x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Breath of life 此间生息

This event occurred on
October 20, 2019
hangzhou, Zhejiang

在想象中关于「向往的生活」的无数种面貌中,归园田居一定是其中的一种: 狗吠深巷,鸡鸣树颠,春种夏忙,秋收冬藏。我们生长于斯,便与此间的万事万物皆有联系,息息相关。
但是我们似乎越来越把自然的馈赠当做为理所当然。莱昂纳多在手捧第88届奥斯卡小金人的时候说道,“别把自然赋予我们的一切当作天经地义,就像我不会把今晚的荣耀当作理所应当。”不错地,他回顾了拍摄《荒野猎人》时自然取景的艰难,他的获奖感言警醒世人: 别把一切当作理所应当。

Among numerous faces of the lifestyles people are seeking for, returning to nature is definitely one of them. How many times we were imaging a life, where dogs are barking in the alleys, roosters are clucking in the tree, and every season is having their own path. We are living in here, we are embracing, connecting and closely relating to everything on this planet.

However, most of us seem to be taking nature for granted. Just like what Leonardo said, during his winning speech for the Best Actor Award at the 88th Oscar Academy Awards, "Let's do not take this planet for granted, I do not take tonight for granted." He reflected the difficulties of finding an ideal scene for nature while he was shooting the Revenant, and powerfully alerted us: Don't take nature for granted.

How vast the universe is, then how diverse the things are living in - This planet is not the heritage of mankind, and human beings are just one of the numerous wonders existing in this infinite universe.

In this October at TEDxHangzhouSalon, we would neither trying to repeat the cliché of environmental protection, nor giving you a dull popular science lecture. All we wanted is to invite you to join us, to rediscover the myth and miracle of our life and species, to discuss what awe and humbleness are, and thus, to consider why does our concern matters.

westlake stylistic center
no. 217, qingchuan road
hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310000
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Hangzhou­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ash Dykes

adventurer 冒险家/极限运动员
“Ash Dykes, British Adventurer and Extreme Athlete, 3x world first record holder, author of Mission Possible and motivational speaker, who recently headlined news on becoming the first recorded person to hike the entire 4,000 mile long Yangtze River in China, the longest river to run through a single nation. He faced bears, altitude, wolves, -20DC, blizzards and had to send 10 of the 16 people who had joined him during different sections back home, due to injury, fear of wildlife and altitude sickness. He worked with organisations like WWF and the biodiversity foundation to help spread awareness on climate change and plastic pollution, as well as making it one of the world’s most interactive firsts, sharing the journey online globally and becoming a sensation across China.”

Rafael Araujo

Architect and illustrator
As an autodidact in geometry and the use of the Golden Ratio, Rafael's work is the outcome of years of persistence, trial an error upon the theme of tridimensional representation of the world and the “platonic” search of the illusion of the “Truth”, by means of the development of structures which could perfectly be described as illustrated equations of natural subjects: shells, butterflies’ spirals, etc he does all by hand, on his drawing board with classical architectural drawing tools (a compass, protractor, squares and rules) and do not use any kind of computer software whatsoever My approach to the Golden Ratio and its use within my Work has a geometrical character rather than a mathematical one. The golden Mean as well as the Fibonacci Spiral (directly related) could be calculated with utter precision by the use the classical tools of technical drawing. So there he place the challenge for those who dare to try their geometrical skills into this area.

Sze Ping LO

自 2013 年始,卢思骋先生在世界自然基金会(瑞士)北京代表处担任首席代表,2015 年, 被选为 WWF 国际全球管理委员会委员。卢思骋先生于香港科技大学 EMBA 高级行政 人员工商管理硕士毕业,本科毕业于香港中文大学,主修政府与公共行政,期间前往美 国加州大学伯克利分校 (UCBerkeley) 交流学习,主修和平与冲突研究,及后在香港科 技大学研读历史人类学硕士课程。卢思骋先生于国际及本土环保机构工作近二十载。 LO Sze Ping is an environmentalist in China with rich experience directing both international and local NGOs. He is now CEO of WWF China, and elected member of the Network Executive Team of WWF global network. He has taken leadership and governance roles in Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology (SEE), China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN), Global Call etc. for Climate Action (GCCA) and has founded two NGOs Forward Works and Greenovation Hub. He has also served advisory roles for 350.org, UNEP, Sustainable Development Council of the Hong Kong Government, and the World Economic Forum. Sze Ping graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong in Government and Public Administration and holds an EMBA in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

勇诚 龙

龙勇诚是大自然保护协会中国部首席科学家,生态学家。他长期致力于研究和保护并用一生守望“雪山精灵”、中国特有野生动物----滇金丝猴,足迹踏遍三江并流地区一万多平方公里的原始森林,绘制出滇金丝猴群分布图。保护滇金丝猴就是保护人类自己。龙勇诚曾挡在猎枪和滇金丝猴中间,阻止猎杀;为了跟踪猴群,他曾数月吃住在海拔3200米至4300米的雪线附近,历尽艰险;他的护猴、爱猴之心,感召上百名猎人放下猎枪加入保护滇金丝猴的队伍。 the chief scientist and ecologist of the China Ministry of Nature Conservation. Long has long been devoted to the research and protection of “Dian Golden Monkey" and kept watch for the unique wild animal -- Dian Golden Monkey with his whole life. He has traveled more than 10,000 square kilometers of primeval forest in sanjiang parallel flow area and mapped out the distribution map of Dian golden monkey group. To protect Dian Golden Monkey is to protect ourselves. He has been blocked in the middle of the gun and Dian Golden Monkey, to stop the killing; In order to follow the monkeys, he lived for months near the snow line between 3,200 meters and 4,300 meters above sea level.

慧捷 乔

中科院副研究员,中国地理学会生物地理专业委员会委员 早在2004年,还只是中科院硕士研究生的乔慧捷就获得了由总部设在美国的大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy, TNC)提供资助的“自然保护新秀奖”。而后,乔慧捷取得了中国科学院动物研究所博士学位,并留校成为一名副研究员。乔慧捷主要从事生物地理学与生态学理论与方法学研究,他是一位优秀的科研工作者,学术成果丰厚。同时,乔慧捷也中国地理学会生物地理专业委员会委员,Methods in Ecology and Evolution杂志编委。 Back in 2004, Qiao Huijie, as a master's student at The Chinese Academy of Sciences, won The new Nature Conservancy award, funded by The US-based Nature Conservancy. Later, Qiao Huijie received a PhD from the institute of zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became an associate researcher after working in the institute. Qiao Huijie is mainly engaged in the research of biogeography and ecology theory and methodology. He is an excellent researcher with abundant academic achievements. At the same time, he is also a member of the biological geography committee of the Chinese geographical society, and a member of the editorial board of Methods in Ecology and Evolution and the journal Biodiversity.

放 王

复旦大学研究员,野生动物摄影师,生态科研人员 北大生命科学学院学士、博士,美国史密森学会Smithsonian Institusion博士后,美国密歇根州立大学博士后,王放一路走来,不忘初心。2018年11月,王放入职复旦大学生科院,供职生物多样性科学研究所(IBSFU),主要工作是野生动物种群和群落生态学、保护生物学。他是一位严谨的生态研究人员,也是一位幽默的博主,敏锐的野生动物摄影师,深受粉丝们的热爱。 Wang fang holds a bachelor's degree and doctor's degree from the college of life sciences, Peking University. He is a postdoctoral fellow of Smithsonian Institusion and a postdoctoral fellow of Michigan state university. In November 2018, wang joined the institute of biodiversity sciences (IBSFU) at Fudan university college of science and technology. His main work was wildlife population and community ecology and conservation biology. He is a serious ecological researcher, a humorous blogger and a keen wildlife photographer who is loved by his fans.

水华 陈

陈水华是北京师范大学生态学博士,现任浙江省博物馆馆长、研究馆员,中国动物学会理事暨鸟类学分会常务理事。陈水华长期致力于鸟类学研究、科普宣传和保护实践。重点关注城市鸟类生态学和海鸟繁殖生态学。近年来,因在极度濒危鸟类中华凤头燕鸥的调查、研究、宣传和保护方面的努力,引起了社会的广泛关注。曾获郑作新鸟类科学青年奖、中国野生动物保护协会斯巴鲁生态贡献奖和阿拉善SEE生态奖等。 Chen shuihua holds a Dr. Degree of ecology from Beijing normal university. He is the curator and research librarian of Zhejiang provincial museum, director of Chinese zoological society and executive director of ornithology branch. Chen shuihua devoted himself to ornithology research, science popularization and conservation practice for a long time, focusing on urban bird ecology and seabird breeding ecology. In recent years, the investigation, research, publicity and protection of the critically endangered Chinese crested tern have attracted extensive attention from the society. He has won Zheng Zuoxin youth prize for ornithology and subaru ecological contribution award of China wildlife protection association.

睿 邢

邢睿是狂热的自然科学发烧友,2014年起从事自然保护工作,成为乌鲁木齐沙区荒野公学自然保护科普中心负责人。同时,邢睿也是民间公益环保组织:荒野新疆联合发起人,克州登山与登山环保协会副会长。 在新疆的二十多年间,邢睿把自己奉献给了自然保护,他曾历任新疆动物学会理事、乌鲁木齐登山探险协会理事、新疆雪豹调查与保护项目负责人。也曾担任央视记录频道大型纪录片「自然的力量」摄影指导、摄影师。新疆摄影家协会特约评委,2017福特环保奖一等奖项目官员,2017中国户外TOP红人,2018先锋卫士奖获奖项目官员。 Xing rui is a fanatical enthusiast of natural science. At the same time, Xing rui is also the co-initiator of wilderness Xinjiang and the vice President of Kezhou mountaineering and mountaineering environmental protection association. Over the past 20 years in Xinjiang, Xing rui devoted himself to nature conservation. He served as a director of Xinjiang zoological society, a director of urumqi mountaineering and exploration association, and a director of Xinjiang snow leopard investigation and protection project. Also served as CCTV documentary channel large-scale documentary "the power of nature" photography director, photographer.

进 鲍

鲍进于浙江大学生物医学工程专业本科毕业后,前往清华大学物理系攻读硕士学位,之后又赴德国哥廷根大学深造并获得神经科学博士学位。鲍进目前是中国科学技术大学生命科学学院特任研究员,从事脑科学研究。鲍老师以小鼠为研究对象,研究神经元相互交流的突触传递机制,以及哺乳动物光感受神经环路与功能,研究成果发表于Cell, Journal of Neuroscience 等国际著名学术期刊。鲍老师曾获得玛丽居里学者奖金,在巴黎从事脑科学研究。 After graduating from Zhejiang university with a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering, Bao jin went to Tsinghua university to study for a master's degree in physics, and then went to the university of Gottingen in Germany to receive a doctorate in neuroscience. Bao jin is currently a special researcher in the school of life sciences at the university of science and technology of China. Mr. Bao studied the synaptic transmission mechanism of neuron communication in mice, as well as the light-sensing neural circuit and function in mammals. His research results were published in Cell, Journal of Neuroscience and other international famous academic journals. Ms. Bao, a Marie Curie scholar, studied brain science in Paris.

雯雯 初

自两岁被父亲背着出野外开展环境及野生动物保护工作后,一直在荒野中长大,从七岁开始参与环境及野生动物科学考察,学生时代的每个假期都随父亲在野外度过,并随着父亲等科研人员观察环境及野生动物。初雯雯大学、硕士研究生都学习相关专业,立志将一生奉献于环境及野生动物保护。初雯雯已经在各大媒体、自媒体平台上宣传环保及野生动物影像纪录,并与“最强大脑水哥”、野生动物手绘者王昱珩合作出版畅销书籍《初瞳—我和我的野生动物朋友》一书,将更多公众与环保相连接,同时以持续的热度促进公众对于环保及野生动物保护的认识,并进行公益活动。2019年5月28日,初雯雯当选为“美丽中国,我是行动者”2019年“百名最美生态环保志愿者”。 Chu Wenwen has already published environmental and wildlife image records in major media and self-media platforms, and has published best-selling book in collaboration with Super Brain and Wild Animal Hand Painter Wang Yuheng. She helps to connect more public and environmental protection, and promote public awareness of environmental protection and wildlife protection with continuous heat, and conduct public welfare activities. On May 28, 2019, Chu Wenwen was elected as the "beautiful China, I am the activist" and the "100 most beautiful eco-environmental volunteers" in 2019.

Organizing team


Hangzhou, China


Hangzhou, China