x = independently organized TED event

Theme: VUCA 乌卡

This event occurred on
August 4, 2019
Shanghai, Shanghai

VUCA 乌卡时代 -- VUCA是volatility(易变性),uncertainty(不确定性),complexity(复杂性),ambiguity(模糊性)的缩写。VUCA这个术语源于军事用语并在20世纪90年代开始被普遍使用。随后被用于从盈利性公司到教育事业的各种组织的战略这种新兴思想中去。这是一个瞬息万变的社会,充满了各种不确定性。在这种复杂多变不确定的世界里,我们一起来探讨过去,现在和未来。同时在祖国建国70周年之际,我们也希望通过这一主题来与大家一起挖掘中国过去70年在各个领域上的发展与变化。
Planning for the future is never easy - this statement is especially true in today’s world where the unpredictable and unexpected have become the “new normal”.

The concept of VUCA was first forwarded by the military at the end of Cold War.

At that time, the U.S. saw a more complex and diverse geopolitical map forming, since the army had to quickly adapt to the tactics of the adversaries which were obscurely organized and even sometimes entirely virtual.

They boldly made a prediction that, an era of VUCA is coming soon.

As time went by, that prediction has proved to be true.

Nowadays, VUCA applies not only to military, but plays a part in all aspects of our life.

Take the business world for example. Companies are now developing under an atmosphere that is increasingly defined by disruption because of this unpredictability, instead of predictability.

Thus, business leaders should pay more attention to the rules of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) head-on and prepare themselves to deal with more VUCA moment.

The era of VUCA has arrived.

20 years ago, Internet was known to a limited audience, but is now an irreplaceable part of our life.

Cities, technologies, the nature, and mankinds are changing so fast that no one would know what might happen in the next moment - the VUCA magic works on everything, anytime everywhere.

Let's dive together into the VUCA world in the past, nowadays and as well as in the future.

Let's get VUCA together!

上剧场Shang Theater
NO.1111 Zhaojiabang Road
Shanghai, Shanghai, 200000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

ChuanLee CHU

3D Documentary maker
在他35岁那年,一颗拳头大的脑瘤完全改变了他的人生。虽然命运把他从死亡的边缘拉了回来,却落下半聋半盲的后遗症。 当时的他一心钻研冷门的3D实拍技术,在克服了难以想象的挫折之后,终于研发出属于华人自己的3D实拍技术。他用最新科技记录非遗,将作品带到世界的舞台并获奖无数。 他走遍22个省,寻访了240多位非遗传承人并拍摄出了《璀璨薪火》;为了更好的传达中国的工匠精神 A visiting professor of China Academy of Art, Qu is also a film director, maker and artist. At the age of 35, a big brain tumor completely changed Qu’s life. Although half deaf-blind afterwards, he was brought back from the brink of death. Since then, he has been devoting himself to the unpopular 3D real shot. After overcoming the unimaginable setbacks, he finally developed the countries own technology. He never forgets his original intention and never stops recording. In order to preserve traditional art content, he insists on using the highest technical specifications to improve art expression. By doing so, he has successfully brought his work to the world and won numerous awards. As a recorder, he visited more than 240 Intangible cultural heritage owners in 22 provinces and filmed Bright Torch 3D.

DIfei Cao

Cao, Difei Host of Beijing Television Station Tsinghua University Adviser & Consultant on Fashion Education Honorary Ambassador of DEI China President of Amisd'Escoffier Cross-border Designer and Artist Besides being a host in BTV (Beijing Television Station), Cao has different titles such as a fashion education consultant of Tsinghua University, a director of today's Art Museum, a food columnist of Fashion Barsa, a cross-border designer, a cross-border creator of Beijing International Design Anniversary, the annual judges of hotels and restaurants of TRAVELER Yueyou, TARGET Goals, LIFESTYLE Taste Life, Lifestyle researchers and advocates. The speaker also tries to delve himself into many fields like cuisine, culture, fashion and so on. He also created the sculpture "12/0" and participated in the planning of the "2013 Cross-border Art Exhibition". In short, he is a host, cross-border artist and curator. 曹涤非 北京电视台主持人 清华大学时尚教育顾问 法国埃科菲厨皇国际名厨协会名誉大使 跨界设计师与跨界艺术家 作为北京电视台主持人,清华大学时尚教育顾问,今日美术馆理事,《时尚芭莎》美食专栏作家,跨界设计师,北京国际设计周年度跨界创意家,《TRAVELER悦游》、《TARGET目标》、《LIFESTYLE品味生活》年度酒店及餐厅评选评委,生活方式研究者和倡导者。多项身份加持让他不仅是主持人,同样也在美食、文化、时尚等多领域发展。同时也创作了雕塑作品《12/0》,并参与策划“2013年度跨界艺术展”。 ——他是曹涤非,主持人,跨界艺术家,策展人

GN Chan

GN Chan Winner of Bacardi Legacy Global Cocktail Competition 2016 Founder of Double Chicken Please Winner of Red Dot Design Award Street Performer GN used to be a street artist, until an “accident” forced him onto the path of being a professional bartender by chance. His journey starts from BACARDÍ Legacy Cocktail Competition, where he won the Chinese Champion Mixologist trophy by his masterpiece “We Are To Triumph Eventually”. So far, GN has merged the magnificence of magic shows into his mixing procedure, featuring his unique style. Through consistent attempts and creation, he managed to further annotate the combination and collision of both Eastern and Western cultures. He perfectly conveys his original spirit through his characteristic mixing services and performances, which demonstrate deconstructionism and reconstructionism aesthetically. He is GN Chan, World Champion in Mixology, Starter of Double Chicken Please, Magician and Red Dot Design Award winner.


他曾作为富士康最年轻的事业群总经理,主导设计生产出AppleiPod、Hi-Fi音箱、Kindle电子书、Lenovo平板与手机等许多风靡全球的电子产品。 在50岁的年纪开始创业的他,4年内将中国原创耳机品牌1MORE做到34亿估值。 随着老龄化的加剧,万魔声学希望入局智能辅听领域,用声学科技造福更多有需之人,颠覆辅听行业。 以声学为切入点,更好的回馈社会,用声学黑科技让更多有需要的人群受益。 Chinese headphone company 1MORE to 3.4 billion yuan within four years. Unlike the existing assisted hearing industry, the company intends to take advantage of intelligent technology to help more people overcome acoustic difficulties as the country grows older. The company’s goal is to use acoustic devices as a cutting point to better serve the country and to provide the community with a better technological advances to benefit local people.

Lava Li

游戏作为技术与艺术的重合,是人类技术发展必然的艺术产物。 作为游戏文化的推动者,他站在行业的前沿,带领整个团队在这个混沌多变的时代不断突破。 进入腾讯后工作至今,已带领团队打造出《吴亦凡入伍》《穿越故宫来看你》《薛之谦X腾讯动漫》等多个爆款传播案例;进行了《王者荣耀》《天天爱消除》等原创头部作品内容及创意体系的构建。 ——他是李若凡LAVA,腾讯互动娱乐创意设计部(TGideas)总经理 Li, Ruofan Li works as the general manager of TGideas in Tencent, the country’s internet giant. He stands at the forefront of the industry and leads his team to make breakthroughs in this era of VUCA as a promoter of playing games. During his years in Tencent, he has worked with his team and created plenty of communication projects that went viral, such as “Wu Yifan Joining the Army”, “Crossing the Forbidden City to See You”, “Xue Zhiqian and Tencent Animation”, etc. Besides, he was the one who established the original content and creative system for online games like “Honor of Kings” and “WeMatch”. The speaker-to-be believes that gaming is an artful child to human technological development due to the integration of new technologies and different art forms.

Linda Wang

a master in early childhood education from Monash University in Australia, she has started a catering business that has nothing to do with her major. The past decade has seen the success of a number of phenomenal desserts and delicacies, including the goldmedal lapoulon, the opeahouse, and the Wellington steak. In line with the purpose of the food need to bring happi ness to the public, she and her team has been sticking to adopting high quality ingredients without artificial additives in order to create authentic western desserts. By using simple cooking methods to restore the taste of food, Wang intends to bring the concept of healthy diet to her customers. 毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学早期婴幼儿教育硕士。取得蓝带厨艺学院悉尼分院西餐西点大文凭后,继续去蓝带各国校区进修面包烘培、泰国料理、日本料理。 于2009年创立蔡嘉品牌并负责全系列研发和品控,成功推出金牌拿坡仑、驰名歌剧院、榛子奶油、黑森林等多个甜品爆款,凭口味收获大批忠实粉丝和明星顾客。著名美食家蔡澜、沈宏非及众多媒体也予以蔡嘉极高的评价和推介。2018年蔡嘉完成首次融资,融资金额达亿元。

Ling Xin Kong

Ling Xin Kong Engineer, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO of KE FINANCE Kong is the CEO of Ke Finance. He holds two degrees in computer science and psychology from Stanford University. He specializes in scene-based consumer financial credit, big data risk control, and human-computer interaction (HCI) technology. He has deep research and insights on Internet finance innovation, product design and business models. . 孔令欣 工程师,连续创业者 贝壳金服CEO 美国斯坦福大学获得计算机学和心理学双学位,擅长人机交互(HCI)技术,并担任北京大学客座讲师。经历过四次互联网公司创业,拥有十余年的互联网科技公司战略规划和团队管理经验。最初在美国硅谷的两次创业均赶上了2000年的第一次互联网创业浪潮和IPO。此后分别就任于微软和NetApp,负责技术研发和项目管理,成功有效地研发和管理了大型跨国际团队项目,带领研发的云平台产品有数款拥有超过百万级活跃用户,总收入超过亿美金。第三次创业在中国,创立的移动平台获得红杉资本投资。第四次创业在开拓型互联网金融创新企业担任首席技术官,负责金融技术的产品研发和战略。

Qiduo Yu

Media producer/Historian
生长在法门寺,好像也未得佛缘;出道于娱乐圈,却欣赏不了表演;行走在上海滩,愈发害怕人山人海。 她是一位启蒙者,出现在了这个国人缺乏理性的时代。 区别于意识流和心灵鸡汤,她将细细讲述与上海共度的40年。 As a renowned media producer, Qiduo Yu is also a historian keen on Shanghai’s past. She will share on stage with the audience her profound understanding about the stories of the city out of her work experience. Yu intend to speak from the perspective of a senior media fellow who has been living in Shanghai for decades. Unlike other writers who focus on the stream of consciousness and chicken soup for the soul, the speaker is going to act as a local narrator to outline her past forty years since China opened up to the world. On the other hand, the speaker intends to continue her talk on modern day education and the concept of self during the event. She is a promoter of reading and individual thinking. In other words, she has been a pioneer to the country where reason can hardly find its way home.

Xiaojun Song

Jimmy Song Founder of 3000 SONGS FROM TIBET Senior Music Producer Once keen on Rock n’ Roll, Song literally built the highest recording studio on earth in Tibet. In the past ten years, the speaker devoted himself to the composition of what is called Buddhist music, though he was a designated musician for domestically and internationally renowned brands. As a professional producer, he has won awards across the border when one of his work Wait for the Birth of the Husband was nominated by Emmy Award. Song’s musical style comes from his connection to Tibet, a place where the melting snow on a snow mountain is a refreshing image. The ten-year Tibetan experience has given him an inner shelter to pursue retrogress, fight mediocracy and fled noise. 宋晓军 樂藏三千创始人 资深音乐制作人 曾经的“摇滚少年” 国内外一线品牌 | 御用音乐制作人卻专注【梵呗佛乐】创作十年 电影《等郎妹》配乐获艾美奖提名 卻讓 | 报复平庸 | 成为常态出離煩囂 | 藏漂 | 十年 得到甘醇的藏樂 如雪山融雪般滋養

Xu Gong

他的绘画具有某种达达主义式的气质:富于穿透力、直达目标的坦率,最重要的一点是这种方式并不沉闷严肃,反而充满着喜剧性的游戏态度。 他的作品以古老的东方文化符号为绘画逻辑,充满未来视觉感,并与宗教、哲学意象层叠碰撞,构成精致、稳健的叙事结构,使用商业模式作为传统艺术多元化的输出端口。 他以极具社会认知度的绘画作品和跨界的原创产品,突破传统绘画与当代人审美的壁垒,派生出当下公众文化与传统艺术接洽的可能。 ——他是龚旭,新生代艺术家 Gong is a new generation artist whose paintings have the temperament of dadaism with penetrating power without any hesitation. The key point is that this method is not dull and serious, but full of comical game attitude. The work of speaker-to-be are based on the symbols of ancient oriental culture is full of visual sense of the future, and collides with religious and philosophical images to form an exquisite and stable narrative structure, using business models as an outlet to display traditional art. He uses popular paintings and cross-border original products to break through the barriers of traditional painting and contemporary aesthetics, and derives the possibility of engaging current public culture and traditional art.

Zilong Qiu

Zilong Qiu Deputy Director of National Key Laboratory of Neuroscience. The speaker has been engaging himself in the biological research of neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism and Rhett's syndrome. The research results gives a clear picture of the hereditary, molecular and neurological circuit mechanism of neurodevelopmental diseases, and establish a non-human primate model of autism. More than ten research papers and invited reviews have been published and cited more than 2,000 times in internationally acclaimed biology journals such as Nature, Developmental Cell, Molecular Psychiatry, Current Opinion in Neurobiology. Non-human primate animal models of autism were selected as "Ten Advances in Chinese Science" by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2016 and "Ten Advances in Chinese Life Science" by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology in 2016. Qu is also a board member of Future Forum and a scientific adviser to Guoke Network. 仇子龙 中国科学院神经科学研究所高级研究员 仇子龙研究员从事自闭症、瑞特综合征等神经发育疾病的生物学研究,研究成果阐述了神经发育疾病的遗传、分子与神经环路机制,并建立了自闭症的非人灵长类动物模型。在Nature, Developmental Cell, Molecular Psychiatry, Current Opinion in Neurobiology等国际生物学权威期刊上发表研究论文与应邀综述十余篇,引用逾两千余次。自闭症的非人灵长类动物模型工作入选科技部2016年“中国科学十大进展”,中国科协2016年“中国生命科学十大进展”。 ——他是仇子龙,神经科学国家重点实验室副主任,未来论坛青年理事,果壳网科学顾问

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Shanghai, China