x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
March 31, 2024
shanghai, Shanghai

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

shanghai Culture squre
No. 597, Fuxing Middle Road, Huangpu District
shanghai, Shanghai, 20000
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Acky北村彰英& DA.SWITCH电门

ChatGPT Acky北村彰英是日本Popping(震感舞)的元老,舞龄已达26年,同时也是Fab5的创始人,曾是3D CREW和O.G.S的成员。自2001年起,他往返于中日两国,推广Popping,被中国街舞界誉为中日街舞文化亲善大使,许多中国一线舞者都是他的学生。他是亚洲人第一次在美国拿下街舞冠军的人,获得了2002年洛杉矶“Bboy-Summit”世界大赛的冠军,并且在世界顶级街舞赛事中赢得了7次Old School Night冠军以及50余次其他世界顶级街舞赛事的冠军,是全球Popping battle获奖最多、荣誉最多的Popping舞者之一。近年来,他因出演综艺节目《这就是街舞》而为圈外大众所熟知。 DA.SWITCH电门是中国顶尖POPPING联队OUROBOROS CREW的队长,在上海创办了D.FACTORY舞蹈工作室,致力于培养中国舞者的新生力量,传承舞蹈文化,并希望能够团结全球POPPING力量,认为舞者天下一家。他参加了上百场比赛,拥有丰富的舞蹈实战经验,并经常在各个国家参与舞蹈活动,曾代表中国国家队参加KOD世界杯,并多次参与综艺节目。他致力于培养新舞者,投入大量精力在自己的D厂。

Chenyu Dong

Chengyu Dong is a lecturer at the School of Journalism, Renmin University of China, specializing in platform society and digital ethnography. He has published over ten papers in SSCI and CSSCI indexed journals. His paper "Being a Streamer: A Digital Ethnography of Relational Labor" won the National Journalism and Communication Excellent Paper Award in 2021. He also offers a course on communication studies on the Dedao APP and runs a popular account, Chengyu Dong RUC, on Bilibili, dedicated to the popularization of communication studies. 董晨宇,中国人民大学新闻学院讲师,研究方向为平台社会、数码民族志。在SSCI、CSSCI目录期刊中发表论文十余篇,其中《做主播:一项关系劳动的数码民族志》获得2021年全国新闻传播学优秀论文奖。在得到APP开设《董晨宇的传播学课》,在哔哩哔哩开设账号董晨宇RUC,致力于传播学的科普。

Dunyu Shi

1952年出生于敦煌莫高窟,是首批敦煌学者后人之中第一个在莫高窟降生的孩子,由常书鸿先生起名为史敦宇。自幼跟随父亲史苇湘、母亲欧阳琳两位敦煌学专家出入洞窟,在莫高窟学习绘画和临摹敦煌壁画,并得到了常书鸿、段文杰等先辈大师的指导和传授。作为在敦煌莫高窟生活、学习、成长起来的一代人,史敦宇常年浸润在敦煌学专家和复原大师的文化圈里,汲取了先辈各专家、大师们的艺术营养,逐渐形成了自我的艺术风格和特点。 Shi Dunyun was born in 1952 in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang. She is the first child of descendants of the pioneering Dunhuang scholars to be born in the caves. She was named Shi Dunyu by Mr. Chang Shuhong. From an early age, she accompanied her father, Shi Weixiang, and her mother, Ouyang Lin, both Dunhuang art experts, in and out of the caves, learning painting and copying Dunhuang murals. She received guidance and teachings from predecessors such as Chang Shuhong and Duan Wenjie. As a member of the generation who grew up living, studying, and maturing in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang, Shi Dunyun spent years immersed in the cultural circle of Dunhuang studies and restoration masters, absorbing artistic nourishment from predecessors and gradually forming her own artistic style and characteristics.

Hu Li

李虎,国际知名先锋建筑师。OPEN建筑事务所创始合伙人,哈佛大学设计研究生院丹下健三教席客座教授,清华大学及中央美院建筑学院特聘设计导师。曾任美国斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所合伙人,以及美国哥伦比亚大学GSAPP北京建筑中心(Studio-X)负责人。他于1996年取得清华大学建筑学学士学位,1998年取得美国莱斯大学建筑学硕士学位。 李虎与黄文菁在纽约共同创立OPEN,并于2008年成立北京工作室。OPEN的代表作品包括:UCCA沙丘美术馆、山谷音乐厅、烟台时光塔、上海油罐艺术中心、苏州山峰书院、上海青浦平和双语学校、深圳坪山大剧院、清华大学海洋中心、北京四中房山校区、歌华营地体验中心等。这些作品在国内外赢得了广泛的关注和认可,荣获了亚建协建筑奖金奖、亚洲最具影响力设计大奖、欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖、WA中国建筑奖优胜奖、中国建筑学会创作奖金奖、美国AIA国际设计奖最高荣誉奖、英国AR未来建筑奖、德国标志性设计奖最佳建筑奖等一系列重要奖项。 Li Hu is an internationally renowned avant-garde architect. He is the founding partner of OPEN Architecture, a visiting professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design occupying the Kenzo Tange Chair, and a distinguished design mentor at Tsinghua University and the School of Architecture at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He previously served as a partner at Steven Holl Architects in the United States and as the head of the Columbia University GSAPP Beijing Architecture Center (Studio-X). He earned his Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University in 1996 and his Master's degree in Architecture from Rice University in the United States in 1998. Li Hu co-founded OPEN in New York with Huang Wenjing and established the Beijing studio in 2008. OPEN's notable works include the UCCA Dune Art Museum, the Valley Music Hall, the Yantai Time Tower, the Shanghai Tank Art Center, the Suzhou Mountain Peak Academy, the Shanghai Qingpu Pinghe Bilingual School, the Ping Shan Grand Theater in Shenzhen, the Tsinghua University Marine Center, the Beijing No. 4 High School Fangshan Campus, and the Gehua Camp Experience Center, among others. These projects have garnered widespread attention and recognition both domestically and internationally, earning numerous prestigious awards such as the Golden Award of Architectural Society of China (ASC), the Asia's Most Influential Design Award, the European Prize for Architectural Culture, the WA China Award, the Gold Award of Architectural Society of China (ASC), the AIA International Design Award - Highest Honor, the AR Future Project Award, and the German Iconic Awards - Best of Best, among others.

Huishuang Cao

曹会双,曾在山东莱芜某矿业公司,当过25年的泵工。因为坚信“文艺这条路,一岁年龄一岁心,得慢慢来”,所以,从90年代开始坚持写作,至今原创作品300 余万字,在各类报刊中共发表 30 余万字。 是对文字的热爱,让她几十年如一日在持续进行文学创作。 Cao Huishuang, who once worked as a pump operator for 25 years at a mining company in Laiwu, Shandong Province, China. She firmly believed that "the path of literature and art progresses with age, and must be taken slowly." Therefore, she began writing in the 1990s and has since penned over 3 million words of original works, with more than 300,000 words published in various newspapers and magazines. It is her love for writing that has kept her engaged in literary creation consistently for decades.

Kapil Kane

Kapil Kane is currently the Director of Innovation at Intel where he’s responsible for discovery, incubation and launch of cutting-edge technologies. Over the past 20 years, Kapil has helped design & launch world-class products at the intersection of design & technology. Creator of the first multi-touch screen at Apple, he went on to lead product design on iPod, MacBook, iMac & eventually the iPad. Kapil has deep expertise in areas of technology, design & innovation and regularly advises startups, leading startup accelerators, universities & NGOs around the world. His work at Intel has been the subject of a popular case study being taught in MBA classes at CEIBS, the Asia’s #1 business school. Kapil’s work on corporate innovation has featured in top- tier academic publications by the likes of MIT and Harvard and featured in best- selling books like “Gorillas can Dance”. Born & brought up in the tiny seaside province of Goa in India, Kapil completed his bachelors degree in National Institute of Technology, India & went on to receive a masters in mechanical engineering & design from Stanford University in California, eventually finding his way back to Asia in Shanghai, China where he has been living with his family for the past 16 years.

lei cai

Cai Lei is a fighter against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and a serial entrepreneur who has served as a senior executive in large corporate groups. After being diagnosed with ALS, Cai Lei initiated a series of world-shocking actions to combat ALS over a period of more than four years: he established the world's largest ALS research data platform centered on patients' full life cycle, connecting over ten thousand patients; he led and called for the voluntary donation of bodies and spinal cord tissues from thousands of people, driving the establishment of China's ALS pathology research sample bank from scratch; he collaborated with BGI Group and the Supercomputing Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to construct and analyze a large-scale open gene bank for ALS patients, achieving new discoveries in genetic causation research; he established large-scale research sample platforms including patient blood and cerebrospinal fluid proteomics, metabolomics, hair heavy metal analysis, iPSC differentiation into motor neurons, ALS-like organs, etc.; Cai Lei's team accelerated pre-clinical and clinical trials rapidly through data systems and collaboration with various parties, and has developed and promoted over a hundred ALS drug pipelines. Cai Lei is also a promoter of electronic invoices in China, the author of the bestselling book "Believe" with two million copies sold, the initiator of the second Ice Bucket Challenge, the founder of the ALS Charitable Trust, and the founder of the "Cai Lei Breaking Ice Relay Station" live e-commerce platform. Through this entrepreneurial endeavor of "challenging the impossible," he has not only brought hope for life-saving treatment to half a million ALS patients but also conveyed warmth and inspiring power to people in distress. 蔡磊是渐冻症抗争者,也是一名连续创业者,曾长期担任大型集团企业高管。蔡磊在确诊渐冻症后,在四年多的时间里发起了一系列震惊世界的攻克渐冻症行动:他建立了世界最大的以患者为中心360度全生命周期的渐冻症科研数据平台,并链接了超过一万名患者;带头并呼吁千人志愿遗体和脑脊髓组织捐献,从0到1推动建立了中国的渐冻症病理科研样本库;携手华大集团、中科院超算中心进行渐冻症患者规模化开放基因库建设和分析,目前已经实现基因层面病因研究的新发现;建立大规模的患者血液和脑脊液蛋白组学、代谢组学、毛发重金属分析、iPSC分化运动神经元、ALS类器官等科研样本平台;蔡磊团队通过数据系统和携手各方极速加快了临床前和临床试验,目前已研发和合作推动了一百多条渐冻症药物管线。 蔡磊是中国电子发票推动者,两百万册畅销书《相信》作者,第二次冰桶挑战发起人,攻克渐冻症慈善信托创立者,“蔡磊破冰驿站”直播电商平台创始人。他通过这场“挑战不可能”的创业,不仅为五十万渐冻症病友带来生命救治的希望,也给身处困境中的人们传递了温暖和鼓舞人心的力量。

Li Hu

李虎,国际知名先锋建筑师。OPEN建筑事务所创始合伙人,哈佛大学设计研究生院丹下健三教席客座教授,清华大学及中央美院建筑学院特聘设计导师。曾任美国斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所合伙人,以及美国哥伦比亚大学GSAPP北京建筑中心(Studio-X)负责人。他于1996年取得清华大学建筑学学士学位,1998年取得美国莱斯大学建筑学硕士学位。 李虎与黄文菁在纽约共同创立OPEN,并于2008年成立北京工作室。OPEN的代表作品包括:UCCA沙丘美术馆、山谷音乐厅、烟台时光塔、上海油罐艺术中心、苏州山峰书院、上海青浦平和双语学校、深圳坪山大剧院、清华大学海洋中心、北京四中房山校区、歌华营地体验中心等。这些作品在国内外赢得了广泛的关注和认可,荣获了亚建协建筑奖金奖、亚洲最具影响力设计大奖、欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖、WA中国建筑奖优胜奖、中国建筑学会创作奖金奖、美国AIA国际设计奖最高荣誉奖、英国AR未来建筑奖、德国标志性设计奖最佳建筑奖等一系列重要奖项。

Libin Chen

陈立缤就读于上海市城市规划学院建筑管理专业以及柏林工业大学的建筑学专业。在1999年建筑学专业硕士毕业之后,他作为自由职业建筑师参与了很多项目,包括柏林中国大使馆项目。2004年,陈立缤加入戴卫奇普菲尔德建筑事务所柏林办公室。在之后的几年中,他和Mark Randel一起在上海设立了事务所的上海代表处,并主要负责亚洲项目的设计推进,包括良渚博物院,九树公寓以及洛克·外滩源项目。从2014年开始,他和戴卫·奇普菲尔德一起,成为戴卫奇普菲尔德建筑事务所上海办公室的创始合伙人。Chen Libin studied Architecture Management at the Shanghai Urban Planning College and Architecture at the Berlin Institute of Technology. After graduating with a master's degree in Architecture in 1999, he worked as a freelance architect on numerous projects, including the Berlin Chinese Embassy project. In 2004, Chen Libin joined David Chipperfield Architects in Berlin. Over the following years, he, along with Mark Randel, established the firm's Shanghai office, focusing on advancing design projects in Asia, including the Liangzhu Museum, Jiushu Apartments, and the Rockbund Project. Since 2014, he has been a founding partner of David Chipperfield Architects' Shanghai office, alongside David Chipperfield, overseeing architectural endeavors in the region.

Lijuan Wang

王丽娟,中国知名艺术教育专家,丽娟实验艺术创造力中心的创始人。她毕业于中央美术学院人文学院美术教育专业,并师从哥伦比亚大学著名艺术教育家朱迪·波顿教授。在2005年,她提出了青少年儿童实验艺术教育理念,并在二十多年的时间里,领导团队研发了面向4-18岁学生的艺术创造力课程体系。她的个人著作《如何欣赏孩子的艺术作品》在艺术教育领域具有重要影响。 Wang Lijuan, a renowned expert in art education in China, is the founder of the Lijuan Experimental Art Creativity Center. She graduated from the Humanities College of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a major in art education and studied under the renowned art educator Professor Judy Burton at Columbia University. In 2005, she introduced the concept of experimental art education for children and adolescents. Over the past twenty years, she has led a team in developing a comprehensive curriculum system for artistic creativity for students aged 4-18. Her personal work, "How to Appreciate Children's Artwork," has had a significant impact in the field of art education.

Lingyu Zhu

朱玲玉,独立纪录片导演、摄影师。她以纪录片和摄影为媒介,致力于独立的影像公共表达,已有八年多从业经验。她记录了很多非主流的群体,注重多元观念在社会公共议题下的叙事传播,试图通过影像公共实验打破主流话语体系。 Zhu Lingyu, an independent documentary director and photographer. She has over eight years of experience in using documentary films and photography as mediums for independent visual expression. Zhu focuses on documenting non-mainstream communities and emphasizes narrative communication under diverse perspectives on social public issues. She endeavors to break the mainstream discourse system through visual public experiments.

Nina Zhang

张糖(Nina)来自上海进才中学国际部,是一名充满活力的五年级学生。她热爱生活,拥有广泛的兴趣。Nina平时喜欢和她的狗狗Bubble玩球,在社区公园的攀爬架上翻滚,在蹦床公园和朋友们约会。她也喜欢和妈妈一起逛文具店,和爸爸一起尝试抱石和力量训练。Nina说流利的中英文,最喜欢和各种各样的人聊天,她在社区慈善商店做志愿者的时候,为了和听障伙伴聊天,还开始学习了手语。 Nina Zhang is a fifth-grader from Shanghai Jincai High School International Department. She is a 10-year-old girl with a passion for life and a wide range of interests. In her free time, Nina enjoys playing ball with her dog, Bubble, and swinging on the monkey bars at her community park. She also loves bouldering and strength training with her dad, shopping for stationery with her mom, and jumping around at trampoline parks with her friends. More than anything, Nina loves chatting with people from all walks of life. Fluent in both Chinese and English, she has also started learning sign language to communicate with deaf peers, volunteering at a community charity shop to make a difference.

qing wei

韦青先生投身亚洲移动通信、信息技术和智能设备等领域三十余年,在电子信息产业拥有丰富的知识与经验。现任微软(中国)公司首席技术官,负责将微软的数字化产业愿景、领先科技和数字化转型的具体实践介绍给中国行业伙伴与业界领导者。 韦青先生还是一位热心、积极的科技布道者,广泛与中国著名院校与科研机构合作,传授信息技术的实际应用和数字化改革的理论与实践,并以此为基础撰写了《万物重构-智能社会来临前夜的思索》一书,通过通俗易懂的方式为读者分析以“云-物-大-智”为代表的智能科技对人类社会产生的深远影响,以及每一个个体应该以何种积极心态与行动来迎接社会巨大变革的挑战。 Mr. Wei Qing has been engaged in the fields of mobile communications, information technology, and intelligent devices in Asia for over thirty years, possessing rich knowledge and experience in the electronics and information industry. He currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft (China), responsible for introducing Microsoft's digital industry vision, cutting-edge technology, and specific practices of digital transformation to Chinese industry partners and leaders. Mr. Wei Qing is also a passionate and proactive technology evangelist, collaborating extensively with renowned Chinese universities and research institutions to impart practical applications of information technology and theories and practices of digital reform. Based on this, he has authored the book "Reconstruction of All Things: Reflections on the Eve of the Arrival of the Intelligent Society," analyzing in a clear and understandable manner the profound impact of intelligent technologies represented by "cloud, IoT, big data, and AI" on human society, as well as advocating for what positive mindset and actions individuals should adopt to embrace the challenges of enormous social change.

Rui Cui

崔睿,中国青年导演、编剧、制片人。毕业于美国南加州大学电影学院,曾执导多部获奖短片,荣获包括第45届奥斯卡学生奖最佳影片在内的多个国内外奖项,并深度参与包括《决战中途岛》《速度与激情》《蚁人》在内的多部好莱坞电影制作。2020年,崔睿入选全美华人30位30岁以下精英榜单。2023年,崔睿的院线电影处女座《消失的她》于暑期上映,影片上映连续3周获得全球票房冠军,共计收获票房超35亿,成为中国影史暑期档悬疑片票房冠军。崔睿平介此片荣获中美电影节“最佳新晋导演”,个人参与电影总票房突破百亿。崔睿导演致力于通过电影作品打破文化壁垒,把好的中国故事带给全球观众。Cui Rui, a young Chinese director, screenwriter, and producer. Graduated from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, he has directed multiple award-winning short films and has received numerous domestic and international awards, including the Best Picture at the 45th Student Academy Awards, and has been deeply involved in the production of several Hollywood films, including "Midway," "Fast & Furious," and "Ant-Man." In 2020, Cui Rui was selected for the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for Chinese Americans. In 2023, his debut feature film "Vanishing Her" was released in the summer, topping the global box office for three consecutive weeks, grossing over 3.5 billion yuan, and becoming the summer box office champion for suspense films in Chinese film history. Cui Rui's film won the "Best Emerging Director" award at the China-US Film Festival, and his personal participation in the film contributed to its box office exceeding 10 billion yuan. Director Cui Rui is committed to breaking cultural barriers and bringing excellent Chinese stories to global audiences through his film works.

Shengtao Li

李生涛(木子),一位高山导游和滑翔伞运动员。 于 2023 年 5 月 18 日,在珠峰南坡 8000 米高处进行滑翔伞飞行,创造了中国人在珠峰飞行的先例和纪录。 Li Shengtao (muzi), a mountain guide and paragliding athlete. On May 18, 2023, he made history as the first Chinese person to paraglide at 8000 meters on the south slope of Mount Everest.

Shengyuan Gao

高盛元,北京大学中文系毕业生,是一位青年作家,代表作品包括《昨夜星辰:高盛元的唐诗课》和《诗的味道》。他的作品《昨夜星辰:高盛元的唐诗课》荣登豆瓣2023年度中国文学入选名单。此外,他还是哔哩哔哩知名UP主,其视频播放量超过2000万。网友赞誉他为“理想中的语文老师”。曾在深圳中学担任教职。 Gao Shengyuan, a graduate of the Chinese Department at Peking University, is a young writer known for his notable works such as "Last Night's Stars: Gao Shengyuan's Tang Poetry Class" and "The Taste of Poetry." His book "Last Night's Stars: Gao Shengyuan's Tang Poetry Class" was selected for the "Douban 2023 Annual Chinese Literature" list. Additionally, he is a well-known UP mainstay on Bilibili, with his videos having garnered over 20 million views. He has been hailed by netizens as the "ideal Chinese language teacher" and previously taught at a high school in Shenzhen.

Sujun Tang

唐素君女士毕业于英国伯明翰大学,就读法律专业。曾在多个国际知名律师事务所有过7年跨境并购项目经验。服务过众多明星投资机构和全球五百强企业。 2014年她在赞比亚工作生活了一年。在赞比亚期间,她设立了投资非洲俱乐部,帮助中国企业以合规的方式投资非洲。2015年回到她的故乡云南,加入康藤成为联合创始人和CEO。 2017年唐素君女士曾被评为2017年中国旅游新锐人物。 2018年被聘为崇明区旅游智库专家。 2019年她被任命为全球可持续旅游委员会理事。全球可持续旅游委员会(GSTC)2007年由联合国基金会、世界旅游组织、联合国环境规划署和雨林联盟 共同发起,是全球领先的可持续旅游标准制定者和管理者。唐素君女士也是该机构唯一的中国女性理事。 2020年,在COVID-19严重影响旅游业的时候,唐素君女士作为GSTC理事,与WWF、携程、凯撒、以及知名行业协会、旅游公司、NGO等共同发起“可持续旅行联盟”,以召集更多的旅游相关机构加入此联盟,保护地球的生态环境和自然资源,实现可持续发展。 2022年,唐素君女士和一群生物多样性保护专家、农业专家、可持续发展专家共同创立彩色星球。彩色星球致力于传播可持续相关知识,推动以科学为基础的可持续转型。同年,唐素君女士被复旦大学商业文明与共同体研究院聘为ESG项目主任,并推动了中国企业财务管理协会ESG(环境、社会、治理)分会的成立,并担任该协会副理事长。唐素君女士参与了很多国内外可持续相关标准的起草和审核工作,正在组织ESG相关系列标准的起草。同时,她也是Bloomberg Green专栏撰稿人。 Ms. Tang Sujun graduated from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom with a degree in Law. She has seven years of experience in cross-border M&A projects at several internationally renowned law firms. She has served numerous celebrity investment institutions and Fortune Global 500 companies. In 2014, she worked and lived in Zambia for a year. During her time in Zambia, she established the Africa Investment Club, assisting Chinese companies in investing in Africa in a compliant manner. In 2015, she returned to her hometown in Yunnan and joined Kangteng as a co-founder and CEO. In 2017, Ms. Tang Sujun was honored as one of the "New Faces of Chinese Tourism in 2017". In 2018, she was appointed as an expert in the Tourism Think Tank of Chongming District. In 2019, she was appointed as a board member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The GSTC, launched jointly by the United Nations Foundation, the World Tourism Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, and Rainforest Alliance in 2007, is a leading global standard-setter and manager for sustainable tourism. Ms. Tang Sujun is also the only female Chinese board member of the organization. In 2020, amidst the severe impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry, Ms. Tang Sujun, as a board member of GSTC, jointly initiated the "Sustainable Travel Alliance" with WWF, Ctrip, Caesar, and other well-known industry associations, travel companies, and NGOs. The initiative aimed to gather more tourism-related organizations to protect the Earth's ecological environment and natural resources and achieve sustainable development. In 2022, Ms. Tang Sujun co-founded Colorful Planet with a group of biodiversity conservation experts, agricultural experts, and sustainable development experts. Colorful Planet is dedicated to disseminating knowledge related to sustainability and promoting science-based sustainable transformation. In the same year, Ms. Tang Sujun was appointed as the Director of the ESG Project at the Institute of Business Civilization and Community of Fudan University. She also promoted the establishment of the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) branch of the China Association of Corporate Finance Management and served as its Vice Chairman. Ms. Tang Sujun has been involved in drafting and reviewing many domestic and international sustainability-related standards and is currently organizing the drafting of a series of ESG-related standards. Additionally, she is a columnist for Bloomberg Green.

Terry Townshend

Terry Townshend is a Beijing-based biodiversity and climate change expert with specific expertise on legislation, wildlife conservation and China. Formerly lead author and co-author of the annual Climate Legislation Study, in partnership with the London School of Economics, he presented the findings in the US Senate, Chinese National Peoples Congress, Japanese Diet, South Korean National Assembly, Mexican Congress and the UK Parliament. In 2017, in partnership with Chinese NGO ShanShui Conservation Center, he helped devise and set up a community-based wildlife watching tourism project with yak herders on the Tibetan Plateau, focusing on Snow Leopards. The herders were awarded the first community-based tourism concession for a National Park in China, informing policy development for China's national park system. Terry is passionate about public engagement on biodiversity and set up projects to track two of Beijing's most iconic birds - the Beijing Swift + Beijing Cuckoo - both of which werediscovered migrate to southern Africa for the northern winter, attracting media coverage including front page of the New York Times. He runs the Wild Beijing website (www.wild-beijing .org), celebrating the wildlife of China's capital city. In 2018 he became a Fellow of the Paulson Institute, advising their conservation programme, and in 2019 was invited by the Beijing Municipal government to be a consultant on a project to protect and restore Beijing's biodiversity. In 2020 he was co-author of a landmark study on how to finance biodiversity conservation: “Financing Nature: Closing the Global Biodiversity Financing Gap”, influencing the resource mobilisation aspects of the new Global Biodiversity Framework, agreed by more than 190 countries under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in Montreal in December 2021. Terry has a prominent media profile, appearing on prime time TV in China with CCTV, BTV and Phoenix TV, featured live on BBC World and worked with the BBC Natural History Unit and ITV's Ray Mears in Qinghai and Beijing, as well as National Geographic. He is a Fellow of the International League of Conservation Writers and, in 2021, was awarded a gold Beijing Citizen Award by 新京报 (Beijing News) for services to the environment, the first foreign recipient in its history.

Xiaohong Ning

宁晓红医生,1998年毕业于中国协和医科大学,并获得博士学位。目前担任北京协和医院缓和医学中心主任和老年医学科主任医师,曾任肿瘤内科副主任医师。她积极在国内外进修学习,包括英国Cardiff大学的缓和医疗课程。自2014年起,她负责北京协和医学院《舒缓医学》课程,并在多个领域担任重要职务,如LWPA中英联合培训中方执行主席和北京协和安宁志愿团队指导教师。宁医生的卓越贡献曾获得多项荣誉,包括2016年被评为“中国魅力人物”,以及2017年获得环球时报“敬佑生命,荣耀医者,人文情怀奖”。 Dr. Ning Xiaohong graduated from Peking Union Medical College in China in 1998 and obtained her doctoral degree. She currently serves as the Director of the Palliative Medicine Center and Chief Physician in the Department of Geriatrics at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Previously, she held the position of Deputy Chief Physician in the Department of Oncology. Dr. Ning has pursued further studies abroad in the United Kingdom and Taiwan, including a course in palliative care at Cardiff University in the UK. Since 2014, she has been responsible for the "Palliative Medicine" course at Peking Union Medical College. Additionally, she holds various leadership roles, such as being the Chinese Executive Chair of the LWPA Sino-British Joint Training and serving as a guiding teacher for the Peking Union Medical College Hospice Volunteer Team. Dr. Ning has been honored with several awards, including being named a "Charming Figure of China" in 2016 and receiving the "Upholding Life, Honoring Physicians, Humanistic Care Award" from the Global Times in 2017.

Xue Li

李雪,心理学学者,作家。著有畅销书《当我遇见一个人》《走出剧情》《有限责任家庭》。从事心理学研究近十年,从精神分析心理学角度详解童年关系对人一生性格、命运的影响。 Li Xue, a psychologist and author, is known for her bestselling books 《When I Meet Someone》,《Stepping Out of the Drama》 and 《Limited Liability Families》. With nearly a decade of experience in psychological research, she intricately explores the influence of childhood relationships on individuals' personalities and destinies from a psychoanalytic perspective.

丽娜 zhao

赵丽娜,前女足国家队门将。宣布退役后以足球推广人的身份开启人生下半场。作为一名上海的足球运动员,赵丽娜从7岁开始踢球,2005年进入上海女足,2015年首次入选国家队,曾多次代表中国女足参加国际比赛,随队获得过2015年加拿大女足世界杯八强、2016年里约奥运会八强、2018年雅加达亚运会亚军和2022年亚洲杯冠军。2023年4月14日,赵丽娜正式宣布退役,并携手中国足球发展基金会、字节跳动公益成立足球公益项目“星球计划”。 Zhao Lina, former goalkeeper for the Chinese women's national football team, announced her retirement to embark on the second half of her life as a football promoter. As a footballer from Shanghai, Zhao began playing at the age of 7, joined Shanghai Women's Football Team in 2005, and made her national team debut in 2015. She represented China in various international competitions, including the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, 2016 Rio Olympics, 2018 Jakarta Asian Games (silver medal), and 2022 AFC Women's Asian Cup (champions). On April 14, 2023, Zhao officially retired and partnered with the China Football Development Foundation and ByteDance to establish the football charity project "Planet Plan."

飞火流萤乐队 Firefly Band

飞火流萤乐队是一支由上海本地热爱中国戏曲的学生组成的国潮乐队,致力于将东方文化与西方文化相融合。乐队通过将英文歌曲与中国戏曲进行实验性融合,力求实现东方美学与西方元素的创新突破。 Firefly Band is a Guochao (national trend) band formed by a group of Shanghai students who are passionate about traditional Chinese opera. They are dedicated to blending Eastern and Western cultures. By experimenting with the fusion of English songs and Chinese opera, they aim to achieve a breakthrough that combines Eastern aesthetics with Western elements.

Organizing team


Shanghai, China


Shanghai, China