x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 18, 2023
Beijing, Beijing

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Mengminwei Multifunctional Hall
Mengminwei Building
2nd Floor
Beijing, Beijing, 100086
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Estela Kuo

郭伟琼毕业于台湾政治大学,后取得美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉传播硕士、哈佛大学肯尼迪学院领导力EMBA项目。郭伟琼现任中国社会福利基金会雁行中国项目主席、和中关村上市公司协会秘书长。郭伟琼于1997年来京创业,她创立的两家公司,分别被来自硅谷的企业和奥美中国并购,郭女士因此担任奥美行动营销中国董事总经理多年。在奥美期间,郭女士主导设立奥美与共青团中央的合资公司—中青奥美。中青奥美独特的合资及服务模式,曾经是2006年华尔街日报的头版故事。在创业前,郭女士曾在多家全球五百强企业任职,包括 IBM、博雅公关、博上富康等。著有“中关村模式”等书。 Ms. Estela Kuo has a degree from Taiwan Chenchi University and a Master from University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2017, she finished the Leadership Program from Harvard Kennedy School. Estela is now Chairman of Yanxing China, China Social Welfare Foundation and Secretary General of Z-Park Listed Companies Association. Estela moved to Beijing in 1997 and founded two companies, both merged by multinational firms. Due to the merger, she established a new business discipline, Ogilvy Activation, within Ogilvy China and lead the joint venture, Red Force, between Ogilvy and China Youth League. The unique service model of Red Force was a front page story on Wall Street Journal in 2006. Before moving to Beijing, Estela worked in several multinational companies including IBM, Burson Marsteller, Publicis, etc. Estela is a co-author of “The Z-Park Model” published in 2017.

Fanchao Qi

岂凡超,深言科技创始人、CEO,清华大学计算机系博士毕业。他在人工智能与自然语言处理领域国际顶刊发表论文30余篇,申请发明专利近二十项。深言科技如今已成为国内自然语言处理领域的领先初创企业。 Qi Fanchao is founder and CEO of DeepLang AI. He has received a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. He has published 30+ papers in top international journals on AI and NLP, and hold nearly 20 invention patents. DeepLang AI is now a leading startup in the field of NLP in China.

Flora Liao

Flora Liao, founder of CareMs, FemTech company in China with the vision “Care for women’s health through their lifecycle” by providing holistic health and wellbeing solutions powered by AI and biology-psychology bidirectional medical research. She is also an advisor for Women Empowerment Council, NGO based in Beijing working with enterprises to promote gender parity workplace and culture. She sits on the board and invested in Kentaste, a Kenyan local agriculture social enterprise funded by Acumen and DOB Equity; ZhiTu, a Beijing based education company focusing on bridging Chinese and international students for culture and academic exchange. Flora Liao是CareMs的创始人,该公司是一家中国FemTech公司,其愿景是通过提供由人工智能和生物心理学双向医学研究驱动的全面健解决方案,关注女性的全生命周期健康。 她还是总部位于北京的Women Empowerment Council的顾问,该组织与企业合作推广性别平等的工作环境和文化。她是Kentaste及致途教育的董事会成员和投资人,Kentaste是一家肯尼亚本地农业社交企业,由Acumen和DOB Equity资助;致途教育是一家总部位于北京的文化教育公司,专注于促进中国和国际学生的文化和学术交流。

Jonathan Dason

Jonathan believes that every student should have access to a strong youth development ecosystem. Much of his undergraduate years was spent deep in the jungles of Borneo, where he worked with local indigenous communities on rural revitalisation projects. He was elected to lead the Malaysian Students Global Alliance (MSGA), the umbrella organization that represents Malaysian students across 16 countries as its Secretary-General. After his degree, he worked in the field of Sustainability (ESG) and served in the Malaysian Foreign Ministry as a Perdana Fellow, while promoting the UN SDGs. He’s currently a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University.

Kamila Makhmutova

Kamila Makhmutova is currently a master’s student at the School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University. Her field of research is public policy aimed at sustainable development. She initiated the Youth Organization - the “Climate First” Eurasian Youth Union, devoted to embracing climate justice through international youth cooperation.

Manthan Shah

Manthan is the author of Unstoppable, a non-fiction book based on a collection of stories of young overachievers who defied the odds on their journey to success. At 22, he became the youngest writer to publish with Penguin Random House India. In August 2022, he started a one-year master’s program as a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Previously, as an undergraduate at SP Jain he was awarded the President's Award, the Dean’s List Award and a Global Citizenship Award for overall excellence. At 19, Manthan created his own podcast, Planet Impact, where he started sharing the stories of social entrepreneurs from around the world. Manthan is twice former SGFI U-17 national-level table tennis champion, and one of the youngest Indians to win the Spartan Trifecta, a global endurance challenge. In September 2023, he will start a MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University.

Teiichi Atsuya

Mr. Teiichi Atsuya has lived a wondrous life. He received his master's degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology in the field of Game theory and his MBA in the University of Pennsylvania. Afterwards, he worked as a consultant and financial advisor for three decades in Japan, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and China, eventually retiring from KPMG as a senior executive and partner by becoming a full-time master's student at Tsinghua University's Department of Computer Science in 2021. Though he is the oldest in his class now, he is a newblood to the blooming AI education field with the youngest adventurous spirit.

Tien Yin Wong

Ophthalmologist and physician-scientist
Tien Y Wong, MD, PhD Founding Head and Chair Professor, Tsinghua Medicine, Beijing, China Senior Advisor, SingHealth, Singapore Prof Wong is an ophthalmologist and physician-scientist who completed medical school at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and a PhD from the Johns Hopkins University, USA. In 2022, he took up a new position as Chair Professor and Founding Head of Tsinghua Medicine at Tsinghua University, China. Over the past two decades, Prof Wong has served in multiple leadership positions in Singapore and Australia. Prof Wong is a retinal specialist, with a research portfolio on retinal diseases and ocular imaging, including AI. He has published 1,400+ peer-reviewed papers (h-index 214), given 500+ invited named, plenary, and symposium lectures globally, and received over US$100 million in grant funding. He has received Singapore’s President’s Science and Technology Award. He is an elected international (foreign) member of the US National Academy of Medicine.

Xiaonan Bi

毕啸南,知名青年学者、作家,北京师范大学博士后。 曾担任财新传媒《财新时间》制片人、主持人,出版过多部作品,代表作《生而为人》、《在你们离开以前》等。 Bi Xiaonan is a wide-known scholar and writer, currently postdoctoral fellow of Beijing Normal University. He has previously served as producer and host of “Caixin Time” at Caixin Media. He has published several notable works, including “Born Human”, "Before you leave", etc.

Yang Yang

杨扬,原中国短道速滑运动员,曾为中国实现冬奥会金牌零的突破,23年运动生涯一共获得59个世界冠军,是我国获得冠军最多的运动员。曾作为中国第一个以运动员身份担任国际奥委会委员,曾担任国际滑联历史上首位女性速滑理事。现任世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)副主席等。 Yang Yang, China's first-ever Winter Olympics gold medalist, is one of the most accomplished short track speed skaters of all time. She has claimed a total of 59 world titles, more than any other Chinese athlete. Yang was elected as an IOC member and the first female council member of the International Skating Union (ISU). She is currently the Vice President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Yisu Jin

Co-Founder of the Silicon Valley Leadership Community (SVLC), an organization that promotes Asian American leadership and the consciousness of social responsibilities. Serial entrepreneur and angel investor: Founder of IntelliPro Group Inc., FesPro International, etc. Focused on growing multiple industries including education & training, talent development, networking, search & deployment. 英特利普集团创始人兼CEO,华中科技大学工程学士,美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)数学硕士,先后在Oracle, IBM, Cisco等公司从事技术开发咨询及项目管理工作,并于2009年创立英特利普集团,主要从事人才大数据分析及人工智能软件开发、硅谷高端人才培训、招聘、技术咨询与外包、薪酬福利管理及HR法务咨询等多项业务。

Yiwen Xie

谢伊雯,清华大学美术学院博士生,聚焦中国台湾少数民族服饰文化的传承与产业化。曾经进入中央工艺美院(清华美院前身)学习,从事、教授服装设计专业至今三十年,曾担任影视剧服装设计造型师,创立个人定制工作室。 Xie Yiwen is a doctoral candidate at the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, conducting research on the industrialization and preservation of indigenous clothing in Taiwan, China. Her interest in fashion design began 30 years ago when she studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. Xie has worked as a costume designer for various films and television series while also establishing her customization studio.

Organizing team


Beijing, China


Beijing, China