x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Reality, Augmented 擴增視界

This event occurred on
October 15, 2017
Taipei, Taipei

Many people assume that our perceptions — sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch — accurately reflect the reality that we live in. If we can sense physical objects or even non-material concepts like love and hate, then they exist in the real world. However, when we dig a little deeper into how these sensory experiences are processed, we will find that our understanding of what’s real is actually our brain’s best guess at what the world is like. If the concept of reality is a product of our minds, then each person may have their own interpretation of what “reality” should be.

TEDxTaipei wishes to take you on a tour of our fundamental understanding of the world around us. We will showcase interesting and impactful ideas that may collectively reshape our perspectives. In our journey to examine reality, we might end up with the idea that whatever reality is, it isn’t what we originally have in mind. Be prepared to kick off your shoes and step into a different world.

許多人認為我們的知覺五感—視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺和觸覺,準確地呈現我們所處的現實,換句話說,如果我們有能力判斷存在的事物,甚至意識到如愛與恨的內心現象,那麼它們就存在於真實世界。但是,當我們更深入地探討這些感官體驗的來源,會發現真理實際上是來自大腦對世界的觀察,如果現實是人類智力產出的概念,那麼每人都可能對 “現實” 擁有主觀的詮釋。


Huashan 1914 Creative Park
#1, Sec. 1, BaDe Road
Taipei, Taipei, 100
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

劉鎮鯤 Chen-kun Liu

在救援前線擔任麻醉科醫生,曾參與蘇丹、獅子山共和國、剛果民主共和國、中非共和國等地的救援任務。2014 年 8 月起當選為無國界醫生(香港)主席。現於台北任職麻醉科醫生。 從白色巨塔到沒有希望的沙漠,飛機從都市叢林中飛起,卻在泥土跑道上落下。無國界醫生不只帶劉鎮鯤到世界的盡頭,更讓他看見醫生一職如何在天災後快速回應災民需求、在武裝衝突地區保持中立並給予無辜平民醫療援助、在國際社會冷漠回應伊波拉病毒疫情之時竭盡所能的幫助病人並呼籲國際關注。「加入無國界醫生這個組織九年多來,我沒有離開過,而今後,我也不會。」 ----- Chen-Kun Liu is an anesthesiologist who has provided his medical services in war-torn regions and under-developed countries like Sudan, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Central African Republic. He is currently the Board President of Doctors Without Borders Association Hong Kong. Liu is also a anesthesiologist based in Taipei.

古名伸 Ming-Shen Ku

Improvisational Performance Artist
國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院教授,並曾任舞蹈學院院長、舞蹈系系主任。先後任教於國內多所學校舞蹈科系,並常年應邀赴美國、澳洲、歐洲及亞洲等國多所大學及機構擔任客座教授、編舞。2009年獲吳三連藝術獎、1997年授中山文藝獎章。1993年成立「古舞團」,除持續發表新作外,並致力於「接觸即興」的研究推廣,是台灣唯一以即興舞蹈表演為方向的專業演出團體,足跡遍及台灣、亞洲、美國、澳洲、法國、英國及中國等地。古名伸多年來常與本地和國際舞團共同合作,如舞蹈空間舞團、台北越界、雲門舞集、雲門舞集2、香港動藝舞團、Tanz Atelier Wien、Mirramu Dance Theater等。New York Times舞評曾經稱讚她的作品”Simple and Handsome”. ----- As an active choreographer and dancer, Ming-Shen Ku became deeply involved in Contact Improvisation and introduced it to Taiwan in 1991. She has collaborated with many dance companies and events in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Austria as well as U.S. She founded her dance company “Ku & Dancers” in 1993 to present new works and to promote the art of improvisation. Currently, Ming-Shen Ku serves as a professor in the Dance School of Taipei National University of the Arts.

周慕姿 Mu Tzu Chou

Counseling psychologist
心理諮商師。政大新聞系、政大廣電所、國立臺北教育大學心理與諮商所畢業。目前為心曦心理諮商所所長,書籍《情緒勒索────那些在伴侶、親子、職場間,最讓人窒息的相處》作者。私底下則是歌德金屬樂團「Crescent Lament 恆月三途」主唱。 從傳播學系到心理諮商,再到金屬樂團主唱,不管在哪裡,都是個「非典型」角色。期待自己的工作,能夠鼓勵人們擺脫「應該」與「期待」的文化枷鎖、有勇氣以自己的真實樣貌面對世界;更希望能促進人與人之間的尊重與理解。認為「接納自己,獲得自由」,是人生最重要的事。 ----- Mu-Tzu Chou is a professionally-trained counseling psychologist who specializes in emotional blackmail between couples, parent and child, and co-workers. She assists individuals in letting go of other's expectations, and in accepting own's own identity. Through acceptance, one will be free of living in fear, anger, and resentment.

唐鳳 Audrey Tang

Digital Minister, Software Developer
台灣首位數位政務委員。目前負責「開放政府」、「社會企業」與「青年諮詢委員會」等三項業務,透過「從自己辦公室做起」的方式,向事務官同仁們示範如何運用數位科技,達到簡化行政作業流程、提升討論及決策品質之目標。在國際交流方面,與法國、西班牙、英國、紐西蘭等國的各級政府在數位治理領域長期保持合作關係,持續累積「開放政府外交」之經驗與成果。 入閣之前,於「g0v零時政府」網路社群擔任專案貢獻者,並積極參與線上法規討論平台vTaiwan的相關活動,希望透過多元溝通管道的建立,協助產出符合多方利益關係人期待、也更貼近實際需求的法規內容。 ----- A self-described "Civic Hacker", Audrey Tang is a gifted, self-taught software programmer who began coding at the age of 8 and started her own search-engine company at the age of 14. After years of participation and collaboration among various open source groups, in 2015, Audrey accepted a public sector consulting role that leveraged her knowledge of open-source communities to build communication channels in government. Currently at 36, she is Taiwan's youngest government minister, tasked with heading its digital policy. As Taiwan's first digital minister, she is actively working to build the right environment for social change.

廖世偉 Shih-wei Liao

Blockchain Researcher
台灣大學資訊工程學系暨研究所副教授、史丹佛計算機科學博士。曾於史丹佛大學與矽谷的英特爾、Google等企業工作了22年,終身的目標是透過教育、創新及開放原始碼來改變世界。 專長於區塊鏈、安卓系統、大數據與金融科技,並帶領團隊於2015年發布了 Gcoin 區塊鏈與 CPOW 共識演算協議。更因對 Android 系統的傑出貢獻,獲頒 Google 最高榮譽「創始人獎」(Founders' award)。 ----- Shih-Wei Liao is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Taiwan University. His area of expertise is in blockchain, Android compiler, big data, and fintech. Liao was formerly employed at Intel and Google, and was awarded the prestigious Google Founder's Award.

徐自強 Hsu Tzu-chiang

Civil and Human Rights Advocate
司法與人權議題推動者。1995 年捲入震驚社會的一起綁架撕票案,主嫌的一句自白,讓他陷入冤獄長達 20 年。原以為站上法庭,司法就能幫他洗清罪名,不料再多的不在場證明,仍無法向法官證明自己的清白。 鐵窗下的每一天,漫長無盡,來回在法庭牢獄的日子更讓他幾乎要放棄希望。「無罪」兩個字,他等了 20 年,迄今佔據 45% 的人生。他說:「我沒有什麼不甘,只是希望不要再有下一個我。」期望能因自身經歷,喚起社會對於相關司法、人權議題的重視。 ----- Tzu-Chiang Hsu is a human rights advocate who was wrongfully convicted of the kidnapping and murder of a wealthy real estate agent. He spent 20 years behind bars before he was legally exonerated from death row. He currently bears no hatred towards the legal system; His only wish is that, as a freed man and a proponent for law reform, no innocent person will go through the same ordeal as he did.

戴曉君 Siao-chun Tai

排灣族音樂創作歌手。2011、2014年「原創流行音樂大賽-原住民語組」首獎得主,2016年獲得金曲獎「最佳原住民語專輯獎」、「最佳原住民語歌手獎」、「年度專輯獎」入圍肯定。 來自台灣尾端的石門部落,從大學時代高唱搖滾的都市生活,回到家鄉後成為部落孩子的音樂教師,並以民謠陪伴老人家;後來流浪到澳洲街頭演唱,只為沉澱大賽獲獎的名聲與光環,也因思念受天災侵襲的故鄉寫下〈悲傷彩布〉。輾轉而豐厚的人生經歷,使爆發力十足的渾厚歌聲背後,又帶著細細的溫暖與堅毅,擁有一聽就能感受到的魅力。 ----- Siao-Chun Tai is an aboriginal singer and songwriter from the Paiwan tribe. She was the 2011 and 2014 Taiwan Music Composition and Songwriting Contest winner in the Indigenous Language category. In 2016, Tai was a Golden Melody Awards nominee for Best Aboriginal Album, Best Aboriginal singer, and Best Album.

方荷生 He-Sheng Fang

Ward Supervisor, Food Bank Project Founder
台北市中正區忠勤里里長。從小在位於忠勤里的南機場社區長大,年輕時代做過各式各樣工作,直到民國87年看到年邁父親需要照顧,也看到家鄉中日漸衰老的榮民伯伯們缺乏照料,開始擔任里長的服務工作。 忠勤里里長一職至今已連任18年,除了替里民爭取福利、積極推動社區服務外,尤其為獨居長者及弱勢族群創辦各項福利服務。民國97年將社區廢墟改造,經營成「南機場樂活園地」,提供 2 到 99 歲居民快樂活動的空間;民國102年開辦南機場幸福食物銀行,募集民間企業資源,提供弱勢住戶物資,並倡導居民志願服務換取點數,實踐社區貨幣的概念;民國105年結合家樂福基金會開辦「書屋花甲」續食餐廳,除提供青少年技藝學習外,更提倡與實踐食物不浪費理念。 ----- For the past 18 years, He-Sheng Fang serves as a ward officer in the same neighborhood he was raised. During his multiple terms, he started a number of community initiatives, including Taiwan's first community-based food bank to provide food and resources for local residents in need. Aside from food bank, Fang also organizes many activities such as classes for the elderly. He believes that a community is like a family, that residents should find ways to take care of each other.

曾威凱 Will Tseng

Human Rights Lawyer
「在你丟出鞋子的時候,就已經付了我的律師費。」2013年為一位朝著當時的馬英九總統丟鞋的單親媽媽辯護的曾威凱律師,曾經這麼說。 這個三十歲才半路出家的非科班律師,懷抱著對理想的熱情,一路從關廠工人案、苑裡反瘋車案、華隆自救會案、國道收費員案、直到三一八學運,與許多同樣年輕熱血的的律師們,無役不與,建立起革命般情感。他深信,律師要站在國家公權力的對立面,跟手無寸鐵的一般人民站在一起,他也持續以行動捍衛著他的信念! ----- As a civil rights lawyer, Will Tseng has taken on a number of pro bono cases to assist the under-privileged in their fight for justice. Some of the clients he has represented included factory workers, toll collectors, students, and single moms. Although the pro bono culture in Taiwan is not pervasive, Will believes assisting those individuals who cannot afford legal services for the pro bono purpose is a lawyer's obligation.

林夕 Lin Xi

Author, Lyricist
簡介林夕,通常如下:「作詞人,香港大學畢業即開始歌詞創作,至今超過三十年,作品接近四千,包括廣東國語作品。同期從事報章、電視台、唱片公司、廣播電台等行業,並撰寫專欄,出版書籍。」對他本人來說,就只有一個身分:文字工作者。從事過不同行業,只有一個目標:希望透過文字觀察、探究、解剖人生人性,希望做到寫情歌也同時在書寫哲學。歌詞不合適也容納不下的題材,如社會時政,就在專欄發表再結集成書。從事過的媒體工作,也只為了吸取最真實的社會經驗,從而讓文字創作的生命更豐厚更立體。 Lin Xi is mostly known for his lyrics work in Chinese music field in the past 30 years with 4000 published works. After graduating from University of Hong Kong he started to write lyrics for both Cantonese and Mandarin songs, he also worked for several newspapers, TV stations, music labels and radio stations. For him, his sole purpose is to WRITE. Lin observes, studies and analyze human nature through his words and compositions; those jobs at various media related firms certainly fulfilled his needs to absorb the authentic experiences for his creative writing.

林瓊美 Mei Lin

Storyteller, Radio Broadcaster
廣播人,想一輩子做廣播,十幾年來當過音樂DJ、播新聞、訪談節目等。近年離開主流商業電台,移居宜蘭鄉間自掏腰包做農村廣播「米米之音」,將錄音故事車開進農村,把台灣農村的人與事、文化與生活隨著故事車的足跡一路記錄,並即時透過多媒體平台分享。此移動版的「今日農村」節目是既傳統又當代的、既多元也跨物種對話,節奏亢奮、葷素不忌,呈現給對於怎麼有滋有味的活著深感興趣的地球村村民,一起用廣播「把農村聽回來」吧! ----- Mei Lin is a radio personality with a decade-long experience as a music DJ, news presenter, and radio talk show host. In recent years, she left mainstream radio and moved to rural Yilan County to start her own independent radio station "Rice Music". To produce her shows, Lin would venture out to rice plantations and fruit farms to interview and record the stories and dialogues behind our food. Lin believes that these sound bites will help more people understand life in rural regions, and will learn to appreciate farmers' hard work.

林金立 Chin-Li Lin

Self-Reliance Support Care Advocate
自立支援學院執行長。22年前創辦雲林縣老人福利保護協會,從母親的餐飲店捐助便當送餐給獨居老人開始,投入照顧革新的路。5年前,為了改變照顧界習以為常的約束、臥床與尿布的作法,從日本學習「自立支援照顧」的理論,改造在雲林有60年歷史的同仁仁愛之家。 現在,同仁仁愛之家從每年離職率達3成的「乞丐寮」,成為一間長輩沒有約束、年輕人願意投入的服務場域,還帶動台灣超過100家照顧機構投入變革,重新省思照顧的內涵與價值,更促使政府將「自立支援」納入照顧政策中。當長者笑容變多、能力提升,照顧工作就變得有價值,家屬也因此壓力減輕,這個讓照顧關係中的所有人都受益的照顧方式,正在台灣捲起一股照顧革命的風潮。 ----- As the founder and the chief executive of Yunlin County Welfare Protection Association for the Elderly, Chin-Li Lin believes seniors who need long-term care should be able to live with dignity and comfort. He is a stanch proponent of self-reliance approach for the elderly, which encourages "no restraints, no diapers and not staying bed-bound" for nursing home residents. Lin's pioneering efforts in reforming the senior care system in Taiwan has inspired more than 100 local assisted living institutions to change their approaches to caring for the elderly, and has also prompted the government to list "long-term care" services as one of its key policies.

洪子偉 Tzu-wei Hung

Analytic Philosopher
中央研究院的分析哲學家。目前為跨所主題研究計畫總主持人,也是台灣哲學研究之重要推手。研究主題為語言模組與認知結構、語言的預測編碼假說等,並參與相關的腦磁圖(MEG)整合計畫,最近將興趣擴展至溝通行動和語言不正義上。 台大研究所期間專攻古典邏輯和非古典邏輯在語義含糊性上的悖論。留學英國後從頭開始學習認知科學,尤其是人類認知系統在語意理解背後的計算機制,留學期間還參與過英國國際特赦組織 6 年,曾赴盧安達、剛果、烏干達等地見習。主編過 Communicative Action、Rationality 等國外專書。 ----- Tzu-Wei Hung is an analytic philosopher at the Academia Sinica, specializing in philosophy of psychology, philosophy of language, and Taiwanese philosophy. His latest interests cover the areas of communicative action and language injustice.

王世偉 Vick Wang

Animation Director
於電腦動畫領域擁有豐富的資歷,參與過許多跨國際合作的電影及動畫影片的製作。2004年擔任《MuMuHug》3D動畫影集總導演,共獲得法國安錫動畫影展競賽片等二十多項國際影展肯定。其導演與監製作品「再探飛鼠部落」、「吉娃斯愛科學」原創動畫影集前後獲得二座金鐘獎最佳動畫節目獎。近期作品還包括「水生相」360度環形投影動畫於國立台灣美術館展出,動畫裝置作品「百花綺園」並受邀於國立故宮博物院展出。目前正執導製作「LAQI 妖怪森林」動畫電影。 ----- Vick Wang is an acclaimed animation director with an extensive background in the field of computer animation. For the past 20 years, he has been actively involved in the international CGI film and commercial production scene, collaborating with many production companies globally. More recently, Vick has launched his own creative studio, focusing on original animation content and interactive panoramic animation. His 3D interactive projects have been exhibited at galleries such as Taiwan Art Museum and the National Palace Museum.

王琄 Chuan Wang

台灣女演員。畢業於國立台北藝術大學戲劇系、台東大學兒童文學研究所。活躍於影視及劇場,並投身表演教學、以自身專業參與公益團體為弱勢服務。興趣是打破自己的表演和生活慣性,從自己最不習慣、最害怕的事物下手,並認識不同領域形色各異的朋友。 多次入圍金馬獎與金鐘獎,並曾以電視劇《再見,忠貞二村》獲金鐘獎最佳女主角、以戲劇《大將徐傍興》及迷你劇集《再見女兒》獲最佳女配角獎項肯定。「因為我們靠近了,所以在一起了。」王琄以表演、以文字詮釋人生,一步步走進觀眾、走進你我的心底。 ----- Chuang Wang is a talented actress who has received numerous Golden Horse and Golden Bell nominations for her works in television, movies, and theatre. She earned a Golden Bell Award for Best Actress in a television series in 2005, as well as a Best Supporting Actress award for a mini-series in 2016. In her free time, she also teaches acting and has committed herself to charity work.

聲動樂團 A Moving Sound

World Music Band
世界音樂團體。由謝韻雅(Mia)和 Scott Prairie 創立,以多元跨界的原創音樂,從台灣唱響到世界舞台。音樂專輯二度入圍金曲獎,並由美國 Motema 簽約發行國際專輯,受邀赴歐美亞洲二十國家演出,也與視覺藝術、電影、時尚跨界合作。 聲動樂團的音樂真摯、自由,富含神秘詩意的氛圍,也有土地活力的歡慶,並巧妙融合民族器樂與現代編曲,包括二胡、中阮、柳琴、手鼓、貝斯的樂聲,加上 Mia 充滿戲劇張力的歌唱。聆賞聲動樂團,就像翱翔無垠曠野、體驗一場撼動人心的美麗旅程。 ----- A Moving Sound is a Taiwan-based ensemble founded by Mia Hsieh and her husband Scott Prairie. The group features the distinctive timbres of the erhu (Taiwanese fiddle) and zhong ruan (lute), and Mia's transcendent vocals. They have performed and taught in twenty countries including The Kennedy Center, W.O.M.A.D. (picked as a festival highlight by London Financial Times) and the Melbourne International Arts.

許永真 Jane Hsu

AI Researcher
臺大資訊工程學系教授。曾擔任台灣人工智慧協會的理事長與臺大資訊系系主任,其研究與教學主要著重於智慧型多代理人系統、資料探勘分析、以及感知運算。 目前擔任 Intel-NTU 中心的主任,協助促進台大、Intel與台灣國家科學委員會間的國際研究合作;也正於台大資訊系開授人工智慧的相關課程,並在創新設計學院開授「智齡設計-老人科技福祉專題」,期望透過結合資訊科技與創新思考的方式,帶領學生發揮創新思考並有能力將其付諸實現。 ----- Jane Hsu is currently a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where she served as the Department Chair from 2011 to 2014. As the Director of the NTU IoX Center, established in 2011 as the Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Prof. Hsu is leading the global research collaboration on Augmented Collective Beings and Internet of Things. With more than 30 years of experience in AI, her research interests include multi-agent planning/learning, crowd-sourcing, knowledge mining, commonsense computing, and context-aware smart IoT.

謝建台 Jen Taie Shiea

Mass Spectrometrist
過去十年來,謝建台積極參與並致力於推動台灣以及亞洲區的質譜研究,有感於傳統質譜分析從採樣到完成,需耗費3至5天時間,無法及時回應需求,因此自1996年開始尋找加快篩檢速度的方法,2013年成功開發出「行動開發質譜儀」,利用「熱脫附電噴灑游離法」,僅需3秒就能完成快速篩檢。 此技術能大量且快速的篩檢物質,目前可應用在食品安全、鑑識科學、環境化學、工業化學、醫藥學、反恐、及動植物化學等相關領域。 謝教授曾擔任世界質譜基金會(International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, IMSF)執行理事兼亞太區代表及台灣質譜學會會長,盼望以科學化的方法,系統性地了解生活周遭物質的面貌。 ----- In the past 10 years, Jen-Taie Shiea has been actively committed to promoting mass spectrometry research in Taiwan and in Asia. In 2013, he has successfully developed a technique using "Mobile Ambient Mass Spectrometer", which reduces the screening time from three to five days to just three seconds. This advanced rapid screening method can be applied to detecting substances related to food safety, forensic science, environmental chemistry, industrial chemistry, medicine, anti-terrorism, animal and plant chemistry, and more.

趙欣怡 Hsin-Yi Chao

Art Equality Advocate
非視覺美學推動者。從藝術創作、藝術教學與研究,到藝術行政與公益服務,在藝術領域扮演了多重角色,試圖從視障者的藝術經驗探索創新的美學形式與觀點,不斷嘗試多元感官詮釋與創造藝術的可能性,致力達成藝術美學無障礙友善社會環境之生命目標。 自2007年起研究視障美學並開啓視障美術課程,結合視覺藝術、建築美學與認知心理學等跨領域專長,專研藝術形式、空間認知、創新科技與多元感官教材教法,將通用設計與無障礙理念應用於身心障礙者之教學研究與展示服務規劃上,相信藝術超越視覺的力量。 ----- Hsin-Yi Chao is an advocate of art for the visually impaired. In 2007, she began her research in the aesthetic experiences of blind people, and has since launched a series of multi-sensory art interpretation and spatial awareness classes. To Chao, art should not be bounded by any media forms, and should be accessible to individuals of all visual abilities. She is currently the managing director of Taiwan Art Beyond Vision Association.

郭文泰 Craig Quintero

Theatre Art Director
河床劇團藝術總監,西北大學表演藝術研究博士。河床劇團成立於1998年,以「意象劇場」的創作理念,跨越了視覺藝術與表演藝術之間的界線。評論家曾讚賞河床劇團是有機、深具雕塑性的「潛意識」劇場作品。河床也以劇場實驗室的精神,不斷探索演出型態的各種可能性,近年以「一齣戲,只為一個觀眾」的「開房間計劃」備受各界矚目,開始一系列將現場表演帶入美術館或畫廊的實驗。 劇團作品演出足跡包含法國、德國、新加坡、溫哥華、日本、美國波士頓和國家戲劇院實驗劇場等地。他也是裝置藝術家及雕塑家,作品曾於日本神戶雙年展、國美館亞洲藝術雙年展、上海當代藝術館、北京今日美術館等地展出。 ----- As the Artistic Director of the Taipei-based Riverbed Theatre Company, Craig has written and directed over forty original image-based performances featured in Taipei, Paris, Avignon, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Singapore, Tokyo, Kobe, Vancouver, and New York. He is also a sculptor and installation artist whose work has been shown at the Asian Biennial, Venice Biennale, Kobe Biennale, Taipei Biennale, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. He received his Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Northwestern University and is currently the Chair and an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at Grinnell College.

陳伶志 Ling Jyh Chen

Information Science Researcher
中央研究院資訊科學所副研究員。研究議題貼近生活中的真實問題,代表作包含玉山登山與搜救系統、大臺北公車行車舒適度系統,以及微型 PM2.5 感測系統。微型 PM2.5系統是目前最為知名的成果,此系統與 LASS 網路社群和數個地方政府合作,在全台佈建超過 1000 個感測站,是目前全台空氣品質感測資料最大的集散中心。 ----- Ling-Jyh Chen is an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica. He has tremendous interests in applying data science to real-life use cases. Some of his research projects include a mountain search and rescue system, Taipei public transportation efficiency system, and PM2.5 particle detection system.

陳振輝 Chen-Hui Chen

Regeneration biologist
再生基因研究學者。於中研院設立「細胞與個體生物學研究所」,使用斑馬魚作為模式生物,了解再生過程如何發生、脊椎動物的再生能力等問題。相信未來可以應用從動物身上學到的知識,來再生人類截斷的手臂、受損的脊髓神經,和老化生病的器官。 ----- Chen-Hui Chen is an assistant research fellow at the Institute of Cellular and Organic Biology, Academia Sinica. His area of expertise is in genetics, regeneration, and developmental biology. Chen's research uses zebrafish as a prototype organism to understand the science behind regeneration.

Organizing team


  • Claire Lee
  • Erica Tian