Chen-Yu Chiu 裘振宇
Architectural Historian, Humanitarian 建築史學工作者、人道主義實踐者
Chen-Yu Chiu is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the Bilkent University in Turkey. He is also the Founding Director and Principal Architect of the Taiwan-Reyhanli Centre for World Citizens.
Cheng-Hua Wu 巫震華
Robotics Engineer and Entrepreneur 動力機械工程學者
Cheng-Hua Wu is an entrepreneur with a background in bionics and exoskeleton robots. Wu is developing lightweight, wearable robots that can improve the independence and quality of life of persons with disabilities.
Jinpeng Tsai 蔡僅鵬
Circular Economy Advocate 循環經濟促進者
Jinpeng Tsai is a designer and entrepreneur with a focus on building an environmentally-friendly and sustainable business model for future generations.
FNG世代設計創辦人,以「為了下一代而設計」(For Next Generation)為口號,號召更多人一起解決回收物再利用的環境問題,期望讓每個人都能加入共同創造良善的商業循環,為下一代留下一個更好的環境。
Mayaw Biho 馬躍・比吼
Documentary Filmmaker and Activist 影像藝術工作者、原民教育推動者
Mayaw Biho is a veteran aboriginal culture activist and documentary filmmakers with over thirty films featuring Taiwanese indigenous culture. In 2019, he founded the Pinanaman Riverside Classroom, the first kindergarten that immerses its students in an exclusive Amis Language environment.
馬躍·比吼出生於花蓮玉里春日部落,為資深原住民文化工作者,曾拍攝多部原住民紀錄片並多次獲獎。2019年創立南島魯瑪社, 在秀姑巒溪旁建立Pinanaman全阿美語的河邊教室,希望讓孩子用自己的語言學習自己的文化,並從探尋過往的文化和歷史中重拾自信心。
Mei-En Lien 連美恩
Fashion Photographer, Author 攝影師、作家
Mei-En Lien is a best-selling author and fashion photographer whose works have been featured in GQ, Vogue, Elle, and Time Magazine. Lien's most recent project, The Hidden Gem, is a collection of photo stories that addresses issues concerning senior citizens' emotional well-being and how that may correlate with their mental health.
連美恩在2016年與罹患失智症外婆互動的過程中,意外發覺以往他從沒有在外婆身上看見的光芒與可能性。於是她突發奇想:「如果讓近百歲的奶奶,穿上年輕人的潮服,再用時尚攝影的手法拍,會有什麼結果呢?」而後The Hidden Gem 向歲月致敬的計畫就此誕生。
Tze-Fu Hsu 徐子富
Plant Microbiologist 植物暨微生物學者
Tze-Fu Hsu is a plant microbiologist from Academia Sinica whose research team is unveiling new applications of an ancient rice -- an undervalued superfood -- in Taiwan.
Musician 音樂家
YKBand is an international performing group formed by Yerko Lorca from Barcelona and Huang Kuan Yin from Taiwan. Their genre of music, characterised by a combination of Mediterranean and Asian styles, is deep-rooted in ancient music. YKBand were awarded Gold Medal Winners - Best of Show of the Global Music Awards in November 2019.
由巴塞隆納音樂家 Yerko Lorca & 台灣藝術家黃冠螢共組,透過世界少見的遠古樂器:西非吟遊詩人傳統樂器 Kora(科拉琴)、三千年歷史絕跡Tartesstian Lyre(西班牙塔特西里拉琴)與 古地中海的 Tar塔兒鼓為主軸,搭上兩人男女和聲原創樂曲與數位氛圍聲響,帶大家聆聽敘事音樂各種可能,古老而陌生的聲音,喚醒人類的無限想像。
Yu-Ying Kuo 郭育吟
Women & Children's Advocate 婦女兒童權益促進者
Yu-Ying Kuo works in an NGO that advocates gender education and sexual assault prevention advocacy.