x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Showing up – Tegyük oda magunkat!

This event occurred on
November 30, 2018
Budapest, Budapest

A fennálló helyzetbe való beletörődés ideje lejárt. A nők a világ minden táján kezükbe veszik az ügyeiket, hogy a jövőt olyanná alakítsák, amilyet mind látni szeretnénk – mi Magyarországon is.
Bármi is legyen az érdeklődésük és tehetségük fókuszában – a politika, a tudomány, a technológia, a művészet –, ezek az úttörő nők kérlelhetetlenül feszegetik és áttörik a határokat. Felemelkednek, hogy meghallják a világ hangját és hallassák a hangjukat, lássanak és láttassák magukat, ünnepeljék a női létet, és ezzel erőt adjanak másoknak is. A nők és szövetségeseik a felismerés és a leleményesség egymásra találásával valódi, értékes változást hoznak létre. A TEDWomen 2018 azt üzeni mindannyiunknak: Tegyük oda magunkat!

Idén egész napos konferenciával ünnepeljük a női erőt.
A 150 fős közönség tagjai élőben lehetnek részesei a TED-élmény elsöprő erejének, amint személyesen találkoznak az előadók által közvetített gondolatokkal és alkotásokkal.
A TEDWomen globális eseményről, Palm Springsből is közvetítünk egy szekciót angol nyelven, szinkrontolmácsolással.
A szünetekben TED-szellemiségben gondolkodó résztvevőkkel beszélgethetsz, ismerkedhetsz, inspirálódhatsz.

Kövess bennünket, és hívd meg ismerőseidet is!
Tegyük oda magunkat – építsük együtt a hazai TEDxWomen közösséget!

Hatszín Teátrum
Jókai u. 6.
Budapest, Budapest, 1066
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Liberty­Bridge­Women events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ágnes De Coll

Human Trafficking Expert
Her mission is to fight human trafficking. In the last 10 years she did everything in her power to help the victims get rid of their explorers and help them reintegrate into society.

Alexandra Borbély

Alexandra was born and grew up in a Hungarian village in Slovakia. She studied and now she lives and works in Hungary. She has always had two identities from two cultures: both Slovak and Hungarian. In 2017 she won the European Film Award for Best Actress.

Andrea Fekete, MD, PhD

Medical Doctor and Research Fellow
Andrea leads a research group studying the effect of diabetes on human kidney. She is the founder and CEO of a biotech startup company.

Boglárka Guba

Childcare Specialist
She believes in cooperation with parents and children

Borbála Bratka

Saxophone artist
Boglárka is a saxophone artist inspiring people with her music

Dóra Mester

Sex Educator + Coach + Trainer
Dóra Djamila Mester is a sex educator, coach and trainer. She is an activist who works in the fields of sexuality, gender, identity and social encounters. She has been involved in multiple international research and training projects that addressed body-related themes such as health, disease, gender, age, sexuality and disability in an intercultural dimension. Dóra educates teachers on how to talk about sexuality at schools. Her mission is to promote sexual acceptance and self-acceptance. She has published a book on motherhood and sexuality.

Fruzsina Benkő

Social Worker
Fruzsina created a special volunteering program ment to help children in need.

Gábor Doffek

Gábor Doffek is a blogger, a communications and gastronomy consultant and event organizer. He believes in traditional family values. As a father of two girls, he has observed the interactions between women for many years.

Gyöngyi Spitzer

Author + Spiritual Teacher + Artist
Gyöngyi Spitzer (Soma Mamagésa) is a spiritual teacher and published 11 books. Her mission is to create and spread the concept of New Woman and help other women in (self-)healing.

Hermina Csömör

Visual Artist + Multimedia Designer
Hermina Csömör is the founder of a light theatre. She creates and performs multimedia laser shows with her team. Her mission is to promote social responsibility in the field of entertainment.

Judit Sződy

Psychologist + Lactation Specialist + Journalist
Judit Sződy is a psychologist and lactation specialist who works in a hospital as a breastfeeding consultant. She believes in healing connections. Her mission is to find personalized solutions for all her patients.

Júlia Fürjes

As a former victim of bullying she became and activist and sharing her story she is inspiring change.

Julianna Laposa

Folk Musician + Music Mediator
Julcsi Laposa is a 27-year-old folk musician and music mediator who graduated from Sorbonne University. She has received many art awards. She believes in traditional cultural values and teaches children the beauty of folk music and folk arts.

Kata Tisza

Her writing style is reffered to as terapeuthical literature.

Katalin Balázsi, PhD

Katalin Balázsi is a physicist who leads a lab at the Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Together with her team, she studies and develops new nanomaterials and nanocomposites in the field of thin films and ceramics – new materials that may change the future. Also, she is the Chairperson of the Women in Science Association in Hungary.

Kinga Brezina

Nia teacher
Kinga Brezina believes in the magic and intelligence within our bodies. Nia gives her freedom and a relaxed, intense, joyful, present life. She is passionate about sharing this experience with the community.

Maria Glotz

Dance artist
Maria Glotz is a dance artist who, among others, dances Argentine Tango.

Petra Horogh

Petra is a co-housing expert and activist sharing her experience.

Susan Kosti

Film Director + Designer
Susan (originally Zsuzsanna Koszti in Hungarian) is a film director and designer. She directed a short movie about transhumanism that won the best female director award at the Independent Days International Filmfest. She constantly observes how artificial intelligence sneaks into everyday life.

Viktória Matisz

Dance artist + Trainer
Viktória Matisz motivates people to achieve self awareness with dance while experiencing with their bodies.

Zoltán Bikás

With 40 years life experience he is doing his best to give the magical childhood experience to his kid. He shares his tipps and tricks on what works well.

Zoltan Kocsis

Zoltan Kocsis is a stage artist who dances Argentine Tango. Zoltan works as a management consultant, trainer and coach.

Organizing team


Budapest, Hungary


Budapest, Hungary
  • Erzsébet Vizaknai