x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
November 3, 2018
Tartu, Tartumaa

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Eesti Rahva Muuseum
Muuseumi tee 1
Tartu, Tartumaa, 51008
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Tartu events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Cara Chellew

Cara Chellew is a researcher, artist, and activist based in Toronto, Canada. She received her Masters in Environmental Studies in Planning at York University where her research focused on the design, regulation, and politics of public space. She is the founder of the Defensive Urban Design Research Network and #defensiveTO an online project that documents defensive urban design in Toronto and beyond. By uncovering hidden and exclusive design strategies, Cara hopes to inspire people to advocate for the creation of more inclusive public spaces. Cara Chellew on teadlane, kunstnik ning aktivist, kes resideerub Kanadas. Oma magistrikraadi omandas ta Yorki ülikoolis keskkonnaõpingute ning planeerimise erialal. Oma töös uuris Cara peamiselt avalikku ruumi ning sellega seotud disaini, regulatsioone ning politiikat. Tema algatusel alustas tegevust ka linnakunsti uurimisvõrgustik ning #defensiveTO - online-project, mille eesmärgiks on dokumenteerida linnakunsti nii Torontos kui mujal. Tuues avalikkuse ette seni peidetud ning eksklusiivseid disainistrateegiaid, loodab Cara inspireerida inimesi seisma kaasavama avaliku ruumi loomise eest.

Jari Pärgma

Jari Pärgma on TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia eesti viipekeele õppejõud. Lisaks õpib ta magistrantuuris üldkeeleteaduse erialal, põhifookusega eesti viipekeelele. Ennast ja enda mõtteid tutvustab Jari ise allpool olevas videos. Jari Pärgma: “Tartu linn on heade mõtete linn. Kas kõik Tartus inimesed räägivad ainult eesti keeles? Ei, mina räägin eesti viipekeeles. Ma räägin tsensuurist kurtide kogukonna ja eesti viipekeele näitel. Meile on öeldud, et me elame sõnavabadusega riigis, aga kas nii ikka on? Kas tsensuur on olemas? Minu nimi on Jari Pärgma. Õpetan eesti viipekeelt TÜ Viljandi kultuuriakadeemias ja õpin magistrantuuris üldkeeleteaduse erialal, minu üldkeeleteaduse põhifookus on eesti viipekeel.” Jari Pärgma is the lecturer of estonian sign language in the UT Viljandi Culture Academy. He is also doing his master degree in general linguistics, his main focus being estonian sign language. Jari will introduce himself and his ideas in the video down below. Video translated to english 👉 "Tartu is a city of good thoughts. Do all the people living in Tartu speak estonian? No, I speak estonian sign language. I will share my thoughts about censorship in the context of the deaf community and estonian sign language. We have been told that we live in a country with freedom of speech, but is it so? Does censorship exist? My name is Jari Pärgma. I teach estonian sign language in the UT Viljandi Culture Academy and study my master degree in general linguistics, my main focus being estonian sign language."

Jinsoo An

Jinsoo is a computational and sensory designer. He creates radical products and experiences that connect people and technology through emotion and senses. His latest work, Project Nourished, questions the role of food and diversifies the ways of eating by intertwining mixed reality and multi-sensory attributes. At TEDxTartu, Jinsoo will be sharing his perspective about the “new aesthetics and attributes of food” that will change and improve the ways we perceive, consume, and interact with food in the near future.

Kadri Lind

Kadri Lind on Linnafestivali UIT ja tänavakunstifestival Stencibility korraldaja ja programmi kuraator. Ta lõpetas 2016. aastal Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriosakonnas urbanistika eriala magistriastme lõputööga, kus uuris ajutiste kultuurisündmuste mõju kohalike linnatajule (“Urban Festivals: Reshaping the Perception of the City. The Case of UIT” - “Linnafestivalid kui taju mõjutajad. UIT festivali juhtum”) Kadri oli 2016. aastal Tartu noore kultuurikandja laureaat. Kadri Lind is the organizer and curator of the UIT City Festival and street art festival Stencibility. In 2016 she graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts in the department of architecture and defended a master’s thesis called “Urban Festivals: Reshaping the perception of the City. The Case of UIT”, where she studied the effect of temporary cultural events on the locals perception of the. In the same year, Kadri was awarded with the title Young Culture Carrier of the Year.

Kieren Lovell

Kieren Lovell is a new Instructor and Subject Matter Expert in Security Operation Centres at TalTech, Estonia. Before coming to Estonia, Kieren was the Head of Computer Emergency Response Team at the University of Cambridge, which is the largest digital private network in Europe. Kieren had to deal with Cyber & Information Security incidents in the University of Cambridge. Prior this, he was in the Royal Navy (UK) where he served as a Communications & IT Specialist. Kieren moved to Tallinn for a number of factors, whereas the most important being the warm welcome he received last year when he attended his first Cyber Summer School as a mentor for TalTech. Though being to over fifty countries, Estonia is the one that has made him feel truly welcome and at home. “I have TalTech & Garage48 to thank for that,” says Kieren. Kieren Lovell on Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli küberkriminalistika ja küberjulgeoleku keskuse uus juhendaja ja ekspert. Enne Eestisse tulekut oli Kieren Cambridge’i Ülikoolis IT toe osakonna juht, mis on Euroopa suurim digitaalne privaatvõrk. Kiereni tegevusvaldkonda jäid kõik juhtumid, mis olid seotud küber- ja infoturbega Cambridge’i ülikoolis. Enne Cambridge’i tööle asumist töötas ta Briti Kuninglikus Mereväes, kus ta teenis kommunikatsiooni- ja IT-spetsialistina. Tallinnasse kolis Kieren mitmetel põhjustel, kuid olulisimaks oli tema jaoks eestlaste soe vastuvõtt kui ta eelmisel aastal esimest korda TalTech'i mentorina küberteemalises suvekoolis osales. Kuigi Kieren on reisinud enam kui viiekümnes riigis, on Eesti just see, kus ta end kõige kodusemalt ning tervitatuna tunneb. “Selle eest saan tänada vaid TalTech'i ning Garage48 üritusi,” ütles Kieren

Loore Martma

Loore Martma on vabakutseline näitleja ning lavastaja ja Tallinna Ülikooli doktorant. Lisaks muusika ja lavastaja haridusele on ta Eesti Muusika ja Teatriakadeemia Lavakunstikooli teatripedagoogika ja psühholoogia eriala magister, olles uurinud Eesti näitlejate ning lavastajate seas ärevust, lavahirmu, tööstressi, depressiooni ning ka nendega seotud läbipõlemist. 2016. aastal kaitses ta sel teemal oma magistritöö pealkirjaga "Läbipõlemiskunst". Olulise küsimusega, kuidas kõige sellega igapäevases (loomingulises) tööelus toime tulla, on ta jõudnud kaasaegses lääne psühholoogias aina enam populaarsust ning tõestusmaterjali kogunud meeleteadlikkuse (mindfulness'i) praktikateni. Loore on kolm aastat mindfulness’i juhendajana praktiseerinud ning rakendab seda ka oma erialases ning loomingulises töös. Täna on ta Tallinna Ülikooli tervisekäitumise ja heaolu eriala doktorant. Loore Martma is a freelance actress and director and a PhD student at Tallinn University. Besides being educated in music and directing, Loore has a master’s degree in theatre pedagogy and psychology. She has researched anxiety, stage fright, stress at work, depression and the burnout, that these factors might lead to, amongst Estonian actors and directors. In 2016 she defended her master’s thesis called “The Art of Burnout”. While trying to find out how to cope with all of this in everyday life, she has come to practicing mindfulness, which is also becoming more and more popular and acknowledged in the modern west psychology. She has been an instructor of mindfulness for three years and practices it herself in her own work. Today, she is a PhD student at Tallinn University in the Health Behaviour and Wellbeing programme.

Peeter Brifk

Peeter õpib Tartu Emajõe Kooli 6. klassis. Väiksena tahtis ta saada heategijaks, kes käib raha täis käruga ringi ning jagab seda vaestele. Soov head teha on tal tänaseni säilinud - enda leiutistega aitab ta muuta maailmas elu lihtsamaks. Kaks tema väljamõeldut, vedrukargud ja kargusoojendaja, on pälvinud lausa riiklikku tähelepanu. Ühtlasi on Peeter suur Eesti spordi fänn ning elab südamest kaasa kõigile, kes hingega võitlevad!

Petri-Jaan Lahtvee

Dr. Petri-Jaan Lahtvee finished his Ph.D. in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, on multi-omic’ energy efficiency studies on industrially relevant microbes’ lactic acid bacteria and E. coli. Thereafter, Petri joined the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden where he applied systems biology methods for understanding yeast stress tolerance. After finishing his 3-year postdoc, Petri became a group leader at the University of Tartu. His research group is focused on both, computational and wet lab applications of synthetic and systems biology. By combining these approaches, they are working on the fundamental science questions and translating them into industrial biotechnology applications by constructing more efficient producer cells. In particular, they are mainly working with the conventional baker’s yeast as well as other, non- conventional yeast strains and bacteria. Petri is also a board member of the University of Tartu, Institute of Technology and co-founder and a board member of the NPO Kõrgtehnoloogilise Ettevõtluse toetuseks a.k.a. Startmeup.ee – an early stage incubator for life-science startups.

Rain Tunger

Rain Tunger on enesearengule pühendunud ettevõtja, muusik ning motivatsiooni ja külalislahkuse eest kõneleja. Rain juhib Tallinna restoranide Rataskaevu 16, Väike Rataskaevu, Pegasus ja ÜLO teenindusmeeskondi, mis on muutunud kiiresti nii kohalike kui väliskülaliste suurteks lemmikuteks. Ühtlasi toimetab ta juba 12 aastat Raadio 2 saadet “Progressioon”, õpib omal käel kitarri, loob laule ning tegutseb ekstaatilise tantsu DJ-na. Raini visiooni eesmärgistatud elust võtab hästi kokku tema öeldu: “Ainus tõeline kingitus, mida iseendale ja teistele teha saan, on tegeleda enda sisemaailma teadvustamise ja korrastamisega. Isikuomaste annete tuvastamise ja kultiveerimisega ning oma tõelise potentsiaali avamise ja realiseerimisega.” *** Rain Tunger is an entrepreneur, musician and a speaker for motivation and hospitality, who is truly devoted to self-development. Rain is leading the staffs of restaurants Rataskaevu 16, Väike Rataskaevu, Pegasus ja ÜLO in Tallinn, that have quickly become huge favorites of both locals and tourists. For 12 years, he has been the editor of the programme “Progressioon” at Radio 2, he teaches himself the guitar, creates songs and practices as a DJ of ecstatic dance. Rain’s vision of a purposeful life is summarized by his saying: “The only true gift that I can give to myself and the others is to address my inner world and organize it. To identify and cultivate my personal gifts or to open and realize my true potential.”

Víctor Sánchez

Víctor Sánchez Chumillas is a Computer Science Engineer from the Escuela Superior de Informatica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid with more than 20 years of experience in Technology consulting and a Senior Managing Consultant at IBM. With that ultrageek introduction you will be surprised to read that he is a believer in the importance of authenticity, vulnerability and human connection. One of the most rewarding aspects of his job is leading coaching innitiatives to introduce these subjects in the work environment and leadership. Although Spanish, since 2002 has been living in the Netherlands where he leads the Internet of Things Practice in IBM Benelux, His key responsibility is to ensure customer solutions address business needs, bringing together not only technology and expertise but also different ways of looking at technology and consulting such as the Internet of Things Card Game, IoT Consulting Method and the IoT Escape Room among others. He believes in having fun with his work so don't be surprised to see him carrying Lego, connected socks or tagging his LinkedIn posts with #havingfunstormingthecastle. *** Víctor Sánchez on arvutiteaduste insener Madridi ülikoolist, kel on enam kui 20 aastat kogemust tehnoloogia konsultandina ning kes on olnud vanemkonsultant IBM-is. Sellise ülinohikliku tutvustuse järel üllatud ehk veidi, et tegelikult usub ta väga ehedusesse tähtsusesse, haavatavusse ning inimsuhetesse. Üheks kõige tasuvamaks osaks oma tööst peabki ta erinevate initsiatiivide juhendamist, et viia need teemad ka töökeskkonda ning juhtideni. Kuigi Victor on päritolult hispaanlane, on ta viimased 16 aastat elanud Taanis kus ta juhatab IBM BeNeLux’i Nutistu praktikumi. Tema peamiseks vastutuseks on tagada, et kliendilahendused oleksid kooskõlas ärivajadustega, tuues seeläbi kokku mitte ainult tehnika ning ekspertiisi, vaid ka kõik erinevad viisi, kuidas tehnoloogiasse ning nõustamisse suhtuda. Näiteks töötavad nad selliste projektidega nagu The Internet of Things Card Game, IoT Consulting Method ja the IoT Escape Room. Victor usub, et oma tööd tehes peab olema lõbus. Seega ära üllatu kui näed teda kandmas legoklotse, kõndimas seotud sokkidega või lisamas oma LinkedIn postitustele märksõnu #havingfunstormingthecastle.

Organizing team


Tartu, Estonia
  • Siiri Mugra