x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 進化 Progress

This event occurred on
October 7, 2023
京都市左京区北白川瓜生山, Kyôto

2023年10月7日(土)、今年も京都芸術劇場春秋座をメインステージに、TEDˣKUA (KUAはKyoto University of the Artsの略)が開催されます!

"On Saturday, October 7, 2023, TEDˣKUA (KUA stands for Kyoto University of the Arts) will be held once again, with the Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza as the main stage!
This year, we aim to see how much we have 'evolved' from last year's theme of 'Adventure and Experimentation'. Continuing from last year, a variety of speakers will showcase their respective ideas. We would be delighted to spread the ideas of the world to Kyoto, and furthermore, from Kyoto to the world through the power of art!"

Kyoto Art Theater Shunju-za
京都市左京区北白川瓜生山, Kyôto, 606-8271
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­K­U­A events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


アーティスト/ Artist
チャールズ・リンゼイは、時間、テクノロジー、生態系、および記号論に関するアイディアを統合したインターメディアアーティストです。彼は宇宙から回収された衛星や航空関連およびバイオテック機器から彫刻、音響設置、静止画と動画、技術機器を制作された彫刻など、没収品を使用した作品を制作しています。チャールズはグッゲンハイムフェローであり、SETI研究所のアーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラムの創設者でもあります。彼は現在、京都の禅寺で意識研究に従事しており、特にAIを進化の義肢としての視点で研究しています。 Charles Lindsay is an intermedia artist whose work synthesizes ideas about time, technology, eco-systems and semiotics. He creates immersive environments, sound installations, still and moving pictures, sculptures built from salvaged aerospace and bio-tech equipment. Charles is a Guggenheim Fellow and founder of SETI AIR, the SETI Institute’s Artists in Residence Program. He is currently engaged in consciousness research at Ryosoku-in Zen temple in Kyoto — with a focus on Ai as a prosthetic evolutionary liberator.

Katsuji SUZUKI

教育者/ Educator
For 38 years, while working as a public middle school language teacher, they also ran a modern version of a "Terakoya" (a traditional Japanese private school in the Edo period), where they fostered love for the local community and moral values. This activity has gained a good reputation and led to numerous speaking engagements across the country. 38年間公立中学の国語教諭をしながら自身でも現代版寺子屋を主宰し、地元愛や道徳心を育む活動を行なってきた活動が評判を呼び全国での講演活動多数。


Originally from Wakayama Prefecture, Miyu Kawabata is a well-known figure in her profession. She is an artist who is actively engaged on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Adhering to her unique worldview and proactively pursuing her activities, she enjoys immense popularity among Generation Z. Additionally, she is popular among housewives with young children, gathering a lot of sympathy for her unique way of life. It wasn't that she was mentally strong from the beginning, but she has reached this point through her efforts and realizations. The secrets behind her strong and flexible core will be revealed in her first appearance at a talk event on the TEDxKUA stage. 和歌山県出身。 YouTubeやTikTok、Instagramで精力的に活動しているアーティスト。 独自の世界観を貫き、積極的に活動する彼女は、Z世代に絶大な人気を誇ります。 また若い子供を持つ主婦にも人気があり、彼女の個性的な生き方に多くの共感が集まります。 初めからメンタルが強かった訳でもなく、彼女の努力と気づきでここまでやってこれたと言います。彼女の持っている芯の強さやしなやかさの秘密が、トークイベント初出演のTEDxKUAのステージで明かされます。


コミュニケーション・デザイナー/Communication Designer
A researcher who explores the individuality of people and the meaning of their existence through unique hypotheses. Despite struggling to read text due to dyslexia, on the other hand, they are acclaimed for their ability to profoundly affect the human soul and genetics through their spoken words. Leveraging their background as a scriptwriter, they currently conduct thousands of individual sessions and also engage in public speaking and consulting for businesses, all from the perspective of "expression," focusing on people's talents and individuality. 人の個性と生まれた意味を独自の仮説で探求する研究者。 ディスレクシアで文字を読むのが苦手なのだが、反面、発する言葉からは、人類の魂と遺伝子を震撼させると評される。 現在は演出脚本家の経歴を活かし、人の才能や個性を「表現」という観点から、これまで数千人の個人セッション実績のほか、講演や、企業のコンサルタントも行なっている。

Organizing team


Kobe/Kyoto, Japan


KYOTO, Japan