x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The Zeitgeist 锚点·时代精神

This event occurred on
September 10, 2021
Hangzhou, Zhejiang

The era cannot be easily described. History contains repetition, chaos and ascendance...no painter can fully demonstrate it.


However, the times have their own faces, just as we imagined Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi to restore the poetic prosperous in Tang Dynasty, just as we feel the glory and frustration of human beings from the faces in Sternstunden der Menschheit, just like The face of China in the past 100 years heralds the return of the Asian century... We can always feel the Zeitgeist in those dynamic and smart individuals.

Prof. Luo Xiang said in the Thirteen Invitations: "Among all the virtues of mankind, bravery is the most scarce." If everyone leads a mediocre life, the times may also fall into a cycle of repetition. It is those who are brave in their hearts choose to face the difficulties and lead mankind to take another step towards the unknown.

These brave people are the anchor of our time.

文艺复兴时代世界的中心就在佛罗伦萨,而硅谷则是当下最聪明最有野心的头脑聚集之地。Paul Graham曾经有一篇广为流传的雄文,Cities and Ambition,他说:“如果你壮志在胸,就得反复试验去找到去哪里生活。”
The center of the world in Renaissance is Florence, and Silicon Valley is the home where the brightest and most ambitious minds gather. Founder of YC, Paul Graham once wrote a well-acclaimed article called Cities and Ambition writes, "Most people who did great things were clumped together in a few places where that sort of thing was done at the time”, "Not all cities send a message, only those that are centers for some type of ambition do.”

Digitalization makes Qiantang tide surge again, the seeds of innovation have long been deeply rooted in this soil, art flowers blossom on the banks of West Lake, the rich culture and cutting-edge technology nourish the city, once again, Hangzhou, the southernmost city among China's eight ancient capitals, standing before the times. We, TEDxHangzhou, once again sent out invitations, hoping to find an anchor in the city's wave, to explore the faces of the current era.


If you are lucky enough to leave a seed in your heart, we hope its name is brave.

No. 76th, kuoshiban Rd
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310003
Event type:
Education (What is this?)
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Marcus Elliott

Marcus Elliott M.D., a Harvard-trained physician and exercise scientist, has pioneered sports science in professional sports. He was the first Director of Sports Science in both the NFL and MLB, and in 2005 founded P3 Applied Sports Science, whose team has redefined how we assess athletes and use granular athlete data for injury prevention and performance optimization. At P3 he leads a team of over twenty sports scientists, engineers, and data scientists. In 2019, Dr. Elliott became just the twelfth recipient of the Augustus Thorndike visiting professorship at Harvard Medical School. He lives in Santa Barbara California with his wife Nadine and their three children.

先胜 华

华博士是国际电气与电子工程师协会会士,美国计算机协会杰出科学家;2008年获MIT技术评论“全球35个35岁以下杰出青年创新者”称号(TR35)。1996年和2001年毕业于北京大学数学学院,分别获学士和博士学位;之后工作于微软亚洲研究院,微软美国必应搜索引擎,以及微软美国研究院,从事多媒体、计算机视觉和机器学习方面的研发工作。2015年4月加入阿里巴巴,现任职于达摩院,负责大规模视觉智能计算的技术研发。 Dr. Xian-Sheng Hua is an IEEE Fellow, and ACM Distinguished Scientist. He was one of the recipients of the 2008 MIT Technology Review TR35 Young Innovator Award for his outstanding contributions on video search. He received his B.S. degree in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics in 2001, both from Peking University, Beijing, China. He joined Microsoft Research Asia in 2001, and Bing Multimedia Search in 2011, and then Microsoft Research Redmond in 2013. After that, he joined DAMO Academy in 2015, leading a team working on research and development of large-scale visual intelligence technologies.

多全 李

李多全,2005年毕业于中科院计算数学所,博士期间主攻最优化算法方向。 李多全博士设计并推动了国内最大的网购平台消费者服务从线上化向数字化的升级,以及提出并打造了该平台的服务操作系统--服务OS。 Duoquan Li, graduated from the Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. During his Ph.D.,his research areas focused on optimization algorithms. Dr. Duoquan Li designed and promoted the upgrade of consumer services from online to digitalization of the largest online shopping platform in China, proposed and built the service operating system of the platform-Service OS.

山山 戚

戚山山2021年获得国际FEMALE FRONTIER AWARDS颁发UNSUNG HERO特殊贡献奖项,及2020年度迈向可持续世界杰出女性人物100。毕业于美国哈佛大学,获皮特莱斯基金奖;本科就读于哥伦比亚大学,获最高学士荣誉 Summa Cum Laude,授予“百年学者”特别荣誉。曾就职于著名建筑大师伦佐·皮亚诺事务所,2013年成立独立女性建筑事务所,作品多次获得国际建筑大奖,并于浙江大学任教、担任中国美术学院毕业设计导师至今。戚山山致力于乡村建设,构建人、建筑、自然和社会的微妙关系,用思辨性的2.5维建筑学理论,挖掘建筑潜在的能量。她至今进藏60余次,并于2016年起参与藏地松赞项目的设计与建设。 Shanshan QI, founder and principal of STUDIO QI ARCHITECTS, is the winner of the prestigious FEMALE FRONTIER AWARD and named UNSONG HERO, and is listed as Green Women Power 100. She earned her Ph.D. in Architecture with Pritzker Prize Laureate Wang Shu, M.Arch. from Harvard GSD, B.A. with Summa Cum Laude from Barnard College of Columbia University. She worked at Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Genoa before started her solo-female led architectural research and practice in 2013. She is a faculty at Zhejiang University and a thesis advisor at China Academy of Art.

松 薛

当代艺术家, 他的作品,是以火焰和灰烬为媒介的,通过拼贴手段,他把形形色色的印刷品残片组合成全新的形象世界。微观与宏观的矛盾,造型与内容的冲突,在他的画面上不断地制造出疏离和变异的戏剧化效果。他的绘画,是对绘画本体的解构和再造。 作品被美国波士顿美术馆、南加州大学亚太博物馆、德国波恩现代艺术博物馆、中国美术馆、上海美术馆、龙美术馆、宝龙美术馆、和美术馆、香港M+美术馆、比尔盖茨艺术基金会等机构收藏。 Chinese contemporary artist. Graduated from the Department of Dance, Shanghai Academy of Drama. Now he lives in Shanghai. Xue Song's works take fire and ashes as the media. Through Collage, he combines all kinds of printed fragments into a new image world. The contradiction between micro and macro, the conflict between shape and content, constantly create the dramatic effect of alienation and variation on his picture. His painting is the deconstruction and reconstruction of the noumenon of painting. His works are collected by Boston Art Museum, University of Southern California Asia Pacific Museum, Bonn Museum of Modern Art, China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Dragon Art Museum, Powerlong Museum, HEM, Hong Kong M+ Art Museum, Bill Gates Art Foundation and other institutions.

水贤 肖

致力于思考探索应用互联网与数字技术,推动生态各方打造公平公正、富有活力的数字经济营商环境。 Master of Laws, researches and explores the application of Internet and digital technology, and promotes all parties in the ecology to create a fair and dynamic business environment.

灿 黄

黄灿博士现任浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,院长助理,浙江大学创新管理与持续竞争力研究中心常务副主任,知识产权管理研究所(iipm.zju.edu.cn)联席所长,教育部青年长江学者。 Dr. Can Huang is Professor, Assistant Dean, Executive Deputy Director of National Institute for Innovation Management, and Co-Director of Institute for Intellectual Property Management (iipm.zju.edu.cn) at School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He is a Youth Cheung-Kong Scholar awarded by the Ministry of Education of China.

继军 郭

郭继军先生专注于为“云智能”打造企业和政府服务能力,从而帮助阿里云的企业级客户使用云、大数据、数据智能等技术实现数字化转型。 郭继军曾任IBM大中华区Watson健康事业部总经理,致力于将IBMWatson人工智能技术在医疗领域的应用。郭继军同时兼任IBM副总裁&大中华区战略部总经理的责任,制定和指导公司的业务和战略转型策略。郭继军在负责IBM战略工作之前,曾负责电信等行业的咨询服务,致力于为大型企业提供企业转型咨询服务。 在加入IBM前,郭继军先生在埃森哲咨询、PortalSoftware公司的美国硅谷总部和日本分公司任职。 郭继军先生在上海交通大学获得计算机科学和工业管理的硕士和学士学位。 Lancelot Guo focuses on building enterprise and government service capabilities for "cloud intelligence”, currently leading the sales management and ecosystem services for Alibaba Cloud. In this role, Lancelot is responsible for developing enterprise level capabilities that integrate Alibaba Cloud’s technologies to enable digital transformation of government and enterprises.

Organizing team


Hangzhou, China