x = independently organized TED event

Theme: THUNDERS #Bealternatives

This event occurred on
November 29, 2019
Taranto, Taranto

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Teatro Fusco
Via Ciro Giovinazzi
Taranto, Taranto, 74121
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Albert Antonini

Marketing Manager
Albert is a real Tarantino. Since 2000 he has been working in the digital sector that has followed in all his evolutions, gaining an excellent knowledge and passion for innovation, e-commerce, mobile and social media. Before joining Alibaba Group he was responsible for two years of innovation in the digital area of Mediaset with the aim of increasing digital advertising revenue by scouting new technologies in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Since 2003 he has held various roles within the Mediaset Group: first as a manager of value-added services (televoting and SMS infonews), developed with the main mobile and fixed telephone operators, and then dealing with the launch of the first applications and mobile sites (TGCOM24, Sport Mediaset and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire); finally, he managed digital marketing activities for the promotion and communication of all mobile applications and group sites.

Andrea Roberto Bifulco

Entrepreneur and Consultant, Andrea is the Director of Startup Grind Milan. After working for 5 years between Google and Vodafone, Andrea created Machiavellico S.p.A. in 2016, a company dedicated to training and team building in an experiential way with the use of Virtual Reality and IoT. In 2017, Andrea sold his shares of Machiavellico to a private investor and started working as a consultant for startups and companies on the themes of Digital Transformation, Marketing Strategy and Innovation. Today he teaches Digital Marketing and Applied Entrepreneurship at various universities to Graduates and Executives.

Antonis Chatzis

From 2016 he is the Co-Founder and CEO of Be a Greek Travel Experiences, one of the most prestigious Experiential Travel companies in Greece, dealing with Partners from more than 35 different countries and offering to the visiting Travelers a vast range of Thematic Experiences all over Greece, a Corporate Incentives Department and a Tailor Made Vacation Department. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2007 and he got his Master in Management and Business Administration in 2014. His diverse educational background gave him working flexibility both in the private and the public sector and enabled him to acquire experience in different fields such as IT, Statistical Analysis and Finances. Having as a life goal to combine his work with his passion in travelling, he founded Be a Greek, becoming one of the pioneers in the Greek Travel Industry by introducing an entirely new business model to Travelers visiting Greece.

Clotaire Nitenou

Master Degree in Social and Solidarity Economy in UPV/EHU of Donosti, Graduated from the University of Yaounde I in Sociology, Major: Population and Development, I am Certified Trainer BYB Microsoft, Certified NGO Management with Sylvia Bongo Foundation. Responsible for projects with AIESEC in Yaounde and then National President with AIESEC in Gabon. Founder and currently Promotor of the WebDev Foundation ( www.webdevfoundation.org) working in field of health, children’s education and development of young people through activities around the global education on sexuality, promotion of IT with free access to training for the poorest, entrepreneurship, languages, cultural exchanges and responsible tourism. Co-founder and former HR Vice President of Bekondo Foundation (www.bekondofoundation.org) an organization registered in Cameroon and the USA. We work on improving farmers life’s so that they can fully benefit from cocoa farm activities.

Cosimo Palmisano

Cosimo Palmisano is an expert in Data Mining and Customer Relationship Management with 10 years of experience in applying predictive models on big data. He has carried out research in the United States and at the Polytechnic of Bari. Cosimo has several international scientific publications on the subject of data mining for CRM, contextual marketing and online recommendation systems. Since the end of 2013 he has been part of the technical committee for the Smart & Start facilities managed by Invitalia and financed with 190 million euros by the Ministry of Economic Development. Since 2011 he is CEO and founder of a social CRM start-up called ECCE Customer. The business idea was developed during a period of 8 months in Silicon Valley (California) as a Fulbright BEST fellow, a period in which he attended entrepreneurship courses at Stanford, Berkeley and Santa Clara University.

Fabio Campoli

.With over thirty years of experience, through multifaceted activities focused on culture and gastronomic design, Fabio Campoli has coined a way of making ‘Simply Different’ cooking, always driven by an inexhaustible curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Founder of Gastronomic Actions and the Prodigus association (Promotori di Gusto), Fabio Campoli is now a well-known consultant for Italian and foreign companies and restaurants. He is also the author and host of television and radio programs, a consultant and designer for the film and food industry and a winner of many awards in the culinary and communicative fields. With his portfolio of varied experiences Fabio Campoli proves to be much more than a chef, thanks to the breadth and richness of his cultural journew in the world of media, project management and publishing, which today make his signature synonymous with class, quality and a focused and conscious creativity, now known and recognized by the general public and beyond

Francesca Cavallo

Francesca Cavallo è una scrittrice, imprenditrice e attivista nata a Taranto nel 1983 e residente a Los Angeles. Diplomata in regia teatrale alla Scuola d’arte drammatica Paolo Grassi di Milano, da sempre lavora all’intersezione fra arte e innovazione sociale. Dal 2009, con la scrittura e produzione del suo primo, pluripremiato spettacolo originale, Somari, la sua ricerca artistica si focalizza sulla creazione di una letteratura per l’infanzia che promuova il rispetto della diversità e la parità di genere. Nel 2012 Francesca è tra le due fondatrici della startup media Timbuktu Labs con la quale crea la prima rivista su iPad per bambini al mondo “Timbuktu Magazine”, e il primo kit per l’auto-costruzione di parchi giochi urbani. Nel 2016 esce Storie della buonanotte per bambine ribelli, di cui Francesca è co-autrice, lanciato negli Stati Uniti con la campagna di crowdfunding di maggior successo nella storia dell’editoria.

Giada Zhang

Business Women 140. Born in Cremona, she is the sole administrator of Mulan Group, a company that supplies Italian supermarkets with Chinese products. A goal achieved thanks to great sacrifices during childhood and adolescence. She studies at at Bocconi University and speaks five languages. She is the first-born of a couple of emigrants in Italy from China, born in Cremona, at just 23 she is the CEO of the family-run company Mulan Group, which was joined in 2002 by the small restaurant opened ten years earlier. It produces Chinese food based on top quality Italian ingredients for the major supermarket chains throughout Italy, except for bamboo and soybeans that come directly from Asia.

Gianluca Dettori

Gianluca Dettori is the founder and president of Primomiglio SGR, www.primomigliosgr.it, a venture capital technology company with the technology early-stage fund Barcamper Ventures. He is an investor in various startups including Codemotion, Yolo Insurance, Competitoor, Transactionale, Playwood, Mapendo . Operating since 2004 as an investor in Italian startups, he has supported over twenty technology companies in the Internet / ICT and digital sector including Vivaticket, Sardex, Cortilia, Iubenda, Im3D, Banzai (now Eprice), Brandon, Kiver, Seolab, Viamente.

Giovanni Re

Community manager
Giovanni Re, Digital Champion, Artisan Technologist, lover of wow, loves all forms of communication trying to mix manual with digital to create new things. his motto is: knowing, doing, knowing how to do, letting people know. He is Marketing manager of the multi national Roland DG, he is involved in events all over the world to spread the importance of work in Community and the development of new small-sized companies linked to the world of visual merchandising and personalization. Author, with Osvaldo Danzi of the Best Seller Communy Manager published by Franco Angeli.

Marco Dotto

.After graduating in Biotechnology at the University of Padua, he specialized in Industrial Biotechnology in the same Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences graduating cum laude. He also studied at the prestigious University of California, San Diego, where he received Provost's Honor from the Bioengineering Faculty - Biotechnology of the Jacobs School of Engineering and at the Rady School of Management at the same UCSD. He then attended the MABIT: Master in Management at the CUOA Foundation, a renowned Vicenza Business School. In 2013 he became a partner and Director of Personal Genomics s.r.l (www.personalgenomics.it), where he contributed to the development of the portfolio of services offered in the wide panorama of personalized genomics and Next Generation Sequencing. In 2014 he founded Biodiversa s.r.l. and in 2017 Sorgente Oncologia s.r.l (www.sorgenteoncologia.it) as both a shareholder and CEO.

Marco Onnembo

ICT Sales Director
.In 20 years of professional career, Marco has achieved a series of relevant results in the field of communication, marketing and business administration. His constant goal has always been to improve the relationship between customer and company in order to increase revenues, margins and strengthen the brand. He has created advertising campaigns worth 10 million euros, including product placement, B2C and B2B partnerships, digital marketing and social media. After courses in marketing at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylavania) and the Booth School of Business (University of Chicago), today Marco is the sales manager of TIM in SOUTH ITALY.

Massimo Chiriatti

.A Technologist, he collaborates with universities and consortia for training events on the digital economy. He is a technical manager in a multinational company and has continuous relations with the CEOs of the largest Italian companies. After graduating in Political Science with a specialization in International Economics, he obtained a II level Master's degree in "Information systems governance: development, management and monitoring" at the University of Roma Tre. He takes an active part in conferences and forums on issues concerning in particular the innovation of ICT in the digital economy. Member of Assob.it, a non-profit association to promote Blockchain technology. Co-extensor of the Manifesto #BlockchainItalia http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/impresa-e-territori/2018-08-12/blockchain-tecnologia-umanizza-lavoro-123005.shtml He publishes articles in various newspapers and writes regularly in Il Sole 24 Ore-Nòva100.

Nicola Marino

Graduated from Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, he also a grad student in medicine and surgery at the Università degli studi di Foggia. His interest in studies and research concerns the use of emerging technologies in medicine, in particular, the application of artificial intelligence algorithms and data analysis. With a period of study at Harvard Medical School, Nicola is also a speaker at international events including TEDx, Singularity University (Rome) and the Florence Health Forum, for which he has been a member of the scientific committee for two years. He recently co-founded the innovative startup INTECH - Innovative Training Technologies, engaged in the development of advanced surgical training systems (active in the USA and Europe). Nicola is also a consultant for the American company leader in the health data analysis sector Health Catalyst.

Paolo Miggiano

Scrittore e promotore di legalità
Paolo Miggiano, a graduate in Investigative Sciences, is a journalist. For thirty-four years he was a helicopter pilotg for the State Police. He is the coordinator of the activities of the Pol.i.s. Foundation of the Campania Region for the innocent victims of crime and property confiscated from the mafia. He is a member of the National Directorate of Cittadinanzattiva - Court for the rights of the sick and of the Representative Bodies of the workers of the State Police. Among his books are Morire a Procida; The new models of urban security. The experience of the Campania Region; Someone else Knocked on the Door. Dario Scherillo and other stories of victims of criminal violence; With your head held high. Federico Del Prete: a story of resistance to the Camorra, thanks to which he received the special mention at the Giancarlo Siani Award of 2012, and won the 2014 Tulliola First Prize.

Simone Bianco

Simone Bianco is research staff member in the department of Industrial and Applied Genomics at the IBM Almaden Research Center. He got his BS and MS in Physics at the University of Pisa, Italy, and his PhD in Physics from the University of North Texas. His main research interests are in in theoretical evolutionary biology, especially the evolution of RNA viruses, and computational genomics. Prior to joining IBM, Dr Bianco worked at the UCSF Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Science and at the UCSF Department of Microbiology and Immunology. At UCSF he contributed to several scientific developments in computational genomics and theoretical biology. Before his time at UCSF,

Valentino Megale

PhD. Neurofarmacologia
Entrepreneur in the field of digital health, PhD in neuropharmacology and author of articles on technology and innovation. After developing academic research in biology and pharmacology, he decided to explore the social impact catalyzed by digital technologies. In 2014 he co-founded the Open BioMedical Initiative, a non-profit organization committed to providing support to people with disabilities thanks to the online participation of volunteers from all over the world and the collaborative design of accessible, open source and 3D printing solutions. In 2017 he co-founded Softcare Studios, a startup committed to developing innovative solutions based on virtual reality and artificial intelligence to provide psychological support to patients during the challenges of therapy

Organizing team


Milan, Italy


Taranto, Italy