x = independently organized TED event

Theme: One's way 自分流

This event occurred on
November 29, 2020
Chiyodaku, Tôkyô

The Teikyo University group is building international networks as part of our commitment to helping every student find their "one's way" predicated on a global perspective, through a combination of integrated education and local engagement.
Discover the future of "your way" from TEDxTeikyoU.

Teikyo University Kasumigaseki Campus
Hirakawacho Mori-Tower 9F 2-16-1 Hirakawacho
Chiyodaku, Tôkyô, 102-0093
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Akane Kikuchi

Art Director/ Experience Designer
Akane Kikuchi Art Director/ Experience Designer Akane Kikuchi, who is excellent at reconverting things with ideas, moved to New York at the age of 18 to learn design. After returning to Japan, her inquiring mind to deepen her knowledge of her own country prompted her to gain experience as Geisha. She established Akane Kikuchi Design in 2016, and she has chaired a creative studio, KiQ to give meaning to unnamed moments since 2020. Akane invites people to a journey of her original sensitivity beyond the boundary between being physical and digital while introducing her works, including installation and spatial designing in countries beyond Japan such as the U.S. and South Africa. 菊地あかね アートディレクター/エクスペリエンスデザイナー アイデアによる物事の再変換を得意とする菊地あかねは、18歳でNYに移住しデザインを学んだ後、自国への探究心から芸者修行を経験。 2016年Akane Kikuchi Designを設立し、2020年より名のなき瞬間に意味を与えるクリエイティブ・スタジオ、KiQを主催。日本を超え米国・南アフリカなどでインスタレーションや空間デザインを発信しながら、フィジカルとデジタルの垣根を超えた、独自の感性の旅を提言している。

Jun Sasahara

アスリートのスポーツ傷害を最小の侵襲で治したいと医師を志し、スポーツ医科学センターでトップアスリートやスポーツ選手の診療を専門としている笹原潤医師。患者の「痛みをとる」だけの医療から、アスリートの「最高のパフォーマンス」を支える医療へ。手術に頼らない驚きの方法とは? Jun Sasahara Sports Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Jun Sasahara, who wants to become a doctor to treat athletes' sports injuries with minimal invasion, specializes in treating top athletes and sportspeople at the Teikyo University Institute Sports Science & Medicine. From medical care that only "takes away the pain" of the patient to medical care that supports "the best performance" of the athlete. What is a fantastic method that does not rely on surgery?

Ken Noguchi

野口 健 アルピニスト 登山家で環境活動家の野口健は、日本人外交官とエジプト人のあいだにボストンで生まれ、幼少期から海外生活を続けていた。 高校生で登山に自己表現の価値を見出し、世界最高峰のエベレストへ2度登頂。25歳で7大陸最高峰世界最年少登頂記録を樹立。現在はヒマラヤや富士山での清掃活動や、シェルパ族の教育支援、ヒマラヤ学校建設・森林づくり、戦没者の遺骨収集、災害支援など、社会貢献活動を積極的に行っている。 Ken Noguchi Alpinist Ken Noguchi, a mountaineer and environmental activist, was born in Boston, to a Japanese diplomat and an Egyptian, and has lived abroad since childhood. When he was a high school student, he found the value of self-expression in mountain climbing and succeeded in climbing the world's highest peak, Everest, twice. At the age of 25, he set the world's youngest climb record for the highest peak on seven continents. Currently, he actively engaged in social contribution activities such as cleanup in the Himalayas and Mt. Fuji, educational support for Sherpa children whose parents died in distress, school construction and forest development in the Himalayas, collection of remains of war dead, and disaster support.

Madoka Sawa

澤 円 利他的自己中戦略家 ありたい自分はなんなのかや、どう考えて生きればハッピーになれるのかを、ひたすら考え伝えていくことがライフワークになっている、元大手外資系IT企業サラリーマンの澤円が実践している、ありたい自分でいるための自己中戦略とは? Madoka Sawa Altruistic self-centered strategist Madoka Sawa, a former employee of a major foreign IT company, whose life work is to think and evangelize what you want to be and how to think and live to be happy. What is his self-centered strategy that he practices becoming the person he wants to be?

Naoko Ideguchi

薬学部教員の井手口直子は、難病ALSの患者と学生が直接交流する講義を行ったり、生活支援と治療法開発のファンドレイジングを行っている。2019年にはファンであるラグビーのワールドカップ日本開催にあわせて、ALS治療法研究募金「チャレンジJ9」を立ち上げた。この患者と家族が主体的に参加できるA活動を通じ、難病患者の生活とケアへ関心を持ち、共に楽しみながら支援を継続できることの大切さを発信している。 Naoko Ideguchi Cofounder of ALS Research Support "Challenge J9" / Professor of Teikyō Heisei University Naoko Ideguchi gives lectures with direct interaction between the students and the patients with an intractable disease, ALS. She also conducts fundraising for life support and developing a new treatment for ALS. In 2019, she, who is a big fan of rugby, launched fundraising for Treatment Research Funding "Challenge J9" with volunteers to coincide with the Rugby World Cup in Japan for the purpose to support the patients. She spreads the importance of being interested in the lives and care of those patients with the intractable disease and lasting support while having fun together, through those ALS support activities in which patients and their families can participate proactively.

Takayuki Otsuka

大塚貴之 デフラグビー日本代表選手 先天性の聴覚障がい者である大塚貴之は、小学生の頃からラグビーの魅力に取り憑かれ、人一倍の努力で健聴者と共にプレー、帝京大学在学中は大学選手権6連覇に貢献した。音のない世界で彼が見いだした、障がい者への理解を進め、人生を豊かにする”たまたま精神“とは? Takayuki Otsuka Def Rugby Japan National Team Player As congenital deaf, he has been fascinated by rugby since elementary school. He has played with the person having no difficulty hearing with his extra effort. He contributed to winner six consecutive titles of the All-Japan University Rugby Football Championship while at Teikyo University. What is his "Spirit by happening" that he found in the soundless world that advances our understanding of the disabled and enriches our lives?

Yoshiko Hanzaki

半崎 美子 シンガーソングライター 北海道の大学在学中に音楽に目覚め, シンガーソングライターとして個人で全国のショッピングモールを回り歌い続け,いつしか「ショッピングモールの歌姫」として話題となった半崎美子. 歌を通して人と繫がり,様々な人生や涙に触れるたびに, 思わぬ配色の歌がまた生まれる. その自然でかけがえのない連鎖で, いつまでも語り継がれ, 時代も世代も超えて必要とされる作品を残し, 人の心に寄り添いながら曲を紡ぐ事を一番大切にしている. Yoshiko Hanzaki Singer-songwriter Yoshiko Hanzaki, who got into music while she was a university student in Hokkaido, traveled around the country as a singer-songwriter and sang in shopping malls and became known as the "Diva of the Shopping Mall." Whenever you connect with people through songs and touch their lives and tears, unexpectedly colored pieces are born again. With this natural and irreplaceable chain, she leaves behind works that are passed on forever and needed by all ages and generations, and she places the utmost importance on creating songs that are close to the hearts of people.

Organizing team


Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo, Japan