x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Z dvora na Mars

This event occurred on
April 17, 2021
Košice, Košický kraj

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Jakub Ivančo
Gorkého 2
Košice, Košický kraj, 04001
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Košice events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Darina Štyriaková

------------------- Biotechnologist, CEO and founder of Ekolive startup aiming to bring forth ecological mineral mining, cleaning the environment and removing pesticides and chemical fertilizers from soil. She worked as coordinator and manager of BioLeach european project. She is currently working at the Slovenian National Institute of Engineering and also works as a mentor at Beyond pre-accelerator for students and young professionals. She is a member of the first Community of Sustainability experts of the Visegrad Group focused on climate neutrality and the strategy of sustainable development. She was awarded a special prize by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic as one of the five young innovative entrepreneurs in Slovakia 2020.

Juraj Čokyna

Novinár, učiteľ a aktivista Juraj Čokyna pochádza z Vrábľov. Vyštudoval politológiu na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave a neskôr politickú vedu na Central European University v Budapešti. Stážoval v Transparency International, pracoval ako redaktor v denníku SME a reportér Denníka N. Neskôr odišiel na východ Slovenska a cez program Teach for Slovakia učil dva roky na Základnej škole v Šarišských Bohdanovciach aj deti z osád. Napísal knihu "A okraje máš kde?" Momentálne pracuje ako analytik v Inštitúte vzdelávacej politiky pri ministerstve školstva. ----------------------- Juraj Čokyna is a journalist, teacher and activist from Vráble, a small town in western Slovakia. He studied politics at the Comenius University in Bratislava and later political science at the Central European University in Budapest. He was an intern at Transparency International, worked as editor in denník SME journal and as a reporter for Denník N journal. For two years he worked as a teacher in the Teach for Slovakia project, teaching kids from slums in the elementary school of Šarišské Bohdanovce. He wrote a book “And where are your edges?” and later worked as an analyst at the Educational policy institute at the Ministry of Education.

Lucia Pašková

Lucia Pašková je mamou 4 detí a zakladateľkou úspešných firiem, ako sú Curaprox a Folk & Milk. Okrem podnikania je Lucia angažovaná v mnohých neziskových organizáciách, ktoré sa venujú prepájaniu komunít, ľudským právam, permakultúre, pomoci ľuďom a spoločnosti. Spoluzakladala iniciatívu Kto pomôže Slovensku, je členkou správnej rady Bystrín, Nadácie mesta Bratislavy a Slovenskej debatnej asociácie. --------------------------- Lucia is a mother of four children, founder of multiple successful companies in dental hygiene, marketing and more. In addition to her business activities, she is active in multiple non-profit organisations, focusing on community networking, human rights, permaculture and more. She co-founded non-profits and initiatives such as “Kto pomôže Slovensku” (Who will help Slovakia), which focused on providing support to health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, she is a member of the board of directors of “Bystriny” (Streams), focused on networking of active community leaders around Slovakia. She is also a board member of Bratislava city Foundation and Slovak Debate Association.

Michaela Musilová

Dr. Michaela Musilová is an astrobiologist and the director of simulated Mars and Moon missions on HI-SEAS research station, USA. She studied and conducted research at California Institute of Technology (USA), University College London (UK), University of Bristol (UK), Chiba University (Japan) and other universities around the world. Michaela worked for NASA (USA) multiple times, collaborated on European Space Agency (ESA) projects, worked with London and Canadian-French-Hawaii observatories. She led more than 20 simulated missions to Mars and the Moon as a commander on projects of NASA, ESA and other international organizations. Currently, Michaela works as a professor at the Faculty of electrical engineering at the Slovak Technical University (Slovakia) and International Space University (France). She is also the vice-president of the Slovak Organisation for Space Activities and is a research director of space technological company NEEDRONIX. Michaela received the Emerging Space Leaders Grant from International Astronautical Federation, Women in Aerospace - Europe Student & Young Professional Award and was selected as one of “30 below 30” by Forbes Slovakia. Michaela is actively engaged in the International prize of the duke of Edinburgh. She is also a patron of the Emerging Leader Representative program in Slovakia for international activities. She co-authored a book about her life “Woman from Mars” and contributes to space.com.

Pavla Holcová

Pavla Holcová, pôsobiaca v Prahe nastúpila do OCCRP v roku 2013 a je regionálnou redaktorkou pre strednú Európu. Je mnohonásobne ocenenou investigatívnou novinárkou a zakladateľkou nezávislého investigatívneho portálu a člena centra OCCRP investigace.cz. Je tiež členkou predstavenstva Slovenského investigatívneho centra Jána Kuciaka (ICJK.sk). Pracovala na velkých medzinárodných projektoch ako Panama Papers, Paradise Papers, Ruská práčovňa a Azerbajdžanská práčovňa. Spolu s kolegom Jánom Kuciakom odhalila väzby medzi slovenskou vládou a talianskou mafiou. Vyšetrovala tiež masívny nelegálny predaj zbraní do Sýrie počas vojny, skúmala väzby medzi globálnym obchodom s kokaínom a skupinami balkánskeho organizovaného zločinu a identifikovala nelegálne investície politikov do nehnuteľností. V novembri 2016 bola Pavla vybraná medzi sto novinárov v Európe a sto ľudí, ktorí menia strednú a východnú Európu k lepšiemu. V roku 2018 bola vybraná do iniciatívy European Young Leaders. ---------------- Based in Prague, Pavla Holcová joined OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) in 2013 and is a regional editor for Central Europe. She is an multiple award winning investigative journalist and founder of independent outlet and OCCRP member center investigace.cz. She is also a board member of Slovak Investigative Center of Ján Kuciak (ICJK.sk). She has contributed to major cross-border projects such as the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers, the Russian Laundromat, and the Azerbaijani Laundromat and recently, Pandora Papers. Together with her colleague Ján Kuciak, she exposed ties between the Slovak government and Italian mafia. She has also investigated massive illegal arms sales to Syria during the war, explored links between the global cocaine trade and Balkan organized crime groups, and identified illegal real-estate investments by politicians. In November 2016, Pavla was selected among a hundred New Europe changemakers and a hundred people changing Central and Eastern Europe for the better. In 2018, she was selected for the European Young Leaders initiative.

Samuel Kováčik

Samuel graduated from theoretical Physics at FMFI UK in Bratislava. He continued his research at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. He recently moved back home and focuses on research of the structure of space. Samuel also founded a project “Vedátor” (Scientist) where he focuses on popularisation of science through social media, podcasts and more.

Tomáš Eichler

Tomáš Eichler, slovenský neurogenetik vo Viedenskom Biocentre, skúma mozog, spánok a bdenie genetickými metódami. Popularizuje vedu v médiách. Výskum spánku a bdenia publikoval v prestížnom vedeckom časopise Science Magazine. Približuje vedu v TV, rádiu, novinách a prednáša. Učí kriticky myslieť vedeckými metódami — súborom mentálnych bojových umení a mentálneho ticha. ------------------ Tomáš Eichler is a Slovak neurogeneticist working in Biocenter in Vienna researching the brain, sleep and vigilance. His research was published in Science magazine. He is also focusing on popularization of science through mainstream media, coaching on critical thinking with scientific techniques - mental martial arts and mental silence.

Tomáš Peciar

Tomáš Peciar je jedným zo zakladateľov Cyklokoalície – občianskeho združenia, ktoré podporuje rozvoj mestskej cyklistiky v Bratislave. Založil aj prvý slovenský bike sharing “White bikes”, ktorý funguje dodnes na princípe dôvery a komunitného organizovania. Od októbra 2019 začal pracovať pre Magistrát mesta Bratislava ako koordinátor cyklistickej infraštruktúry mesta. Práca úradníka sa však nevylučuje s jeho aktivitami ako aktivistu./Okrem úradníckej práce sa však stále venuje aj aktivizmu. Tomáš Peciar is one of the founders of Cyklokoalícia - a civic association, which supports the development of bicycle culture in Bratislava. He founded the first Slovak bike sharing “White Bikes”, which is based on trust and community. In 2019, Tomáš started working as a coordinator of bicycle infrastructure of the city of Bratislava. He remains an active activist.

Organizing team




Košice, Slovakia