronger bonds in our community.

Justine Cheung

Concord Student
Justine Cheung is currently a dedicated 6.1 student at Concord College. For her upcoming talk, she has chosen to delve into the intricate world of law, a field she aspires to study further in her academic future. Communication and the art of connecting with others resonate deeply with Justine. This affinity has spurred her curiosity about the juxtaposition between the standardized, seemingly impersonal legal system and the unique, individualistic narratives of people's lives. While the vastness of this topic offers myriad avenues of exploration, Justine has astutely zeroed in on the concept of legal literacy. She believes that understanding the legal system is not just a matter of professional interest but a personal imperative, given its far-reaching implications in our daily lives. Through her talk, Justine aims to highlight the importance of legal literacy and its growing relevance as we navigate the complexities of adulthood.

Nicole Fung

Concord Student
In a world that often stigmatizes mental health challenges, Nicole believes it is essential to reframe our perspectives, especially for teenagers. Her talk will shed light on the hidden benefits that can emerge from the struggle. Drawing from her own experiences and extensive research, Nicole will delve into the profound ways in which these challenges can shape us youths for the better. Join her talk at TedxYouth@ConcordCollege! Together, we will unlock the potential for personal growth and transformation that can arise from our struggles with mental health.

Nicole Wong

Concord Student
Nicole is a 6.2 student studied at Concord College. Throughout her academic journey, she has been privileged to share several profound insights, centering her discourse on human rights, the unfortunate reality of miscarriages of justice, and the undercurrents of societal challenges that often go unnoticed. Reflecting on various legal cases, Nicole often finds herself pondering the intricate interplay between human rights and miscarriages of justice. Through a careful examination of real-life legal cases, she highlights the often conflicting nature of human rights and justice missteps. Nicole's ultimate goal is not just to spotlight the laws, but to amplify the internal societal issues that, in her opinion, have a more profound impact on shaping our world. Through her insights, she aspires to champion the cause of human rights and draw attention to the areas that need urgent redressal.

Selena Chan

Concord Student
Selena is a 17-year-old college student hoping to inspire others to break free from restrictive labels. As a social media influencer in China, she always receive comments or direct messages from teenagers or young adults asking my definition of ‘a successful person’ and how we can achieve that. However, Selena always believes we just cannot capture the complexity of human in a single sentence and let labels define who are are. The experience inspired her to think about how people today try to confine themselves to specific labels, and how we can improve the situation. Being a Hong Kong residence studying in the UK recently, Selena has experienced the power of getting rid of labels and achieve personal growth. By sharing personal stories and making use of her identity as a social media influencer who can interact with teenagers across diverse background, she aim to empower individuals of all ages to make use of, not restricted by, labels and embrace our full potential.

Shiza Waseem

Concord Student
Shiza Waseem, a vibrant 15-year-old, is currently pursuing her GCSEs at Concord College, UK. As an Art GCSE student, she has supplemented her school studies with external classes, gaining a deeper understanding of the evolution of art and the transformative role of the once traditional blank canvas. In her talk, Shiza intends to weave her personal art experiences, shedding light on her relationship with the blank canvas and its symbolic journey in the art world. Beyond the canvas, Shiza's curiosity extends to human biology and psychology, always eager to unravel the mysteries of the human brain and the intricacies of thought processes.

Organizing team


Shrewsbury, United Kingdom


  • Noah Murray
  • yixin HE