Senior Lecturer in International Business
‘That wasn’t my intention’: A Spotlight on Intent of Human Behaviour
4:15 pm - 4:45 pm
Ankur Shiv Bhandari speaks about the influence and power of Intent on human behaviour. The talk is sructured on 4 key pillars with questions explored at each stage: 1) “Identity” – “Who are we?” (This stage helps us explore our individuality and why we have to accept and celebrate our uniqueness.) 2) “Intent” – What do we want to do? (This stage is the key stage of the talk where Intent is linked backwards to our unique identity and forwards to our purpose and action) 3) “Alignment”- Why do we want to do it? (This stage helps us explore our reasons for alignment with third parties and also helps us search for our purpose) 4) “Action”- How will we do it? (This stage allows us to see how our Intent can convert into action)
Ankur's background is Marketing and business development. He has worked with clients across the world on harnessing “intent" of consumers through marketing and business development.
Cynthia Harper
Senior Lecturer Education
‘Is it the job of schools to teach our children values?’
5:45 pm - 6:15 pm
Cynthia Harper will ask whether actively promoting Fundamental British Values (FBV) means challenging opinions or behaviours in school. Excellent teaching of RE will enable pupils to learn to think for themselves about British values and ideas around the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of children. Cynthia's talk will ask: how does RE in our Primary schools promote FBV? What are FBVs? Do these need updating? Are these values universal and Is it the responsibility of RE to teach them?
Cynthia is a Senior Lecturer in Primary Religious Education and the PGCE MA. She delivers modules across the undergraduate, postgraduate and work based route programmes and has achieved a prestigious Millennium Fellowship for Religious Education from the Farmington Institute in 2000.
Senior Lecturer in Physics
‘How are God and the world inter-related: A look at Pantheism’
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Dr Elisabetta Canetta's talk will ask how the scientific understanding of the natural world and the cosmos can make an active and positive contribution to the theological quest for understanding the essence of God’s being. In particular, the philosophical and physical approaches to unravelling the nature of spacetime that can be found in St Augustine, Hegel, Kant, and modern physics, and their role in exploring the intricacies and complexities of the God-world interrelationship.
Dr Canetta works on the use of bioengineering devices for the rehabilitation of stroke and other brain injury patients. She moved to the UK in 2004 and held a series of postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Abertay, Surrey and St Andrews. She is a senior lecturer in Physics and her research encompasses the transcendence of mathematics and physics and their synergic relationship with theology.
Gemma Hobcraft
Senior Lecturer in Medical Law and Ethics
Vaccine Passports: Digital Freedom or Digital Control?'
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
In this interactive talk Gemma Hobcraft will explore the legal, ethical and social issues associated with vaccine passports. Will we need digital vaccination passports to access post-covid freedoms or could this be a form of digital control as well as one that enlarges our data footprint? What will this mean domestically? What will this mean for international travel? This interactive talk will explore the issues of vaccine passports through the lens of data ethics, civil liberties, and human rights. It will consider historical lessons relating to issues of health acting as a passport, whilst weighing up the legal and ethical pros and cons of such an approach in 2021.
Gemma Hobcraft is a Senior Lecturer in Law at St Mary's and a Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. She has previously been Deputy Chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. Her academic and legal work focus on health care regulation.
Senior Lecturer in Communications
‘What can Psychoanalysis teach us about on-line misogyny’?
9:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Jacob Johanssen discusses how online misogyny has dramatically increased in recent years, arguing that it is widespread on social media as well as YouTube, 4chan and Reddit. Jacob draws on his research around Incels, Men Going Their Own Way, Alt-Right YouTubers and NoFap - members of the so-called manosphere. Drawing on psychoanalytic thinkers - Klaus Theweleit and Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - he analyses these communities arguing that men of the manosphere present contradictory thoughts, desires and fantasies about women which include but go beyond misogyny.
Jacob is Senior Lecturer in Communications at St. Mary's and the author of Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture: Audiences, Social Media, and Big Data (2019); Fantasy, Online Misogyny and the Manosphere: Male Bodies of Dis/Inhibition (2021) and Event Horizon: Sexuality, Politics, Online Culture, and the Limits of Capitalism (with Bonni Rambatan, 2021).
Mark Griffin
Head of Drama St Mary's
Mark Griffin is the current Head of Drama at St Mary's, where he has been instrumental in the development of accesible conservatoire level training Acting and Technical theatre programmes within a University structure. He trained as a secondary school teacher and taught in Manchester, Hastings and Birmingham before taking an MA in Theatre Direction at Goldsmith's College. Immediately prior to joining St Mary's he worked as a freelance playwright and director with a focus on Community, Forum, and Immersive Theatre work.
Professor of Finance, Public Policy and Ethics
‘Climate Change II: Inter-generational Justice & Debt’
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Prof Phillip Booth explores the argument that climate change is an issue of inter-generational justice suggesting that the evolution of government debt will lead to huge wealth transfers from today’s younger generations to older generations. The talk will begin by looking at the size of the problem before examining the social and economic consequences using historical examples. Finally, it will question solutions to this problem or whether the damage has been done. Professor Booth is Director of Catholic Mission at St. Mary’s and Director of the Vinson Centre and Professor of Economics at University of Buckingham and Senior Academic Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs. Philip worked for the Bank of England as an adviser on financial stability issues and has written books on investment, finance, social insurance and pensions as well as on the relationship between Catholic social teaching and economics.
Senior Lecturer in Twentieth Century Literature and Popular Culture
‘The Beatles, Jay Z, Danger Mouse and Remix Culture’
8:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Richard Mills discusses the extent to which black music and remix culture have helped to redefine the Beatles’ music by morphing and remixing it into new unexpected areas. As well analyzing the aesthetics of Danger Mouse’s mash up of the Beatles’ and Jay Z’s work, his talk will discuss the legal ramifications of remix music.
Dr Mills is a Senior Lecturer in Literature and Popular Culture at St Mary’s University and has published extensively on popular music, Irish literature and culture, film, fashion and British television. Mills is the author of The Beatles and Fandom: Sex, Death and Progressive Nostalgia and co-editor of Mad Dogs and Englishness and is author of the forthcoming The Beatles and Black Music: Post-colonial Theory, Musicology and Remix Culture (Bloomsbury 2021).
Sarah Green
Senior Lecturer, Primary Religious Education
Sarah Green will be presenting with Cynthia Harper on ‘Is it the job of schools to teach our children values?’ 5:45 pm - 6:15 pm
She is Senior Lecturer in Primary Religious education and has a wide range of experience teaching in schools and online from nursery to teaching KS2. She has worked as a Primary School teacher for twenty-four years in both Catholic and Community Schools. She co-ordinated RE, Maths, Physical Education and all key stages. Sarah was a Deputy Head Teacher for eight years during which time she mentored NQTS and managed professional development of both teachers and teaching assistants.
Sarah has a particular interest in educating children (and parents) about each other’s faiths and worldviews breaking down stereotypes and building up community cohesion. She is passionate about raising the profile of Religious Education in Primary schools.
Professor of International Relations
Syed Salah Kamall ‘Building Coalitions in an Age of Separation’ 9.30pm Syed Salah Kamall, Baron Kamall is a Professor of Politics and International Relations at St Mary’s University, Twickenham and the Academic & Research Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs, a classical liberal think tank in London. He writes on politics, foreign affairs and international trade.
Professor of Economics
Negative Rates Boost Innovation'
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Trevor Williams' talk will encompass the 'natural rate' and 'secular decline' discussing whether these issues are a new phenomena focussing on 'deep' history, effects of the pandemic, war, demographics, innovation, global per capita GDP and end with why this is relevant for the coming decade and tackling climate change.Trevor Williams is the former chief economist of Lloyds Bank, and worked as an economist in the city of London for 30 years, including the government economic service. Trevor's extensive experience covers financial market risk, econometric modelling, banking markets, the future of technology and analysis of the UK and global economy.
He is currently a Professor at St Marys university, visiting Professor at the University of Derby, author of Trading Economics (Wiley) and writes a regular monthly column for Moneyfacts. Trevor also blogs on topical issues.