x = independently organized TED event

Theme: A Thousand Voices

This event occurred on
May 20, 2017
2:00pm - 6:30pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taipei City, Taipei


今年TEDxTaipei Salon系列,我們將探索人類的智慧、共同喜好與故事,帶著觀眾走進創造和啟發的過程,看這些不一樣的大小人物如何發揮共同的影響力。



We all have stories to share, but such stories and ideas are not shaped by a single voice alone. Many narratives and solutions came together through the collective effort of innovators and catalysts who each contributed to the process of problem solving and change creation.

This year in TEDxTaipei Salon, we aim to explore how human ingenuity, common interests, and a little storytelling can take us all into the world of creativity and inspiring moments. Learn how extraordinary individuals engage with locals to make lasting impact. It’s time that you, too, join us in creating the next chapter of this generation’s story.

ATT Showbox
12 Shongshou Road
Xinyi District
Taipei City, Taipei, 110
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Annie Ivanova

----- 易安妮,身為多項知名國際獲獎殊榮之策展人、創業家與澳洲文化外交先驅,更是廣受好評「台灣設計Taiwan by Design」的書籍作者,此書為首本完整收錄、介紹台灣產品設計、文化與生活風格的圖鑑。耗時兩年半完成,締造多項紀錄:參訪超過350家企業和公司、執行超過231場訪談並成功透過眾籌募集新台幣150萬元資金發行。 Annie Ivanova is an award-winning international curator, a cultural entrepreneur, and one of Australia's most influential voices on cultural diplomacy. Annie relocated to Taipei in 2011 and has since published the first comprehensive design book on Taiwan featuring smart design concepts from over 350 Taiwanese companies and designers. Her ability to appreciate, share, and connect the local and international creative communities inspires many local Taiwanese to take on a fuller view of our own human experiences.

Roma Mehta

----- 來自印度的Roma是一位平面設計師、藝術創作人與社區發展志工,她自1987年以來一直把台灣當成家。身為世界社群的其中一員,Roma支持許多團體,並參與多項計畫,如台灣外籍人士社區組織 Connections、印度慈善奉獻週 Daan Utsav、非營利組織協力剛果 HandUp Congo與紅坊國際村Red Room。她堅信透過藝術與文化的構成,得以提升社區的生活,同時她亦活躍地投入社區藝術工作坊與文化活動。 Roma Mehta is originally from India. A graphic designer, an artist, and a committed community member, she has made Taiwan her home since 1987. She is one of the founding members of Connections, a community for expats in Taiwan, and a core member of Red Room, a cultural space in Taipei for listening. She also acts as an international ambassador for India's Joy of Giving Week -- Daan Utsav, and a dedicated volunteer for the non-for-profit group HandUp Congo.

吳淋禎 Lin Chen Wu

----- 吳淋禎,區域教學醫院門診護理長,擔任護理師21年,從菜鳥護士到資深護理長,從外科、產兒科到門診,同事和朋友都叫他「阿長」。她說:「我是一個孩子的媽媽,也是40位同仁的母親」。喜歡在臨床中發掘生命的不同面貌,更喜歡跨界學習,尤其鼓勵同仁「用溫度帶來滿意度」。面對日益嚴重的護理人力問題,阿長說:「無法脫離就努力奔跑吧!讓人不忽視,就不是弱勢」。 Lin Chen Wu is the chief nurse of a local teaching hospital in Taichung, Taiwan. As a mother of one and a "mother-like" figure to forty nursing colleagues, she often encourages fellow nursing professionals to maintain a warm and respectful relationship between nurses and clients. Wu is also a spokesperson for nurse's plight in Taiwan, promoting public's awareness in the various issues and problems of local medical workers.

少妮瑤.久分勒分 Sauniaw Tjuveljevelj

少妮瑤是來自屏東牡丹鄉麻里巴(東源村)的排灣族歌手;她也是台灣第一個打破專屬男性傳統,學習口、鼻笛的女性。 投入研究排灣族音樂超過20年之久,基於傳承音樂文化使命、執著對於傳統民謠樂器之研究,她將對排灣族音樂及口、鼻笛的熟捻,巧妙的將它融入她的歌曲創作之中。 Sauniaw is the first female nose flute master from the Paiwan tribe. She is also an accomplished singer whose creative interpretations to both traditional and contemporary Paiwan tunes have earned her nominations in the “Best Aboriginal Singers” and “Best Aboriginal Album” categories from Taiwan's prestigious Golden Melody Awards. She collects endangered traditional tunes for teaching material and conducts numerous workshops to promote Paiwan music.

楊懿如 Yi Ju Yang

----- 對懿如而言,青蛙是小時候的「玩伴」;進入大學之後,青蛙便成為她的「老師」。從研究蛙類到保育蛙類已經三十年,身為研究、保育青蛙的學者,她為了讓更多人瞭解台灣的蛙類,在1999年設立「青蛙小站」網站,利用有趣的台灣蛙類故事,鼓勵大家一起保育蛙類。 Frog conservationist Yi Ju Yang grew up with frogs as her childhood playmates. She has over thirty years of experience raising public awareness about frogs through conservation education and research. In 1999, she launched a website called "Frog Home", a destination dedicated to protecting frogs through trivias, fun facts, and educational materials for both young and old.

碧斯蔚‧梓祐 Pisui Ciyo

----- 泰雅族人,專業劇場藝術工作者。從事專業表演藝術活動逾二十年,目前從事「儀式與劇場」專題研究,及現代劇場、世界民族樂舞傳統與音樂創作之跨領域表演藝術創作。現為玄奘大學影劇藝術學系專任講師,並持續從事現代劇場與台灣原住民儀式樂舞、佛拉明哥藝術等跨文化及跨領域藝術創作。 Pisui Ciyo is a performance artist, choreographer, educator and scholar who began her professional career as the lead performer of the Formosa Aboriginal Song and Dance Troupe. Her performances, inspired by her Ataya tribe background, range from traditional songs to contemporary dance, and from musical poetry to socially engaged text theatre. She is currently a lecturer at the Department of Performing and Media Arts at Hsuan Chuang University.

葉家恆 Godfrey Yeh

----- 家恆在五歲時第一次接觸肚皮舞,便從此一拍即合,並之後在許多比賽中,拿下了優異的成績。他曾經因為同學的異樣眼光感到十分挫折,但肚皮舞蹈中的節拍跟姿態都讓他忘情不已,所以他至今學習了肚皮舞五年了,依然熱情未減。而他的堅持更成功讓他人拋開對男孩跳舞 (尤其是肚皮舞)的成見! When Godfrey began bellydancing at the age of five, he instantly fell in love with this predominately female art form. Now into his fifth year of belly dancing, he has already claimed numerous awards and international competitions in his age group, including last year's World Belly Dancing Championship in Seoul, Korea.

蔣雅淇 Vivian Chiang

----- 跨足各領域的蔣雅淇既是媒體人,也是創業家。曾擔任新聞主播、製作人、廣播節目主持人,也出版過四冊理財書籍,並在2007 年和夫婿共同創立 Studio A 擔任執行長。她長年樂於分享福音,期許自己能成為別人的祝福。 Vivian Chiang is a veteran in both the media and tech industries. She was formerly a news anchor, producer, radio talk show host, and author of four finance books. In 2007, she and her late husband co-founded the technology company Studio A. Vivian is a devout Christian who enjoys sharing the gospel and other life lessons with others.

蔣雅郁 Ya Yu Chiang

----- 蔣雅郁因為對烏克蘭境內的車諾比現況好奇,在得知車諾比開放觀光客後,邀集七名同在歐洲留學或工作的台灣年輕人,於2015年5月、9月兩次自費前往車諾比管制區及周邊地區,親眼見證那邊的自然生態與居民生活。他們期待這些經驗與衝擊,能帶給台灣這片土地更多不同的視野,希望能夠在台灣社會中激盪出更多討論的火花。 Ya Yu Chiang was studying in London when she learned of the exclusion zone tours to Chernobyl, Ukraine. In May and September 2015, she made two trips to Chernobyl with 7 other fellow Taiwanese companions, all of whom were residing in Europe. What Ya Yu saw and recorded on these guided trips to the power plant and surrounding villages were valuable insights that she hopes to share with Taiwan locals.

許麗玉 Liyu Hsu

----- 一個在台北巷弄間玩耍長大,對人與空間充滿好奇心,冷靜、敏感、能傾聽人文的空間耕耘者。她是美國耶魯大學建築碩士與台大建築與城鄉研究所博士,同時從事建築設計、建築教育、建築評論與建築歷史研究。她深信每個人都有自己的空間敏感度與創造力,只是遺忘在忙碌的生活裡,於是她常利用機會帶著各行各業、不分年紀的人,一起認識城市與探索空間的創造性,鼓勵每個人靜心認識自己的空間經驗、歷史與想像。 Liyu Hsu has always been fascinated by the connection between people and space since a young age. She believes that every individual has an ability to be in touch with his/her immediate surroundings by turning the space into one's own. Liyu has a Masters in architecture design from Yale University and PhD in the Graduate Institute of Building and Planning at National Taiwan University. She is involved in numerous projects that encourage people to explore the possibilities of spatial designs in everyday living.

邵璦婷 Aiting Shao

----- 邵璦婷,大學畢業後跟朋友一起經營了一間小小的背包客旅店,過程中開始發現台灣有太多連我們自己都不了解的文化。這些文化非常的精彩,卻被我們散落在各處,遭人遺忘。於是2016年初,璦婷和夥伴決定創辦「文化銀行」,走遍臺灣,找尋那些快要消逝的傳統工藝,把他們一個一個記錄下來。不甘於只留下文化標本,更是希望文化並不只是靜靜被欣賞的對象,更能以生動面貌重新活在世人的生活中。 Aiting Shao and two college buddies were budding youth hostel entrepreneurs who saw that many visitors and youths today lacked interest in understanding Taiwan's history and local customs. In 2016, the three of them launched the "Bank of Culture", a platform that enables individuals to make "cultural deposits and withdrawals" so that written stories and video documentations on Taiwan's rich heritage may be passed on, given new meanings, and re-introduced into today's society.

陳美麗 Mei Li Chen

----- 陳美麗在 27 歲那年的一場惡火身受 50%三度灼傷,4 年內動了 50 多次手術,容貌卻難以回到從前。經過二十幾年來的勇敢面對,她不僅成為屢創業績巔峰的營運經理,更幫助許多燒燙傷及身障朋友找尋自我,將人生用不同的美麗色彩繪製成破繭重生的美麗。 Mei Li Chen was a burn victim at the age of 27 when 50% of her body suffered third degree burns. In the following four years she underwent over 50 surgeries and transplants before finally accepting her new appearance. Over the twenty plus years since her recovery journey, Mei Li has transformed herself into an active member and role model among the burn survivor community.

陳郁敏 Yee Ming Tan

----- 在亞洲執業二十年,提供跨國企業領導力發展、企業教練與變革文化的顧問服務與課程設計。創辦更快樂營(Happier Retreat)、更快樂實驗所(Happier Lab),形成一個個相助支持的學習社群。陳郁敏認為「教練」與「更快樂社會運動」(Be Happier Movement) 是自已能為世界盡一份力的方式。 For the past twenty-plus years, Ming has dedicated her time as a leadership coach and consultant for international firms throughout Asia. Her area of specialization: positive practices for the workplace and cultivating a positive eco-system from employees to suppliers to customers. In 2015, she launched Happier Lab and Happier Retreat, two projects that promote happiness and wellbeing through the application of positive psychology.

Organizing team




Taipei, Taiwan