x = independently organized TED event

Theme: TED screenings and discussion: Me too, what next?

This event occurred on
December 5, 2019
London, Hackney
United Kingdom

The Me Too movement has undeniably had an impact on the way we think and talk about gender discrimination. But how has this conversation moved beyond a hashtag and where do we go from here?
Me Too movement founder Tarana Burke clarifies that ‘Me too is a movement not a moment’ founder of the EveryDaySexism project Laura Bates gives us the stats behind ‘Everyday sexism’, sociologist Michael Kimmel explains ‘Why gender equality is good for everyone –men included’ and comedian Sandi Toksvig tells her story of how she created ‘A political party for women’s equality’ because equality wont just happen.

TEDx Hackney Libraries is a wonderful opportunity for local residents to get together to listen to experts talk about subjects that matter to us all. These events aren’t just about listening; the open discussion at each session encourages conversation about how these topics affect our everyday lives, inspire us to see things from a different perspective and could even spark change!
TEDx Hackney Council Libraries are inclusive events, ensuring that everyone has a voice, as we believe that personal stories and experiences are invaluable. We can learn from experts, but most of all we can learn from each other.

Dalston CLR James Library
Dalston Square
London, Hackney, E8 3BQ
United Kingdom
Event type:
Library (What is this?)
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