x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Under Scrutiny

This event occurred on
June 20, 2023
3:00am - 5:00am CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Shanghai, Shanghai

TEDxYouth@WCIS is an independently organised TED event directly licenced by TED.

The event explores multiple different angles around the theme of Under Scrutiny. As well as 'scrutinising' the topic itself, our speakers each carefully dissect the idea of 'scrutinisation' through their individual differing yet equally creative and inspiring interpretations of it! Hence, be prepared for 5 very interesting talks; from how rhythms and patterns in music manipulate us subconsciously to the exploration of the Cas9 Protein and its moral implications, TEDxYouth@WCIS embraces a variety of fields and topics, including social media, music, history, discrimination, and biology, with our long-anticipated 'mystery singer', Doreen Kuek, adding some creative gloss to the TEDxYouth@WCIS picture with her distinctive voice!

Braden Zhao-Upton, the organiser and licensee of the event, is a Year 10 Academic Scholar and aspiring medic studying at Wellington College International Shanghai. Being one of the youngest speakers at TEDxYouth@WCIS 2021, Braden is eager to inherit the TEDx legacy and culture, provide speakers with a diverse stage to share their 'Ideas Worth Spreading', and present the Wellington community with a unique, vibrant, and engaging opportunity to learn about a range of captivating topics.

Please email for any inquiries regarding the event!

Wellington College International Shanghai
No.1500 Yao Long Road, Pudong New District
Shanghai, Shanghai, 200124
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­W­C­I­S events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Adele Shen

Business Management Freshman, Wellington Alumnus
Adele, formerly a Wellington College International Shanghai Sixth Former and now a Wellington alumnus, is a music composer, creative writer, and product designer. She speaks both English and Chinese fluently while learning French as a third language. She loves connecting different creative skill sets and communicating across different cultures and industries. Adele composed film scores for university students’ semester projects and published poetry and short stories in school magazines. Passionate about music and creativity, Adele also completed a 26-page research paper analysing the relationship between film music and the Female Gaze, which acted as an essential inspiration for her TEDx talk here at Wellington College International Shanghai.

Boyi Lee

Senior School Student
Boyi Lee is a passionate speaker and dedicated Year 9 student at Wellington College International Shanghai.

Emma Gu

Senior School Student
Emma Gu is a Wellington College International Shanghai rising Year 11 pupil who passionately enjoys history, politics, philosophy, literature, and social justice. Involved in MUN and debate, Emma spends her free time researching and investigating complex social phenomena and different interpretations. Emma is eager to combat injustice and call for increased awareness of equality, particularly through research, education and discussion.

Nathan Lu

Senior School Student
Nathan joined the Wellington community in Year 11, bringing with him his vast knowledge and interest in not only chemistry but in general the field of STEM. Witnessing the rapid development of technology and the exciting implications of it that humanity anticipates, Nathan grew increasingly intrigued and fascinated by one particular innovation - CRISPR, driving Nathan to the TEDxYouth@WCIS stage with his research and own understanding of it inspired by his profound passion for science and technology.

Tiffany Zhao

Senior School Student
Tiffany is an aspiring lawyer currently studying at Wellington College International Shanghai. As she follows her passion into pursuing a career of debating for equity, Tiffany assumes the role of the defender of social justice whilst calling for a stop to all forms of discrimination, wrongful judgment, and social hatred. Experienced in public speaking through her numerous experiences at MUN and judicial simulations, Tiffany brings her passion to the stage of TEDxYouth@WCIS with confidence, to share her enthusiasm in advocating for human rights and justice with the audience.

Organizing team


Cardiff, United Kingdom