x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
October 12, 2018
Brasov, Brașov

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Bulevardul 15 Noiembrie 50A
Brasov, Brașov
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Brașov events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alexandru Badan

Alexandru Badan is the co-founder of Mora TV, a company holding 3 YouTube channels for children: TraLaLa, LooLoo Kids and BoonBoon. Together with his wife, Cristina, Badan, started this business in 2012, and since then the projects managed by them has been continuously growing. In January 2019, LooLoo Kids channel was rewarded by YouTube for crossing the threshold of 10 million subscribers. Diamond Play Button distinction is the first one of this type awarded for a project from the Central and Eastern Europe. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Alexandru Dobre

Alexandru Dobre is an entrepreneur that has multidisciplinary skills which combines sociology, business, innovation and design. His company is one of the few ones that is promoting the 3D printing technology in Romania. In 2018 in partnership with local NGOs, Alexandru developed and implemented a unique 3D printing class for students in elementary schools that combines STEAM education with aspects of business and social sciences.

Laurențiu Dudău

Laurentiu is a programmer and web developer. He has 36 years of experience in the software field. Being passionate about IoT and Artificial Intelligence, his personal motto is “Any idea can come true. Imagination is the only limit!”. Even since childhood, he chose to become a programmer. Even though he has never seen a computer and has only learnt of their existence from magazines, at 13 he has made up his mind: “This is for me: the world of information!” Today, his goal is to establish children’s access only to the educative part of the Internet, the one that positively influences them and helps them develop their creativity. Founder and CEO of Navitron, Laurentiu ceased working for other companies and decided to exclusively focus all his experience, creativity and resources in protecting children on the Internet. The development of Navitron started in 2009 and today it is installed in companies, educational institutions and in families. It is present in 29 countries and protects over 41000 children.

Lavinia-Maria Chițu

Lavinia is a romanian certified sign language interpreter, she has made a career in fashion, she has been a sign language presenter at various TV stations in Romania, has achieved some projects with institutions of the Romanian state, she has earned numerous awards at cultural and educational events, she is involved in volunteer actions related to the activity of the National Deaf Association branches in Romania, she is attending as an sign language interpreter at various summits and conferences at national level, she has been present in articles published nationwide and in interviews with major TV stations, she has made partnerships with romanian major record labels. She is a creative and ambitious person, with the desire to engage in new areas of interest, struggling to change mentalities and to bring sound into a world of silence, to unite people and break down the barriers of thought and communication. Lavinia is a young woman with a normal hearing even though she was born in a family where both her parents are deaf persons. Since childhood until now she lives in two different worlds: a world of silence and a world of sounds.

Mirela Tanc

Profesoara Mirela Tanc predă la Şcoala Gimnazială ”Oltea Doamna” din Oradea, la şase clase de elevi a căror vârstă este între 10 şi 15 ani. A intrat în lumea Microsoft în 2013, iar în noiembrie 2016 a aflat, de la un dascăl minunat, Rashmi Kathuria, din India, ce înseamnă cu adevărat Platforma Microsoft Education. Astfel a obţinut 92 de insigne Microsoft şi numeroase certificate pentru cursurile absolvite, a călătorit virtual în 17 ţări, a învăţat foarte multe, pe care le-am împărtăşit colegilor, ca trainer Microsoft, a cunoscut profesori şi specialişti de top din toate colţurile lumii.

Ramona Ursu

Ramona Ursu are o experiență de peste 16 ani în jurnalismul de investigație, o carte despre dosarele securității, alte două cărți document despre România în care se consemnează evenimentele din februarie 2017 și derapajele răsunătoare ale democrației românești. Crezul care o călăuzește pe Ramona Ursu este: “ Puterea societăţii, mult mai mare decât puterea politicienilor mafioţi.”

Simona Bişboacă

Orădeanca Simona Bişboacă inginer în industria alimentară şi cercetător, cunoscută ca inventatoarea elixirului tinereţii- Antioxivita, extractul din sâmburi şi pieliţe de struguri foarte bogat în antioxidanţi-a reuşit să uimească industria alimentară. După şapte ani de experimentat, cercetat, modificat utilaje şi îmbunătăţit metoda de lucru a adus pe piaţă un produs unic în lume - Fructonata - o inovaţie în industria alimentară.

Organizing team


Brasov, Romania