x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Celebrate X!

This event occurred on
April 27, 2019
Singapore, Central Singapore

2019 is THE most historic year for TEDxSingapore: We turn exactly 10 years old this April! What a purposeful and amazing journey it has been! Our community has grown from 2 to 150,000 multi-disciplinary people today. Since April 2009, ~200 TEDx speakers -from 5 year old Mirella Ang to 113-year young Teresa Hsu- have shared their deepest passions, purpose, human energy, inspirations, work, and talents across more than 45 TEDxSingapore events.

Crowdsourcing or ‘kampung spirit’, call you what you like, every single TEDx event has been 100% Community-Created by the the human energy and creativity of hundreds of people and >150 organisations and companies who deeply value ideas, and believe in TED's and TEDxSingapore's mission of Ideas Worth Spreading to bring people together to build a better world and future.

TO CELEBRATE, we organised the first-ever TEDxSingapore fest on Saturday 27 April at Marina One, chock-full of TEDrrific things: Screenings of brand-new TED 2019 Talks, live music performances and storytelling, Tales of TED and TEDx sharing, pop-up bookstores, TED-style tea and more.

AS AN ICONIC celebration to mark our 10th birthday, join us to form a huge Human X sign- To be part of this iconic moment, all you simply have to do is to wear a RED top/t-shirt (as close to TED red as you have!) and come at 2:30pm

CONNECT AND CONVERSE with the multi-disciplinary, dynamic TED community, and also meet our alumni of TEDx and TED speakers over the last 10 years!

Marina One
5 Straits View
Auditorium and foyer
Singapore, Central Singapore, 018936
Event type:
TEDxLive (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Singapore­Live events

Organizing team

L. Light

Melbourne, Australia

