x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
September 14, 2019
AMPOSTA, Tarragona (ca)

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Auditori Unió Filharmonica Amposta
Calle Miralles, 4
AMPOSTA, Tarragona (ca), 43870
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Amposta events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ana Vicente

Ana has won the Philosophy Olympics in Catalonia this year and she is very interested in the power of being hypocrite. She wants to pursue a career in teaching.

Janira Planes

Janira is a senior student of Journalism and Corporate Communication in Blanquerna FCRI. She has worked in a startup (Smart Violets, now associated with Replica Comunicación) as a content creator and community manager, in an advertising company in the accounting department (RKpeople) and in Palau Macaya as a catalyst. She has also learned and contributed her bit in TV3, the public television of Catalonia. This summer she worked as a journalist writing at NacióDigital, the most read Catalan digital news site. Janira is passionate about social networks, the internet and emerging technologies.


Joan Buch, un jove vinarossenc que amb només 22 anys ja ha aconseguit guanyar premis d'emprenedoria. El més recent és el seu segon premi al VI University Entrepreneur Competition STARTUP 2K19. En la seva ponència ens explicarà com ho fa i quina és l'activitat que li ha donat les capacitats necessàries per arribar on ara està. Si t'agrada el món de les empreses o vols ser emprenedor, aquesta talk és per tu! Joan és Laboratory Attendant al Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC). És Enginyer químic per la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Forma part del Programa Akademia Bankinter del programa LideraT i del WeekEmprede. Ha esta reconegut i premiat amb Second Award at VI University Entrepreneur Competition STARTUPV 2k19 University Junior International Entrepreneurs 5U CV Winner VI University Entrepreneur Competition STARTUPV 2k19 Second Award at XXV National Competition by Sika Corporation Winner VI Challenge Ideas UPV Researching Grant Winner V Challenge Ideas UPV

Joel Romero

Joel Romero Hernández es un joven de 19 años, estudiante de ingeniería biomédica y apasionado por la ciencia y la tecnología. En los últimos años, sus proyectos le han permitido ser becado para investigar durante el verano en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston, USA, 2017) y en el Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel, 2018), además de ser el único joven del estado español en haber sido seleccionado y becado en más de una ocasión para la mayor feria de ciencia y tecnología preuniversitaria del mundo, la Intel ISEF, una vez en Los Ángeles (California, USA, 2017), y otra en Pittsburgh (Pensilvania, USA, 2018), llegando a recibir un premio de la NASA.

Junjie Zhao

Junjie is a cheerful teenager who from an early age has been involved in E-commerce, cryptocurrency trading and many other projects. He is interested in pursuing a career in finance in USA or UK.

Miriam Torres

Miriam Torres is a traveler who has a different approach to what tourism should be and defends the sustainability of such. She has been traveling for one year around the world educating herself and others about the different cultures that exist.

Sonali Mayani

Sonali is an extremely curious woman. Currently completing her 3rd and final year of BSc in Physics (2016-2019) in EPLF in Switzerland on exchange at the National University of Singapore. Interested in Data Science and Physics research, especially Astrophysics.

Organizing team


Amposta, Spain
  • Alex Estelle
  • Irene Espuny
  • Toni Fernández Rodríguez