x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Subtraction

This event occurred on
January 14, 2023
Shanghai, Shanghai

Covid-19, high temperature, drought, emission reduction... Our world is experiencing unprecedented challenges and facing many challenges, in the same time, also much development opportunities.
Human beings have also undergone changes in international cooperation, industrial change, sense and lifestyle. Under the advocacy of energy conservation, environmental protection and low-carbon life, man begins to rethink how to achieve emission reduction goals.
Under the impact of the epidemic, people also began to redefine the meaning of life. These will reshape people's value pursuit and life philosophy, and then affect the social development trend...

The Boxx
731 Hongxu Road
Shanghai, Shanghai, 201103
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Chen Luo

Senior Professional Organizers; Organizing Blogger
Author of "Super Comfortable Life: A Life with Temperature" JALO Association Certified First-Level Organizer in Japan CALO Certified Organizer AACTP International Certified Trainer Gold Lecturer in Second Level & Third Level Organizing Course American ICD Chronic Organizing Incompetence Research First Level Certification Organizing Counselor & Lecturer Counselors in several Schools Psychologist, a Top Expert on platform 'Zaihang' Family Organizing Training Expert in Fangtai Organizing Courses for several Schools, Enterprises & Trade Unions 5 Years Organizing Experience with over 2000 hours in one-on-one Consultation and door-to-door Organizing Services Interviewed by Oriental Education Times, Outlook East and Shanghai Family Chief of We-media account [洛辰Luochen] of various platforms

Chunhui Cao

Assistant Professor, School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University
Dr. Cao is Doctor of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University, visiting scholar of the Smith School of Business of the University of Maryland, the United States, presided over a number of research topics including the national natural science foundation project, the key research topic of decision-making consultation of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the industry-university collaborative education project of the Ministry of Education, the project funded by outstanding young teachers in Shanghai, the general scientific research project and the teaching reform project in the school, and the scientific research results published in Leadership Quarterly and Management Review, Scientific Research Management, Journal of Management, etc. His main research directions are leadership and corporate strategy, leadership and leadership behavior, family business inheritance, corporate governance, organizational change, etc.

Jingbo Cui

Associate Professor of Applied Economics at Division of Social Sciences, Acting Director for Environmental Research Center, Duke Kunshan University
Dr. Cui was a Chu-Tian Junior Scholar of Education Department in Hubei, associate professor in the school of Economics and Management at Wuhan University, post-doctoral research associate and visiting scholar at Iowa State University. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Iowa State University, an M.S. in economics from Wuhan University, and a B.S. in economics and mathematics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. His research centers on Environmental Economics, Economics of Innovation, and International Trade, and appeared in top academic journals in the fields of Environmental and Resource Economics and Energy Economics, e.g. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, China Economic Review, The World Economy, Energy Economics, and Energy Policy. He has been serving as the referee for leading journals in Environmental Economics and Agricultural Economics.

Shengdong Qian

Famous short video blogger & Vlogger in Shanghai, Founder of the most influential short video IP "G僧东" in Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta
"Wild" spokesperson video of Shanghai culture, blogger advertisement talent & part-time talk show actor Founder of the street survey program "好叫好伐" Popular throughout the network by short videos Over 4 million fans in total on Weibo, WeChat, Tiktok, Xiaohongshu and other platforms

Sibo Qing

Senior partner of Co-effort Law Firm in Shanghai
Mainly engaged in corporate advisory legal services, equity design, equity incentives, private equity funds, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, overseas investment and dispute settlement, etc. School of Law in Columbia University Practicing lawyer in China New York State Lawyer License Representatives of the working group of Pudong People's Congress Guest lecturers of master of law and foreign student courses in Donghua University and East China University of Political Science and Law Top ten most popular tutors of Zhi10.com Served as a consultant lawyer for many foreign chambers of commerce and consulates in Shanghai for a long time

Sizhi Qin

Founder & Lead architect of Ż-Studio
Bachelor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University Master of Architecture, School of Design, Harvard University Exchange study at the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology Mr. Qin He has been serving in several well-known architectural firms , such as MAD, Academician Guan Zhaoye's Studio in Beijing, CallisonRTKL in Shanghai, Peter Marino Architect, Laguarda.Low Architects in the United States

Vincent Xu

Life & Food Blogger
French food chef graduated from advertising major French Blue Ribbon Culinary Academy 2021 Top 1 Cuisine Independent operation of self-media "VINCENT CUISINE" Millions of fans in the whole network 2021 annual business potential blogger in Xiaohongshu

Wei Huang

Founder of Qiaozhong, Shanghai President of Service Design Network (SDN)
Part-time professor of Tongji University and honorary professor of Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts Served as the project manager of Haier Group Design Center and first marketing director of GE/Fitch Design Consulting Co., Ltd. She once founded a brand and realized a closed business cycle. Her play and entrepreneurship demo: Kaiba, which was acquired by the industry giant Budweiser InBev ZX Venture (subversive growth organization) at a high premium Won the honors of "China's Most Noteworthy Women" & "Shanghai Women's Merit" Honorary Lady, who has appeared in Fortune magazine for three times, has been invited to give speeches in dozens of European and American countries. Five professional works been published, most of which have been included in the teaching reference database of university textbooks, and Service Design has been rated as the best author of the year in Huazhang China service design pilot talent training plan launched by leading enterprises

Xin Huang

Founder/CEO of Zhongzheng Daguang Fund
Doctor of Management Science and Engineering, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Founder/CEO of Zhongzheng Daguang Fund Member of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Xuhui District Federation of Industry and Commerce

Zeping Chen

CEO of Softium in Shanghai, Vice President & , General Manager of Digital Marketing Division in Taimei Medical Technology
Chief expert of Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing AI Committee Former head of SAP innovation and technology solutions in Asia-Pacific region, general manager of SAP business process robot in Greater China One of the authors of SAP Enterprise Machine Learning - Enabling Business Innovation Core author of Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing AI Application Intelligence He has been responsible for customer innovation projects such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and blockchain, such as Zhenhua Heavy Industry, BMW, Daimler, Ningde Times, Golden Eagle International, Huawei, Wanhua Chemical, Chimelong Park, Sinopec, etc

Organizing team




Shanghai, China