Master in Business Law.
Author of the book by Lawyer Promoted to Gardener,
he graduated in Law in 2007, he completed a postgraduate degree in Labor and Procedural Law at the
I work at the Federal University of Bahia, took a master's degree in Business Law in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, lawyer for years as a partner at Ângelo Freire Advogados
Associates, a respected law firm in Salvador (BA),
Lawyer specializing in environmental law and sustainability.
Erica Rusch, Founding Partner of Rusch Advogados, an office specializing in business
sustainable. Master in Economic Law from the Federal University of Bahia. Specialist
in Environmental Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. studied law
Environmental Compared at the University of Texas. He studied International Environmental Law at
Pace University School of Law, New York. Member of the Sustainability Council of
Federation of Industries of Bahia. Member of the Sustainability Core Council of
Bahia Commercial Association.
Master in Social Development and Management.
Master in Development and Social Management from UFBA, MBA from UNIFACS, graduated in Communication and Public Relations from UNEB, graduated in GRI and PMD PRO. He has been working on issues related to social responsibility and sustainability for over 20 years, starting at various environmental organizations, such as Gambá, the Atlantic Forest NGO Network. He worked in cultural projects such as Carnaval and Carlinhos Brown's career. In London, it supported non-governmental organizations (ABC TRUST and Global OCEAN) in monitoring projects in Brazil. In the private sector, he was manager of the social responsibility and sustainability area of the Bahia Norte Highway Concessionaire (Odebrecht/Invepar) for 8 years.
Psychologist with an MBA in People Management from UFF. Postgraduate in Neurosciences at Mackenzie. Master's student in Communication and Behavior Analysis at Manchester University - United Kingdom.
He has been working for over 17 years in Corporate Education projects in Latin America, having trained more than 150,000 people. Professor at HSM Education.
Some Cases: Sanofi, Serasa, Vivo, Unimed, Hypera, Dasa, Mapfre, Grupo Boticário, AstraZeneca, Magalu, GPA, Takeda, Novartis, Galderma, Novo Nordisk, Merck, Nestlé, Boehringer, AbbVie.
He was a speaker at the CBTD 2020 and 2021 (largest T&D Congress in Latin America).
Business Coach, Consultant and Mentor of Women Entrepreneurs.
Business Administrator, Master in Administration, Coach, Mentor and Consultant with a focus on female entrepreneurship, specialist in finance for non-financials, co-author of the book Conflict Management in Family Businesses, mother, wife, passionate about contributing to the transformation of people and your business.
Entrepreneur, dedicated to business management for over 30 years.
Throughout his career, he worked with more than 200 small companies, directly supporting the development of these companies through management methods or preparing leaders for extraordinary results.