x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Open Knowledge, Connectivity and Innovation

This event occurred on
March 10, 2012
9:00am - 7:00pm -0430
(UTC -4.5hrs)

We brought together, in one day, 18 venezuelans from all over the world to present in 18 min (or less) their ideas and their recent work. Ideas related to new research, new products, new learning-teaching approaches, new social relations, but all innovation. There were people from science, from IT, from social science and from music.

Universidad Simón Bolívar
Complejo de Auditorios, Valle de Sartenejas
Universidad Simon Bolivar
Caracas, 1080A
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­U­S­B events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

William Nazareth

Mathematician, entrepreneur, CEO Maxcom

Guido D Núñez-Mujica

Computational Biologist, Chief Sciece Officer at LavaAmp In., Entrepreneur, TED fellow. Inventor of an small, low-cost device that can enable DNA diagnosis

Carlota Pérez

Professor of Technology and Development at the Technological University of Tallinn, Estonia, Research associate at CFAP/CERF, Cambridge Finance, Judge Business School and Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Economics, both at Cambridge University, U.K. and Honorary Professor at SPRU, Science and Technology Policy Research, School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex, U.K.

Elí Bravo

Writer, Radio and TV Presenter, Journalist

María Guinand

educadora, promotora cultural, directora coral y de orquesta venezolana

Miguel Modestino

PhD Student. Univesity of California,Berkeley. Fuel Cell Expert

Augusta Modestino

Bioengineering PhD student. University of California at San Diego

Sergio Díaz

professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar. Especialista en equipos rotativos. Asesor grupos estudiantiles de ASME y SAE

Ivan De la Vega

Su trabajo de investigación se centra en la Cienciametría, haciendo énfasis en el talento humano en ciencia, tecnología e innovación, su movilidad, migración y desempeño. Otro foco de atención, es el diseño y evaluación de políticas públicas en ciencia, tecnología e innovación. También, la innovación tecnológica y la relación entre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad

Daniel Loreto

Technology entrepreneur based in New York City and part of Julpan Senior Management. His passion is creating products and technology driven by data. Social data, real-time data, local data, visual data, structured data, mobile data, ...

Leo Blanco

He is a pianist who has mastered the bebop lexicon while also paying homage to the rhythms of his nation's folk music

Octavio Rodríguez

Emprendedor, innovador y activista a favor del movimiento del software libre, es ingeniero en computación. Fundador de Coral Vision

Izaskun Petralanda

profesora bioética UCV, investigadora, consultora

Gustavo Reyes

Director de la Academia Wayra de Venezuela

Alejandro Haiek Coll

Cofundador y Director de LAB.PRO.FAB

Maritza Guaderrama

Design Research, UX Research, Interaction Desing, Prototyping, Innovation Process

Elías Puente

Associate Partner IBM

Simón Parisca

Emprendedor Social

Organizing team


Caracas, Venezuela
  • Kenyer Dominguez
    Comité Técnico
  • Octavio Rodríguez
    Comité Organizador
  • Elia García
    Comité Organizador
  • Oscar González
    Comité Organizador
  • Gabriel Golczer
    Comité Organizador
  • Celia Wever
  • Nicola Baglivi
    Comité Técnico
  • Mariela Azzato
    Diseño Gráfico. Comité Técnico
  • Mariana Walker
  • Giacomina Solazo
    Comité Organizador. Egresados
  • Carla Cabello
    Comité Organizador. Estudiantes
  • Renzo Bocardo
    Comité Técnico
  • Ahyessa Gil
    Comité Técnico. Estudiantes