x = independently organized TED event

Theme: “点、线、面-赋能未来” Dots, Lines, Surfaces-Empower the Future

This event occurred on
July 18, 2021
眉山市, Sichuan





"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." —by Steve Jobs



眉山市, Sichuan, 620039
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Sansu­Square events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Jeff Holmberg

Chief Strategy Officer - Terra Virtua
Jeff Holmberg is currently Chief Strategy Officer at Terra Virtua, the first fully immersive, blockchain-driven VR entertainment platform built for the next generation in entertainment and engagement. As a graduate of Fordham University, he first started his career on Wall St. working on separately managed accounts for high net worth individuals at Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. Jeff started collecting NFTs at the end of 2017. He eventually turned his passion into a full time role as Head of Partnerships at OpenSea, the largest marketplace for digital collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain. Jeff still remains an avid collector of NFTs while continuing to work on building the future of the digital collectible space. 杰夫·霍姆博格目前是Terra Virtua的首席战略官,Terra Virtua是第一个完全沉浸式、区块链驱动的VR娱乐平台,为下一代的娱乐和参与打造。作为纽约福德姆大学的毕业生,他的职业生涯最初是在华尔街的美林和高盛为高净值个人开设独立管理账户。Jeff在2017年底开始收集NFT。他最终将自己的热情转化为OpenSea的全职合作伙伴关系主管,OpenSea是以太坊区块链上最大的数字收藏品市场。杰夫仍然是一个狂热的NFT收藏家,同时继续致力于建设未来数字收藏空间。

Sofia 思惠 Theophilus 郑

Global business professional 全球商业专业人士
Sofia Theophilus is a global business professional who is passionate about living without fear and regrets. Through her work and personal endeavors, she connects people with the resources and networks that they need to make their ventures around the world possible. 索非亚·西奥菲勒斯是一位全球商业专业人士,她对生活充满热情,没有恐惧和遗憾。通过她的工作和个人努力,她将人们与他们需要的资源和网络连接起来,使他们在世界各地的创业成为可能。

奕柳 Yiliu 浦 Pu

创业家 Entrepreneur
14岁开始创业的“连续跨界创业者”,23岁被评为“福布斯商界最具潜力女性”、“福布斯30岁以下精英”。 参与的项目覆盖慈善、医疗、消费、科技及时尚。她曾担任联医集团的合伙人,一家以科技与数据驱动的医疗器械平台公司,业务覆盖70多个国家。 PU Yiliu, a continuous cross-border entrepreneur who started entrepreneurship at the age of 14, was honored as "the most potential female in Forbes business" and "Forbes under 30 elite" at the age of 23. Projects involved cover philanthropy, health care, consumption, technology and fashion. She has worked as a partner in the LyncMed Group, a technology and data driven medical device platform company with business coverage in more than 70 countries. Today, as the founder of IVI diamond, she is committed to combining technology and culture to create a Chinese fashion luxury brand. She firmly believes that once there is national confidence and cultural confidence, China will surely emerge a large number of international brands to the world. As a young generation, we should show our cultural and technological achievements with confidence.

妤 Yu 张 Zhang

中音艺术教育培训学校校长&创始人 Principal and founder of Zhong Yin art education and training school.
中国音乐学院本硕。中国音乐学院社会钢琴教师高级职称。中音艺术教育培训学校校长&创始人 。 Bachelor and Master of China Conservatory of Music. Senior title of social piano teacher of China Conservatory of Music. Principal and founder of Zhong Yin art education and training school.

晨 Chen 沈 Shen

美国NI公司(前美国国家仪器)亚太区技术部门负责人APAC Application Engineering Manager in NI (National Instruments)
十余年半导体,汽车电子和航空航天等硬科技领域经验,参与多项国家重点项目 清华-康奈尔双学位金融MBA A veteran with over 10 years’ experience in semiconductor, automotive and aerospace industry, engaged in some key state projects Dual Degree Financial MBA of Tsinghua and Cornell University

武 Wu (Andrew) 陈 Chen

北京外国语大学附属东坡外国语学校创始人&校长 the founder & President of Dongpo International Academy affiliated to Beijing Foreign Studies University
陈武,家庭教育/青少年成长咨询专家,成都市优秀青年教师,成都市英语学科带头人,四川师范大学外国语学院客座教授、硕士生导师,全国外语特色学校教育研究会副会长。成都外国语学校创始人之一,四川博睿特外国语学校创始人之一,北京外国语大学附属东坡外国语学校创始人&校长。 Wu(Andrew) Chen is a family education/adolescent development counseling specialist, an outstanding teacher and leader of English discipline in Chengdu, a visiting professor and master's supervisor of the school of Foreign Languages of Sichuan Normal University, and vice president of the National Education Research Association of schools with foreign language specialty. He is also one of the founders of Chengdu Foreign Language School, one of the founders of Sichuan Bright Foreign Language School, the founder & President of Dongpo International Academy affiliated to Beijing Foreign Studies University.

茏 Long 陆 Lu

商业设计师与独立视频博主 Commercial designer and independent vlogger
陆茏是一名商业设计师与独立视频博主。在他的职业生涯中,曾先后就职于跨国石油公司,美国西海岸科技巨头,并曾在国内互联网独角兽企业负责战略与对外合作事务。陆茏毕业于哈佛大学商学院,获MBA学位。这段学习经历的沉淀与之后社会实践的历练使其进一步明确了如何用战略思维来思考人生的价值与意义。同时陆茏也是一名历史爱好者。坚信以史为鉴,在故事叙述中他经常引用历史典故佐证其观点。 Long Lu is a commercial designer and independent vlogger. During his career, he has worked for multinational oil companies, West Coast tech giants, and domestic Internet unicorns in charge of strategy and foreign partnerships. Lu graduated from Harvard Business School with an MBA degree. The accumulation of this learning experience and the subsequent social practice made him further clear how to use strategic thinking to think about the value and significance of life. At the same time Lu Long is also a history lover. Believing in history as a mirror, he often cites historical references to support his point of view in his storytelling

Organizing team


  • Jinjian Sun
    Team member
  • Rui (Rachel) Zhu
    Team member