x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Dialogue in Space

This event occurred on
June 19, 2021
Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Chapter 1-宇宙呼喊计划

For millions of million years, stars are never silent. What about you? --- Here is our Dialogue in Space.

Do you know that when a star dies, the remains of massive stars are called pulsars. With strong beams of electromagnetic radiation emanating from its magnetic poles, a pulsar can be detected by a radio telescope on earth.

Periodical radio pulses come from the spinning star pulsating them out into space—some with a pulse period of 10 seconds.

然而,1982年9月的午夜, 希纳·库卡尼(Shri Kulkarni)发现了一颗后被命名为 PSR B1937+21的毫秒脉冲星。它的自转速度,是每秒641圈。
Whereas, in the midnight of September, 1982, the first millisecond pulsar, which was later named as PSR B1937+21 was discovered by Shri Kulkarni. The star rotates 641 times per second.

2006年,杰森·赫塞尔斯(Jason Hessels),发现了另外一颗自转速度为每秒716圈的毫秒脉冲星。
In 2006, Jason Hessels detected another millisecond pulsar spinning 716 revolutions per second.

Why are there millisecond pulsars spinning so fast?

Because there is a companion star giving the pulsar X-ray matters and racing together with it, making it spin faster and faster. The process takes at least 10 million years.

The interstellar medium between binary pulsar are the so-called gravitational waves, which, can change time and space.

2020年, “中国天眼” FAST在武仙座球状星团(M13)中发现了一颗脉冲双星。
In 2020, a binary pulsar was detected by the Chinese “FAST” radio telescope in the “Hercules” star cluster.

The two stars together are like “dancers doing a waltz” in space.

这些来自宇宙深处的“心跳”, 这些早已存在上亿年的星星,在深空中一直都没有停止它们的诉说。
These billion-year-old stars, are like forever heartbeats from the ends of the universe, and are never silent.

作为宇宙中的一员, 你我同样也可以对深空发出我们的呼喊,等待在另一个时空被发现。
As a member of this universe, we are also given the chance to shout whatever we want to it. In another time and space, you can be heard.

On April 27, 2021, Hangsheng-1 was successfully launched into space. It is China's first intelligent remote sensing satellite with real-time response, interactive operation and intelligent management capabilities.

On this occasion, TEDxHangzhou AIR invited artist Wanshan Lin to launch the “Dialogue in Space" sound collection order.


In late May or June 2021, we will conduct the interaction of "Dialogue in Space" in the "AUX Center" building of Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City. When the "Hangsheng-1" satellite is flying over Hangzhou, we'll broadcast your voice to outer space with the earth as the center through the radio waves on the satellite.

The large-scale installation on the ground based on high-rise buildings will be output through live visual, and "broadcast" this process to everyone around.

同时, TEDx杭州将邀请来自太空、科技、人文领域的五位嘉宾参与演讲, 参与前期征集的朋友们将有机会参与地面现场互动。


At the same time, TEDxHangzhou will invite five guest speakers from the arenas of space, science and technology, and humanities to participate in this dialogue. Friends who participated in the early solicitation will get the opportunity to participate in on-site interaction on the ground.

宇宙呼喊计划: 你想对深空说些什么?
# What would like to speak to the deep space?
What if a deceased relative becomes a star in the space;
What if there is an alien civilization;
What if you want to have an expressive exchange in the universe;
征集对象: 所有人
征集方式: 请关注我们公众号和微博平台
Follow our official wechat or weibo: tedxhangzhou for more details.

Chapter 2——从来渺小, 何以伟大

Who could tell us at last
When did begin the past?
How could anyone know
The formless high and low?
-- Asking Heaven by Qu Yuan

Humanity has always been insignificant.
In agricultural society, the ancient Chinese ancestors determined seasonal alternations by observing the stars to learn the rules of the sowing time for five cereals. Endless questions, concerning the sudden changes of fortune, can only be answered by watching the stars at night.

To know WHY is an eternal problem of mankind.

Desire的意思是渴望、期待,这个词源于拉丁语 “desiderare”,原意为“等待星星将带来的东西”。
‘Desire’ standing for aspiration and expectation, comes from the Latin word ‘desiderare’, meaning ‘waiting for what stars would bring’.

From Qu Yuan, who was nobly born but so persecuted that he asked heaven for an ultimate answer, to Li Bai, who was carefree and unrestrained that he wanted to climb stars to the heaven and even Liu Cixin who witnessed the launch of Red East 1 and was thus inspired to created The Three-Body Problem regardless of hunger and never backing off his belief, expectation for illimitable starry sky has never been individual demand.

All times, we are not only asking universe, but ourselves. The moon waxes and wanes; the milky way is bright and unpredictable; humans have sorrow and joy, unexpected good or bad fortune. All these are questions to answer.
Have we ever had an answer?
yes, we need the answer.

TEDxHangzhou's home
No. 76th, kuoshiban Road, Westlake district
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310013
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Hangzhou­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

云宁 谢


可意 徐

出生于1988年,本科和硕士毕业于香港中文大学新闻传播学院; 康泰纳仕《GQ》、《悦游》签约作者 在30岁之前完成“7大洲+4大洋+南极和北极”的旅行拍摄; 作品提名《中国首届野生生物视频年赛》最佳影片; 摄影及文字作品多次发表于《中国国家地理》 《 中 国 国 家 天 文 》《 博 物 》《GQ 智 族 》《 悦 游 》 《ELLEMEN睿士》《时尚旅游》和凤凰旅游等媒体,并在国内外摄影大赛中获奖

方金 宋

毕业于中央戏剧学院戏文系。代表作:电影剧本《飞》《夏日里最后一 朵玫瑰》《清明上河图》等;电视剧本《热爱》《手机》《甜蜜》《决胜》等;出版文学作品《给 青年编剧的信》《故事向暖心向远》《生活不止诗和远方,还有甲方乙方》等。

炳红 周

中国航天科普大使,中国科学院国家空间科学中心研究员,博士生导师。研究方向为流体力学及飞行器设计。长期负责长征系列火箭推进剂晃动及在空间微重力条件下的流动与传热研究。近年来,开展了小天体科学、防御与利用研究工作。 研究成果应用于航天部门长征2号上面级离轨、长征3号嫦娥工程中上面级长时间滑行、长征5号级间分离时序设计、长征5号改进设计、长征7号优化设计、新型可重复使用运载火箭等型号和任务。 开展了长征5号复飞、嫦娥5号发射直播科普讲解,《科技袁人》航天栏目科普专家,担任中央电视台《央视频直播》、《科技解码》两个栏目科普讲解专家。科普视频播放观看超过2000万人次。

瑞雪 白


Organizing team


Hangzhou, China


Hangzhou, China