x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Change is the only Constant

This event occurred on
November 26, 2022
Udaipur, Rajasthan

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur
pgp office
mlsu campus
Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313001
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ashok Deshmane

Ashok Deshmane, raised in challenging circumstances, has always empowered underprivileged kids. But he maintained his spirit. He supported his studies, established a career for himself, and improved the course of his life. Later, he learned about the appalling living conditions of the defenseless people. As a result, he left his well-paying position as a software engineer at Mphasis and began implementing his strategy. The 30-year-old started the non-profit Snehwan in 2015 to provide free education and care for the children of farmers. He managed to enroll the children in reputable schools and rent out a space to house them with his savings and some financial assistance from his friends. Over 50 youngsters from low-income farming households in and around the Parbhani district are currently supported by Snehwan. Watch the great philanthropist and humanitarian talk about “Change is the only constant”!

Chirag Bhandari

How to be a leader of change and bring transformation in society? Chirag Bhandari is the founder and Ceo of Ennoble Innovations. Being an entrepreneur and strategy consultant, he recognized and understood the difficulties faced by children in rural schools. His work is dedicated to improving rural children's lives, so he came up with a workable solution. In 2018, he launched the YeloGreen mission, which gave the students recyclable and eco-friendly desks, mats, and other requirements. Watch the wonderful humanitarian giving his speech on the topic "Change is the only constant"!

Commodore Varun Singh

Completing and Accomplishing the dreams of his father and Uncle’s commodore, he completed one of the most demanding and longest physical courses of the Armed forces, the Clearance Diving and Marine Commando course (100 months). On 03 May 2000, during a CI/CT operation in J&K, in the ensuing day-long encounter, he engaged two terrorists and saved more than 15 personnel. But a stray bullet from the falling terrorist hit his grenade, which fragmented, and more than 70 splinters entered his right chest. The gunshot and the splinter injury smashed his right arm, right lung, sternum, and ribs. One splinter found solace in his heart. The President awarded Shaurya Chakra for this gallant act on 15 Aug 2000. In this talk, Commodore describes his near-death experiences, waking up to life, what it means to have a family besides, and being humble- why living the life of a soldier is worth it. His talk filled the audience with Josh and a state of mind to live for the purpose.

Jasmina Khanna

Importance of Infrastructural Accessibility in the life of a person with a disability What is needed to make movement friendly for people with disabilities in public and private places? From the perspective of Ms. Jasmina Khanna, an important ingredient is help and empathy from non-disabled people. In this candid conversation, she walks us through her experiences with cerebral palsy and how they made her the catalyst for the change she is today. Founder and Vice President of Access to Hope, an organization making Mumbai Accessible, one footpath at a time, Jasmina spoke about how change has been perennial in her life. Jasmina was born and lives with cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that hampers movement, posture, and muscle tone. Despite all the challenges in her life, she graduated from one of India's finest engineering colleges and is employed at an IT firm in Mumbai. Living in Mumbai, when it struck Jasmina that despite being aware of the need for accessibility, no one was shouldering the responsibility to initiate change, she, along with her friend and physiotherapist Sanket Khadilkar, did it herself. Jasmina instilled courage and passion in the audience and left them teary-eyed. Watch this talk to see for yourself!

Maharaj Kumar Sahib Lakshyaraj Singh Ji Mewar of Udaipur

Philanthropist, advocate for education, a supporter of sports, executive in business, and six-time Guinness World Records holder. Since a young age, Maharaj Kumar Sahib Lakshyaraj Singh Ji Mewar of Udaipur has committed to serving the public and advancing justice. He is still dedicated to creating neighborhoods, enhancing the lives of regular people, and assisting in creating a country. His commitment to serving the interests of the largest number of people remains unwavering. In support of an independent and resilient India, he has demonstrated these exceptional human traits that characterize his identity as a young Indian. He has significantly impacted lakhs of people's lives through his charitable endeavors. He demonstrates independence and respect for India's past for young, aspiring Indians. During the second wave of COVID-19, Maharaj Kumar Sahib Lakshyaraj Singh Ji Mewar of Udaipur gave an ambulance to the Indian Army stationed at Eklingji Cantonment, Udaipur, and started the initiative to supply food and cereals for the less fortunate and stray animals. Watch this talk to learn more about his work!

Saheli Chatterjee

“At 17, I made my first money, and then there was no looking back.” Ms. Saheli Chatterjee, a social media and marketing consultant in this engaging talk, describes the seven skills one can build to build a successful business and career- future Mapping, basics of markets and submarkets, creating a personal brand, storytelling, controlling your personality, creating leverage and having a mindset of domination. Founder of Ambifem- an agency dedicated to growing brand presence on social media. She built her brand on Youtube and Linkedin, and over the years, she witnessed growth in her revenues, social media presence, skill set, and overall life. She describes how in the initial days, she had to deal with clients who were not ready to pay her because of being Indian or a newbie freelancer, her being an introvert to balancing her personality to excel on the professional front, mapping her future, building skill of storytelling and how her brand is leverage for her. Saheli’s spirit and energy left them energized to take their strengths and make the best out of opportunities. Watch this talk to see for yourself!

Shivani Singhal

Shivani is the head of an organization called "Dharohar." A social venture called Dharohar offers structured corporate volunteering concentrated on learning and development and maximizes the advantages for the community, the individual, and the business. She expanded the organization from a two-program providing one pilot programme to a team of 23 working on three verticals. Over 1,400 volunteers recently ran nine programs for 5,000 kids annually across five cities. These programs consist of the following: She is running. Every year, Khoj instructs 2000 pupils about the scientific method. In addition, 13,000 trees were planted, and a smartphone app was used to track tree survival rates.

Tanvie Hans

Ms. Tanvie Hans, an Indian-born British professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Misaka United in the Karnataka Women's League. She also plays for Karnataka women's football team. Previously, Ms. Hans played for English clubs Tottenham Hotspurs and Fulham and later appeared with Sethu FC in the 2017–18 Indian Women's League. She guided her team to some splendid victories, and they emerged as champions too. Currently, she is raising funds for 400 underprivileged girls to play Football. She can unlock a defense with a pass and sprint beyond the defensive line to stretch with her blistering speed, but only if given a chance.

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