x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The Power Inside.. Make a Difference

This event occurred on
December 14, 2019
Yaoundé, Centre

Everyone has an inner power.
An ability to do extraordinary things.
A natural and innate talent.
Some can discover it and use it every day.
Others are aware that there is something special about them but they do not dare to explore it and bring it out.
The last category is those who are completely unaware of its existence and live all their lives, in an ordinary way, without realizing that there is a talent/aptitude in them. We want, through this conference, to share ideas to identify and develop powers inside women.
The audience will have the opportunity to experience strong, motivating and inspiring moments through the ideas that will be shared by visionaries who have exploited their potential.

Hôtel des Députés
MINPOSTEL et l'immeuble Rose
Salon Fumoir
Yaoundé, Centre, 24
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Ngoa­Ekélé­Women events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Aeisatu BOUBA

Présidente de FFAC (Forum des Femmes Autochtones du Cameroun)
Bouba Aeisatu is a mbororo pastoralists originated from santa in the north west region. She is a social worker by profession and masters 1 in human rights and the rule of law at yde2 university. Currently doing master 2 in the same field. She is an indigenous women and girls rights advocates for over 15 years now. She has many certificates on human rights and women rights nationally and internationally. She work to empower and educate indigenous women and girls victims of gender based violence had earn her multiple AWARDs national and international.

Aminatou Saher

Coordinator of One Billion Rising Cameroon
Activiste social, Aminatou Saher a fait du développement communautaire sa vocation. Cette maman de 05 exerce depuis 15 ans pour l’amélioration des condition de vie des femmes, enfants et personnes vulnérables au sein de sa communauté au travers de différents projets qu’elle coordonne. L’un des plus récent est le mouvement One Billion Rising qui éduque et sensibilisé contre les violences faites aux femmes et aux jeunes filles. Femme aux multiples casquettes, Amina souhaite œuvrer, éduquer et agir véritable pour un environnement meilleur pour la postérité.

Asheri KILO

Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education
The name Dr Asheri Kilo is not new to the ears of Cameroonians who have some attachment to culture especially performing arts. The hardworking lady and mother of four is the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB). Before this appointment of 4th January 2019, Dr Asheri Kilo was Technical Adviser Number one at the Ministry of Culture. The talented lady was also a Lecturer for Perfoming Arts at the Univeristies of Yaounde 1 and Buea. She has also held other positions including Consultant for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Sensitisation UNAIDS, Sierra Leone and Theatre for Education Consultant, UNESCO Cameroon, amongst others. She is holder of a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Performing and Visual Arts, Theatre Arts and Theatre for Communication, Education and Development. Dr Asheri Kilo is involved in community services, is a member of a drama club, health club, music club and Commonwealth club too.

Justine DIFFO

Coordinator of the Network for More Women in Politics
Pr. Justine DIFFO TCHUNKAM, mariée et mère de 4 enfants est une universitaire de 52 ans qui s’est illustrée par ses combats militants qui ont fait d’elle le chantre de l’éveil des consciences politiques chez les femmes et ses réussites sont nombreuses, entre autres le nombre de femmes au Parlement qui est désormais de 31% à l’Assemblée Nationale et de 21% au Sénat depuis 2013. Ces résultats ont été atteints par sa témérité et son expertise, avec l’appui synergique et concerté de ONU FEMMES, PNUD, ELECAM, MINPROFF, MINATD, Réseau des média, et bien d’autres OSC relais des actions au niveau local.

Marylène OWONA

Présidente de l'entreprise Kouaba
Marylène Owona est une entrepreneure Camerounaise qui a créé il y a 5 ans Kouaba, une agence de marketing et de communication qui se base sur les datas pour améliorer les performances de ses clients. Après avoir fait des études à Bordeaux en France, elle a travaillé pour diverses entreprises comme Puma en tant qu'attachée de presse , Le Figaro en tant que Journaliste/Community manager ou encore AtnetPlanet où elle était en charge des marques telles que Nestle Waters, Puressentiel, Haribo et bien d'autres... En 2014 elle crée une agence dénommée Kouaba qui signifie parler, communiquer en langue bantoue. L'agence est basée à douala, Abidjan et Paris et a eu pour clients Jeune Afrique, Biopharma, la BAD, Proparco et bien d'autres entités de renommée mondiale. Marylène a également tourné des reportages sur la classe moyenne camerounaise. Son leitmotiv : sois meilleure qu'hier et moins bonne que demain parce qu'elle estime que la vie est une évolution constante.


CEO @Evolving Consulting
Reine Essobmadje holds a Global Executive MBA from IE business school Spain with an additional program in Ethics & Corporate Governance from SMU Singapore. She is also an Engineer by training (Master of sciences), graduated in 2004, from ECE Paris (she has been introduced in School Hall of Fame) including an additional program in Management from Stafford University in UK. She is the founder of Evolving Consulting in Cameroon and France since 2009. A consultancy firm specialized in digital transformation in Europe and Africa.

Organizing team


Yaoundé, Cameroon

Souhad Noura

  • Khalimatou Samirah
  • Zakyatou Djamilah