x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
December 2, 2017
New Taipei, Taipei

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Tam Kang University
No.151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
First Floor
New Taipei, Taipei, 25151
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­T­K­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Chun-Hung Lo

Voice Coach
CLEAR-MIND Culture Creative Co., LTD “In words, we read one’s thoughts. But in voice, we gazed the soul of the other.” Chun-Hung Lo, or so-called Tiger Lo, I have dedicated to voice training when I was 24. During the journey, I have held thousands of courses and speeches in numerous colleges and enterprises so far. With eight years of voice training experience, I realized that it is not only the skill of intonation, oral or vocal exercises, but the chance of getting to know yourself again and the process of building up your self-cognition. Via changing the recognition toward ourselves and the world, we may be able to change our voice. I firmly believe that everyone was born to own all the resources for elaborating the voice thoroughly. Therefore, my mission is to “genuinely make people become themselves” by means of voice.

Diego Prudot Juan

Co-founder and CIO of IMPCT Coffee
I think of better ways technology and empathy can let humans thrive. Perspective arrived through a full scholarship to Taiwan’s top MBA program. While doing my MBA and learning Mandarin Chinese, I became curious about social entrepreneurship. I asked a few classmates to join me in a social entrepreneurship competition: The Hult Prize, also known as “The Nobel Prize for students”. This small request turned into a life-changing journey. We won the competition and US$1 Million to launch IMPCT. At IMPCT, we sell specialty coffee and use the profits to build schools in the places where it comes from. I am in charge of our platform, where people become founders of a school by laying a brick. Here, I use my experience to grow a business with a purpose, generate awareness, and create opportunities for children to build a better future.

Jason Huang

Cofounder of RE-THINK non-profit / Designer / Social Media Marketing
黃之揚因緣際會下接觸海洋生態,才發現許多非觀光海灘其實正受大量的垃圾覆蓋。他從2013年開始著手解決此問題,透過網路媒體的推動,至今已經在全台完成超過60場淨灘,累積1.5萬多人次參與,清潔出約35公噸的海灘垃圾量。 他想讓大家正視此議題,並告訴大家垃圾覆蓋海灘最根本的原因是什麼。


Red Envelope Tech, Co-founder |Share Economy Association Taiwan, Director | USPACE, Founder

Wiyon Liu

Founder of Approach Communications
豐富經歷橫跨諸多領域 從國內外媒體代理商,到文案、設計、企劃、公關、行銷與媒體等,甚至經手過紅極一時的「煎熬」MV宣傳、也曾助知名服飾品牌lativ創下傲人營業額。現在正展開3.0計劃,著手自立門戶,期望能透過「本質溝通事務所」的努力,與客戶一同回歸到本質上的溝通。


董事兼執行長 at 本土心理研究基金會;資深顧問 at 齊行國際顧問公司
I have been learning and teaching Psychology for over 30 some years. Now I am practicing it in areas including the organizational consulting, personal coaching, talent assessment, and cultivation.


Designer & co-founder of "100% Polluted Water Popsicles" project
"The water comes from 100 different polluted water sources in Taiwan, ranging from rivers to ports to ditches," CNN wrote. A Taiwanese student project "100% Polluted Water Popsicles" , led by YI-CHEN HONG, has made some gorgeous popsicles from the “polluted” water. Their intention to express the importance of pollution-free water drew huge international attention, and has been featured in several exhibitions, including the Taipei World Trade Center's Young Designers Exhibition 2017.

Yu Hsien Hsueh

Taiwanese flamenco dancer
Hsueh developed an interest in flamenco at an early age when she visited Spain with her mother. She was accepted by the Madrid Royal Academy of Dancing when she was 12 and graduated top of her class in 2012. At the age of 22, she had already comprehended art and dance maturely. She invited several young artists to join her art therapy program. They travelled around Taiwan to perform and create arts for children living in the villages and seniors in care homes. Through the art and dance, Hsueh brought joy and happiness to others, and also gave herself new meaning in life.

偉周 陳

Apple Daily Journalist
30年來,緬甸境內軍事與種族衝突,造成十萬餘難民被迫流亡泰國。 陳偉周,一位台灣記者,深入泰國境內最大的緬甸難民營-美拉(Mae La)難民營做專題報導,在那塊僅四平方公里的小山坡地上,收容了進四萬的難民。 他想告訴大家:「沒有人是局外人, 按下快門的照片僅能呈現他們苦難的萬分之ㄧ, 盼能喚醒大眾行動力。」

詳閔 游

Founder/CEO of Homeseen
台灣每4秒就有1個人失智,每10個家庭就有一個有失智老人。我們每個人都有機會成為失智家人的照顧者。 游詳閔身為一位工程師,起初在矽谷打拼。為了失智症的外婆,決定回台並投身失智老人照護。 HOMESEEN旨在以科技結合安養,以益智活動讓老人保持思考能力。初期開發專屬老人的遊戲包。現已轉型為老人活動整合APP及線上諮詢,讓家屬除了能帶家中老人多出門外也能更準確的了解老年健康問題起因。

Organizing team


Taipei, Taiwan