x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Explore the future of technology exploration

This event occurred on
May 18, 2024
1:00pm - 6:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Exploration is a special and great adventure

We are in an era of rapid change,
Technological progress and social transformation,
Every day brings us new opportunities and challenges
Exploration of science and technology,
It’s an adventure that never ends.
technology for humans
Broaden the boundaries of cognition,
Solve real-life problems.
Through continuous exploration,
Propose new solutions,
Create new application scenarios,
Make technology truly benefit mankind.
We would like to invite people in the field of science and technology
A speaker with unique insights,
Join us for this feast of ideas.

TED Conference
Zhongshan East 1st Road, Huangpu District
Shanghai, Shanghai, 200001
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Qiantan events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Brian Alejandro Gonzalez

with 700000 fans across the entire network. Super foreign internet celebrity, resident guest of Hubei TV's "Informal Talks", holding dual citizenship of Spain and Argentina. Ambassador of China Wai Guo Ren Association to Spain.
Brian Alejandro has lived in China for 11 years, graduated from Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute, and was a pro China representative. He worked as a translator for Messi's trip to China. Fluent in Chinese, English, Spanish, and Italian, with a handsome appearance resembling the male protagonist of Twilight, Robert Pattinson.

Fan Ye

Creative Adwoman, Freestyle dancer, Innovator and Integrated body-mind practitioner
Sparrow Ye I believe life is a game shaped by spirit and we, ultimately , can live out all identities we want . Combining creative and commercial, i treat my life as an experiment, keep make something unrealistic happen.

Haochong Wang

The Founder&CEO of ZhenTec,Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia, Brain computer rehabilitation industry pioneer

Jiachen He

Jc He(Pron. Heh) An entrepreneur who was supposed to be an astrophysicist. Building an everything app at Toeverything Pte .Ltd. Forbes U30 Asia.

Jingxuan Su

Schwarman Scholar

Junru Hao

Junru Hao possesses academic backgrounds in Economics with extensive experience in the renewable energy and environmental sectors. He is a Master's degree candidate from Yale University School of the Environment and a Bachelor's degree holder in Economics from University of Michigan. Junru is the Co-Founder and COO of Lumitech, Secretary-General of the Zero Carbon Development Alliance, member of the "Blockchain + Energy" Joint Innovation Laboratory, a G20YEA CFI Young Leader, and a UNDP-Yecap expert. He authored China's first blockchain-based zero-carbon factory standard and has spearheaded numerous innovative projects in carbon neutrality and renewable energy industry.

Kai Dai

Partner of RetailEye, Founder of Young Sustainable Impact China, Forbes China 30 under 30

Kaidi Sun

Global travel blogger@Kaidi Planet with 2million followers on Weibo, WeChat and other platforms. •Traveled to 80+ countries •Author of Best-sell book Relishing Michelin • ASA Sailing Captain • Paraglider pilot • PAIDI AOW Diver • Summit the highest peak in Africa, Kilimanjaro, and arriving at the South Poles

Lu Xu


Senhuang Lu

BUPT ->Alibaba ->3 rounds of entrepreneurial financing. CEO of an AI technology company, specializing in AI assisted short video followers and AI unmanned live streaming sales
He has published two books on Internet, and is an external teacher of AI topics for many top 500 enterprises.

Shuangyi Yang

Midu Yang Chicago | New York | Los Angeles As a special correspondent for China's largest search engine Baidu stationed in the United States, I undertake significant reporting responsibilities. My entrepreneurial venture was selected for the China Brand Innovation Development Project and featured on the Nasdaq billboard in New York City in 2016. Presently, I boast a lot of followers across various online platforms, making me one of the most influential KOL self-media bloggers in the Midwest region of the United States, especially in Chicago. I graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a degree in Media Studies and also completed coursework in the Meisner acting technique. I have appeared on several reality TV shows in China, and can speak five languages, having traveled to almost 60 countries worldwide. As an entertainment and sports journalist, I have interviewed hundreds of international celebrities and have been recognized as a youth leader in the Asia-Pacific region and the G20.

Tianze Zhu


Xiaorui Mai


Xinyi Wu

Installation and Performance Artist, Visual Designer, Five-element Acupuncture Researcher
Xinyi has been concerned with embodied perception of the body and objects continuously. She is good at starting from the physical and social properties of the material itself, using speculative methods, scientific theories and artistic expressions, and using multiple media such as materials, limbs, installations, and images to create. Involving the fields of comprehensive material creation, specific site performance, art therapy, etc., she has recently focused on exploring new performance forms: using body behavior to show the characteristics of objects, and using the texture of objects to exaggerate body characteristics.

Zi Li


Organizing team


Beijing, China


Shanghai, China