x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
June 7, 2020
Chungli, Taoyuan

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

No.300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Chungli, Taoyuan
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­N­C­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Blaire Chen

【關於講者】 “Be proud to be YOU.” 鏡子前面的你喜歡自己嗎? 你有多久沒有坐下來好好面對鏡中的自己? Blaire 喜歡說自己旅行成痴,致力於將天馬行空的想法揮灑出一幅幅畫作,所以她開始用vlog紀錄人生風景的旅程。原先只是單純想將自己的生活與朋友分享,卻也無意間開啟了成為YouTuber的那扇門。 正式成為YouTuber後,她認為人與人之間需要更多的真誠,因此製作了「真心相談室」系列節目。在節目之中,不論是家人、朋友、情侶、同儕之間,抑或是最熟悉卻也最陌生的自己,她都能帶你面對心中最深層的情緒。 世界上7000個地方我們定居哪 ? Blaire擅於聚焦人與人之間的溫度,也樂於把感動帶給更多人。練習給自己多一點笑容,也給自己多一點的勇氣跟肯定。 BlaireChen, you can tell her a Youtuber, KOL, blogger and a traveler. Today, she wants to share the idea of “self-worth” pursuing, and to think “Why we are here on earth?” Just feel free to imagine if we are a book no matter how thick or how fancy the are. What emotions we will feel after tens of years in the end of our lifetime. Each lives have its own meanings, and we deserve a better picture of life from considering : being pleasant to be here and being proud to be who we are.

宋 俊霖

Balloon Artist
【關於講者】 「興趣能當飯吃嗎?」 二十歲的日常有如於汪洋中漂泊,前程看似廣闊無際,卻又找不到屬於你的燈塔、指引你找到方向。載沉載浮的狀態使焦慮與不安在血液中流竄,殷切洶湧浪潮能夠及早退去。 氣球達人宋俊霖,以作品「台灣藍鯨」享譽國際。看似非凡的成就,背後是數年來辛勤與努力的交織堆疊;即使曾遺失地圖、在堅持興趣與否的分叉路口迷惘,仍持之以恆,靠著孜孜不倦的精神締造更多的人生里程碑。 "Unwritten goals are merely Dreams." 倘若你也在興趣與職涯發展的路途排徊,不妨先替自己設立目標,試著聆聽、追尋一次心中最深處的聲音。 宋俊霖, an artist for designing balloons. He set goals for himself because of interests called “ keeps design balloon for 365 days”. His persistence and strong passion for art allows him to win first prize for his art balloon “the Blue Whales in Taiwan” in the competition by Qualatex. Today, he wants to encourage youth to pursue what we love, and make endeavor to become a profession.

李 漢威

Producer and host of News
【關於講者】 每天、每時、每刻、十幾億條訊息在網路播送著,你誤以為你沈浸的資訊世界是被完美編排的烏托邦,於是囫圇吞棗的攝取文字內容。資訊爆炸的時代有誰不是瑟縮在一角等待被資訊選擇,而是主動走向資訊、選擇資訊? 李漢威、畢業於國立政治大學英國語文學系,曾任民視新聞台國際中心編譯,香港 Exiger Diligence 編輯。 2014太陽花事件爆發之後的混亂以及矛盾讓大家對舊媒體產生質疑,於是他有了想要繼續媒體產業的念頭,進入關鍵評論網工作。然而到最後發現所有自己現在做的事情都在之前做過的工作中有所學習,當初只是想在職場上求生存,無意間學到不同事情,也慢慢趨近自己想做的事情:讓大家理解看似艱澀的國際新聞。 / 你攝取的資訊是缺乏脈絡的碎片新聞還是你已經選擇過後的去蕪存菁?李漢威將以18分鐘的演講與我們分享他在新舊媒體的轉換間的有所見聞以及他如何將快速流竄的資訊寫成自己的養分,在各種可能中嘗試自己喜歡的樣子。 李漢威, one of the host and the producer of The News Lens, making endeavor to develop global perspective through each clips and topics for people through media. Today, he wants to ask all the audience a question: what will your life look like after ten years? We make many decisions during our lifetime because of passions, depression, hope and so forth. Nevertheless, each decisions leads who you are now.

林 子安

Violin Artist
【關於講者】 無暇、溫柔、會慢慢的延遲我的時序。聽了林子安的音樂後我在心裡默默地放下這三個詞彙。這幾天我一直在想為什麼音樂家總給人一種和緩溫柔的感覺,後來發現因為 文字可以矯飾可是音樂不行,他的音樂經常寫在信義香堤大道的五線譜上,治癒潛伏在血液裡的不安。 林子安,七歲學琴一路上浸淫在小提琴世界二十個年頭,過去曾是弦樂團無解樂團中 的一員,然而在樂團解散後他才發現即使在樂團中付出那麼多、努力那麼久,卻依然 沒沒無聞,於是開始做一個以自己為出發點的工作——街頭藝人。 街頭藝人的成就感來自於觀眾直接的反饋,沒有前人的經歷可以借鑑,只能自己不斷嘗試不斷突破。林子安持續用音樂轉動他的日常,在年會裡屬於林子安 18 分鐘,他想透過他的故事傳達其實你不必提早為自己的日子宣布理想的完結,不要受限於自己的專業科目企圖心以及執行力能為你的未來畫上各種可能性。 Lin Tzu An, a violins artist. Start his performance from all kinds of spectacular stages. Nevertheless, he chose to think outside the box and get out of the comfort zone. He becomes a violin artist and his stage is the whole street from Taiwan to the world. Now, he keeps sharing his music on his YouTube channel and hopes that he could touch more people’s heart with his music and his storie.

Organizing team


  • Yu Yabe
    Team member
  • Yu-Ting Chen
    Team member
  • 品歷 林
    Team member
  • 品潔 陳
  • 岱璇 沈
    Team member
  • 易恩 謝
    Team member
  • 睿軒 張
    Team member
  • 紘睿 張
  • 紫晴 許
    Team member
  • 雨昕 陳