x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Hope & Wonder

This event occurred on
November 29, 2020
London, Hackney
United Kingdom

Hope brings us dreams of the future. Wonder brings us awe at what already exists - the glorious natural world around us, the ingenuity of humanity, the stunning incomprehensibility of the universe.

At TEDxHackneyWomen, we know the world isn't perfect - but we also know there is plenty of Hope & Wonder, lurking behind the constant blare of headlines. So we're going to spend a day exploring exciting and inspirational ideas from women both local and international. The event will be fun, educational, inspirational - and most of all, experimental.

An Internet Connection near you!
London, Hackney, E2 8ET
United Kingdom
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Hackney­Women events

Organizing team

