x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Pehchaan: Look Within

This event occurred on
April 8, 2023
New Delhi, Delhi

The theme for this edition is ‘Pehchaan: Look Within’. Our lives are shaped and determined by our identity, which is the most important aspect of who we are and how we express ourselves. Not only does our ‘Pehchaan’ influence who we are, but it also influences who we may choose to become.
The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are. Yet, so many of us walk around either not really knowing or listening to an awful inner critic that gives us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. We mistakenly think of self-understanding as self-indulgence, and we carry on without asking the most important question we’ll ever ask: Who am I really? It isn’t something to fear or avoid, berating ourselves along the way, but rather something to seek out with the curiosity and compassion we would have toward a fascinating new friend.
Our speakers and performers will be able to persuade us to move in a direction where the self is examined through the lens of patience, introspection, and reflection by using the concept of looking within.

Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi
Jesus and Mary College, San Martin Marg
New Delhi, Delhi, 110021
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Tuheena Raj

Introducing Tuheena Raj, a captivating writer and content creator who effortlessly manages her full-time role as a brand manager. In her awe-inspiring speech, she unveils the invaluable lessons she has acquired throughout her illustrious 7-year career. From her captivating presentation, we learned that success starts with leading with kindness, being unafraid to ask for what you desire and making your intentions known. She emphasized the importance of embracing one's current resources and growing where possible, highlighting the significant payoff of being a versatile generalist. She stressed the critical role of building self-awareness as the key to personal triumph. By improving self-esteem, enhancing communication skills, facilitating personal growth, refining decision-making abilities, and nurturing emotional intelligence, self-awareness becomes an indispensable catalyst for unlocking one's full potential.

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