x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
November 4, 2017
Accra, Greater Accra

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Central University
Miotso, Accra
Accra, Greater Accra, c/o MC 345, Takoradi
Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Central­University­Women events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


Afua M. Ansah Afua loves public speaking and was the flag bearer for her political party in her school's mock election. Her favorite book, We Should All Be Feminists, is by the person she would most like to meet: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Afua loves the Harry Potter movies, so it's no surprise that Emma Watson is her favorite actress. Afua says she considers Albert Einstein to be her role model because of his ingenuity and brilliance in establishing the theory of relativity. Afua wants to attend Harvard University one day so she can study medicine and become a neurosurgeon, but she also wants to be a globe-trotter.


Anita Erskine has risen to the forefront of the African broadcast industry to become a powerful Award Winning voice seasoned by experience as well as talent, and aimed at uplifting and inspiring women around the world. After more than two decades in the broadcast industry doing everything from hosting television and radio shows to producing her own hit shows and even dipping into the world of corporate communications, she has acquired all her knowledge through hard work and resilience. In 2016, Ms Erskine attracted global giant CNN to feature her inspiring ambition and powerful accomplishments. has been widely celebrated for her efforts and contributions to Africa’s Broadcasting landscape, her commitment to Women’s Empowerment and Girls Education and issues concerning Maternal Health. Anita Erskine owns a Strategic Communications Consultancy called Anita Erskine Media and runs the Women’s Elevation Fund which provides scholarship and educational bursaries for outstanding females.


Bright Ackwerh is a 28 year old artist from Ghana. He is a product of the art faculty at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology where he earned a BFA and MFA in painting and sculpture. His versatile practice is situated in the field of painting, illustration and street art. He was the recipient of the Kuenyehia prize for Ghanaian Contemporary art in 2016 and one of the top 10 finalists in the 2017 Barclays L'atelier art competition. With a massive touch of satire,Bright's work has been gaining acclaim on social media and has participated in group shows in Accra, Lagos, Paris and Johannesburg. Bright's practice has been centered around investigating pop culture as a medium and he has also been experimenting with public poster display.


Eugenia Tachie-Menson is a passionate educator who makes learning fun for children under 18 through co-curricular programmes. Eugenia’s professional background started in media in Ghana, where she worked in varied roles before leaving for the UK to further her studies in Communication. A firm believer in giving back, Eugenia also volunteers her time to serve with agencies and organisations in the area of educational reform. She has served with educational Think Tank, Imani Ghana and also serves on school boards and PTAs. Eugenia’s experience and influence led to her obtaining the exclusive rights to run the Scripps Spelling Bee (of the USA) in Ghana. Starting with only 6 schools and 30 students, the programme has grown over the last 10 years, under Eugenia's leadership to impact over 10,000 children in Ghana. Through her charity organization, Young Educators Foundation (YEF) which she currently runs in Ghana & Nigeria, she has grown the programmes portfolios to include literacy pr


Farida Nana Efua Bedwei is the Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Logiciel (Ghana) Ltd, a software company developing banking systems for the microfinance industry. Her role involves assessing the industry and coming up with practical solutions, which are easy to use by persons with no formal banking training. She believes the informal sector, which make up between 60%-70% of the population across Africa, deserve the same banking services as those in the formal sector. Thus by building affordable banking systems for them, the microfinance industry will be able to realize their full potential and offer adequate banking services to their customers. Prior to co-founding Logiciel, Farida worked in the telecom software industry, developing mobile gateways and services for mobile networks and content providers. Farida is also an author and a disability-rights advocate, and has been featured on many media platforms, notable amongst this is CNN African Voices in February 2015.


Josephine Ngminvielu Kuuire is a photographer and a digital artist living and practicing in Ghana. She got her bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and Music from the University of Ghana in 2015. She first discovered photography in Leonia High School, New Jersey; where she took a regular and advanced class in photography. Upon returning to Ghana in 2009, she decided to continue her photography journey and worked as a freelance photographer while in the university. Josephine focuses more on concept development and photo manipulations to tell her stories; and she is most known for her weird and ‘scary’ conceptual images. She was recently awarded the Portraits Ghana Photography Prize which was organized by the Embassy of Netherlands in Ghana and Nuku Studio. Josephine is usually inspired by everyday experiences and uses photography to interrogate established social systems within the Ghanaian context. Quote on Identity There's nothing more important in life that knowing who you are,


Multiple award winning filmmaker, Kafui Danku, is best known for her charm, beauty and poise as she combines creativity with confidence and commitment. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and classics from the university of cape coast, Ghana. She began her professional career at UNHCR before her debut in the movie industry as an actress and producer. The inspirational filmmaker is also a Co- founder of Abc Pictures Limited, currently among the few prominent movies production houses to boast with award winning favorites such as Letters to my mother, Happy deathly, I do, Any other Monday to its credit. She has handled life in the spotlight with grace and humor , and her passion for her work, has captured the attention of fans and movie lovers throughout Africa . Kafui has proven to have channeled her talent to meeting the increasing demand of today’s modern film industry.


Mr Tiburce Chaffa is a serial entrepreneur that does not just speak of change; he is always at the forefront of where it is taking place; seeking practical but innovative solutions to tackle governance, economic and social predicaments Africa faces as a continent while grooming future leaders. Tiburce dropped out of college while he was studying Political Science & Sociology at the University of Ghana in Legon. After a brief moment in the public sector working for two regional investment and development banks, Tiburce moved to India to work with Tata Consultancy Services on an Oil and Gas technology business project. After his trainings in Technology Product Management at General Assembly and Innovation & Ventures Creation at Columbia Business School, Mr Chaffa established KYMA Ventures to empower young people from African descent in the 5 boroughs of NYC in 2013.

Organizing team


ACCRA, Ghana

