x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Bravo!

This event occurred on
November 25, 2017
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong

TEDxYouth@HongKong 舉辦第八年,服務對象以年青人為主,目的是想讓年青人從來自不同範疇的嘉賓身上得到啟發,並看到更多不同的機會。TEDxYouth@HongKong 2017 策劃團隊誠意邀請您參與 11月25日以 Bravo! 為主題的講座!

For our 8th annual TEDxYouth@HongKong, we take pride in showcasing over thinkers, do-ers, shapers and innovators from Hong Kong and abroad. They build on TED’s core mission to share ideas through personal narratives that inspire dialogue, collaboration and empower the next generation. The theme of TEDxYouth@HongKong 2017, Bravo!, congratulates every individual who in pursuit of their passion and meaning in life, has jumped out of their comfort zone, kept their resolve, and persevered against odds and setback.

Cyberport Function Rooms
Level 3, Core E, Cyberport 3
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong kong
Hong Kong
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Hong­Kong events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Jenna Wong 黃安恩 & Clarissa Yung 容幸之

Students from St. Paul's Convent School. Hong Kong young female scientists. Researcher of Artificial Skin 聖保祿學校學生; 香港少年女科學家; 人工皮膚研發員
The 2015 Taiwan Waterpark powder explosion saw the rise of this dynamic duo. Jenna Wong and Clarissa Yung from St. Paul’s Convent School were inspired to develop of artificial skin. With the invention of ‘HAPPIA’, they hope to save lives and help people make people live happier lives. Their research has received the Roche Young Scientist Award and has also gained recognition and awards in local and international competitions, including China Adolescence Science and Technology Innovation Competition, Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition and Google Science Fair. 聖保祿學校黃安恩和容幸之同學在台灣粉塵爆炸案中受到啟發,嘗試把研究中的面膜改良成為人工皮膚。命名為 HAPPIA,喻意希望能拯救生命,使人活得更快樂。此研究獲得多個獎項: 羅氏少年科學家大獎,全國青少年科技創新大賽,香港青少年科技創新大賽以及 Google Science Fair 大獎。

Chun Hin Chan 陳俊軒

Hong Kong Yo-yo Artist. 6-times Hong Kong Champion (in Offstring Division). 2013 Bronze Medalist in World 3rd in Offstring Division 香港搖搖藝人; 6屆香港冠軍(離繩組); 2013世界賽離繩組季軍
Chan Chun Hin started playing the yo-yo since 2002 and specialises in the Offstring Style Division. Not only did Hin won numerous championships in Hong Kong, he has set many records. In 2013, he became the first Chinese to achieve a 2nd-place title at the World Yo-yo Contest (Offstring Division). In 3 years, i.e., 2016, he became the first active player in Hong Kong to act as panel judge for an international Yo-yo competition at the Asia Pacific Yo-yo Championships. 陳俊軒自2002年開始接觸搖搖運動,活躍至今並積極透過搖搖運動參與不同界別,包括各種表演及廣告代言,務求將搖搖運動為他帶來的感動傳播給更多人。 擅長離繩花式的陳俊軒,曾在多屆全港賽離繩組奪得冠軍。他亦於2013年世界搖搖大賽(World Yo-yo Contest)離繩組奪得季軍,為首位於世界賽離繩組得到三甲之華人。 自2016年起加入Asia Pacific Yo-yo Championships裁判團,為香港首位活躍選手成為國際賽事裁判。

Clarence Fong 方志剛

Meteorologist, UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. Founder and Director, “Weather Underground of Hong Kong” 聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會/世界氣象組織颱風委員會氣象專家; 「香港地下天文台」創辦人及台長。
Driven by curiosity from a young age, Clarence set up ‘Weather Underground of Hong Kong’ - the most credible unofficial meteorology organisation in the city. In 2015, he was invited to become a member of the UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. Clarence currently focuses on educating the public including publishing in books and columns, attending radio shows and talks. 自小對事物充滿好奇,1995年成立香港地下天文台,成為香港最具公信力的非官方氣象組織。2015年出任聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會及世界氣象組織轄下颱風委員會氣象專家。近年致力氣象普及教育,包括出版書籍、撰寫專欄、主持電台節目及舉辦講座。

David Lam 林東偉

Leaf-whistling Musician 葉笛導師
Leaf-whistling is a folk-tradition with a long history. It is a gift from nature. As a musical instrument, it has a low carbon footprint, is free, invaluable, easy-to-carry and unique. David is fascinated by this art and would like to introduce this leaf flute to more people in Hong Kong. David would like to use this natural sound create happiness and delight in more people’s lives. 「樹葉吹奏技藝」是一種民間技藝 。它的歷史源遠流長 。它是大自然送贈的禮物,是一種低碳、免費、無價、便攜、獨特的樂器。林東偉致力推廣這項文化藝術,期望在香港更多人認識和學習吹奏樹葉 。一同用自然之音把歡樂和音樂帶入生活,和諧共融。

Enoch Li 李以諾

Managing Director, BEARAPY; Organizational Change & Play Consultant 小熊創意法總監; 企業發展及玩樂顧問
Growing up in Hong Kong and now based in Beijing, Enoch founded Bearapy ( to help companies navigate organizational changes using a psychodynamic approach. She uses the psychology of playfulness for adult creativity, learning, and stress management. Due to her personal experience with burnout and depression, Enoch is passionate about incorporating mental health into corporate culture She is an avid speaker and writer, and has written for Forbes, South China Morning Post, China Global Television Network on mental health, female leadership, and on her own blog 以諾在香港長大,現居於北京。她創立了小熊創意法,通過心理動力學方法幫助企業變革。以諾結合遊戲及心理學來激發成年人的創造力和壓力管理。曾經歷抑鬱,所以熱衷於就心理健康和女性領導力議題發表演講,並於福布斯、南華早報、中央電台及自己的博客NochNoch.com等平台寫作。

Kelvin Yuen 袁斯樂

Landscape Photographer. Champion of “National Geographic International Photo Contest 2015 Youth Division” 景觀攝影師;「2015國家地理全球攝影大賽」青年組冠軍得主
Twenty-year-old Kelvin Yuen is a landscape photographer. He loves to capture Hong Kong’s natural beauty through his lenses. He captures varying perspectives of the city from the numerous mountain peaks that he treks up. His photo taken from Fei Ngo Shan, the highest peak in Kowloon, earned him first place in the National Geographic’s International Photo Contest 2015 Youth Division. Kelvin is currently a consultant and photographer for the Hong Kong Tourism Board. 袁斯樂今年20歲,是一位景觀攝影師。喜歡透過相機,把香港最美麗最自然的景觀紀錄下來。 他經常跋涉大小山峰,從不同角度把香港拍攝下來。 他較早時於飛鵝山拍攝的照片,為他贏得2015年國家地理全球攝影大賽青少年組冠軍。袁斯樂現為香港旅遊發展局的顧問及攝影師。

Lok-Tim Chan 陳樂添

Stand Up Comedian. Winner of 2011 “Hong Kong's Funniest Person Award" 棟篤笑表演者;「全港棟篤笑大賽」2011冠軍得主
Tim is a stand-up comedian from the "Hall of Laughs" and an improv comedy "即刻好興" member. Tim only performs in Hong Kong, but also in Macau, Mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Australia. In 2011, he started to do comedy and won the"Hong Kong’s Funniest Person Award" that same year. He has done the opening act for comedy star Vivek Mahbubani & celebrity Cheuk Wan Chi’s comedy performance. 阿添現為棟篤笑團體(爆笑館),及即興劇團(即刻好興)主力成員。阿添不只活躍於香港,亦曾在澳門、內地、 台灣、 馬來西亞、 澳洲演出。在2011年開始表演棟篤笑, 並在同年獲得全港棟篤笑大賽冠軍及為台柱Vivek Mahbubani及女藝人卓韻芝的個人棟篤笑作開場表演嘉賓。

Makayla Ng 吳詩雅

Founder, Fashion Corner Plus. Hong Kong's First Millennial Designer of Extra-Large Size Women's Wear Fashion Corner Plus 創辦人; 香港首名90後加大碼女裝設計師
Makayla believes everyone should have the right to dress up. In 2014, she set up an extra-large size women's wear brand - Fashion Corner Plus. Makayla works on everything from design to sales to provide more choices for plus size girls. 吳詩雅本著不同身型的人都有打扮的權利,於2014年成立加大碼女裝品牌 Fashion Corner Plus。從設計到銷售都親力親為,為各位大碼女生提供多一個選擇。

Paresh Shah

Chief Innovation Officer and Value Architect , The Non-Obvious Company
Paresh Shah specializes in innovation, predicting the future, leadership and mindfulness. A high-tech engineer, Harvard MBA, yogi, speaker and musician, Mr. Shah was featured as a global innovator for the United Nations International Peace Day. Mr. Shah and his team help companies, non-profits and governments use innovation and transformative leadership to solve their toughest problems. Paresh's thought leadership has been featured in leading publications such as Forbes,, Inc., and Entrepreneur. Paresh Shah 專門從事創意思維,預測領導方向及正念思考訓練。除了從事高科技策劃、是哈佛大學企業管理碩士外,他還是瑜伽修行者、講者及音樂家。Paresh 為聯合國國際和平日的全球改革者。他及他的團隊利用創新及多變的領導方法,協助商業、非牟利及政府機構解決難題。Paresh 的領導思維可見於各大刊物如福布斯、, Inc., 及企業家。

Pucky Leung 畢奇

Unconventional Hong Kong illustrator. Creator of "Pookie". 香港新派插畫師; 黑色童話風格 「Pookie」品牌創辦人
With a childhood divided between Hong Kong and Canada, Pucky grew up between two cultures, which prompted her to explore creatively the value of identity and the meaning of belonging. After graduation from Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, she returned to Hong Kong, where she worked as a freelance artist and created the brand "Pookie". Pucky's work is a combination of cute and dark, showing an integrated harmony where opposites like good and evil or love and fear, co-exist. She draws to communicate these feelings in her own visual language. 畢奇的童年遊走於香港及加拿大,在兩種截然不同的文化下長大,讓她經常探索身份及歸屬感的價值。畢奇畢業於溫哥華Emily Carr University of Art + Design,隨後回流香港繼續自由藝術家的工作並創立品牌「Pookie」。畢奇的作品多是帶著兩面-善與惡,愛與恐懼,於光明與黑暗之間創造出融和。

Sharon Yeung 楊曉芙

Hong Kong's Rising Independent Film Director 香港新晉獨立電影女導演
Sharon grew up in Hong Kong, studied film in Los Angeles, directed commercials in Beijing, while city-hopping around Asia, shooting documentaries and creating new media projects. Her current project, 'Creativity is', evolved from a short documentary to a series of experiential screenings that is now becoming a new media interactive online experience. Her other immersive media project, 'MADE', has recently been selected for the 2017 Sheffield Documentary Festival in Britain as well as GoogleVR Jumpstart Program. 成長於香港,在洛杉磯研讀電影,後曾居北京拍攝廣告,同時在亞洲各國穿梭拍攝紀錄片。 她最新的紀錄片作品《原來我》,從最初的紀錄片,發展成一系列體驗式放映,現更正被製作成一項互動紀錄片。她的另一項 VR 創作《MADE》同時入選2017年英國雪菲爾紀錄片節及成為 GoogleVR 項目之一。

Wai Sing, Richard Leung 梁渭聲

Co-founder, BNet-Tech . Social Innovator, Co-founder of STICKu BNet-Tech 共同創辦人; 社創家, 智能拐杖創辦人
Since childhood, Richard has always had boundless creativity, insatiable curiosity and never settling for standard answers. He started to work at a young age in various industries, and later spent 20 years in the toy industry. He got his STICKu idea when he realised the difficulties his sister had after she got cancer. Richard now focuses on designing smart devices for the elderly to improve their quality of life. 梁渭聲,自小總愛天馬行空,對周邊事物充滿好奇,故對標準答案的學習環境不感味兒,早早便投身社會。嘗試過很多行業,最後於玩具業打拼二十年。由於姊姊不幸患上癌症,體會到姊姊所遇到的困難及對拐杖的負面印象,觸發他研究智能拐杖的想法。希望能設計出針對長者需要的智能產品,令生活質素有所提升。

Wayne Chau 周佩波

Founder & CEO, Agent of Change. “Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador” - First Cohort 加油香港 創辦人兼行政總裁; 第一屆「香港精神大使」得獎者
Having grown up in poverty, Wayne founded Agent of Change, a social enterprise, in 2014, to provide affordable and high-quality daily necessities for underprivileged individuals. Wayne has been recognized by the International Visitor Leadership Program run by the U.S. Department of State, and has has been awarded to Hong Kong Youth Service Award, Hong Kong Volunteer Award, the Hong Kong Spirit Ambassadors and the 100 winners of China Enterprise Innovation Award. 周佩波出身基層,在劏房長大並曾短期露宿,後靠著自身拼搏成為企業家。他相信改變始於自己,並常存一個夢,希望幫助基層走出困境。2014年創立社企「加油香港」,為全港百萬基層提供質優價廉的日常用品,服務達五十多萬人。他亦曾獲選為美國國務院國際訪問者領袖、香港青年服務大獎及香港精神大使等。

Organizing team


Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • May Yeung
    Team member
  • Monique Wong
    Team member