x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Challening Tomorrow

This event occurred on
May 5, 2017
3:00pm - 8:00pm EEST
(UTC +3hrs)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj

The most complex TEDx event in Romania: 1.5 days of conference, an Award and a full day of TEDx Adventures.

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor
1 Piata Lucian Blaga
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, 400013
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Eroilor events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Andre Krouwel

André Krouwel is a political scientist at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( and founder of Election Compass (, a company developing websites that provide voters with politically relevant information to see which party best matches their own political preferences.

Attila Biro

Attila has been working as a journalist since 2004. He worked as a reporter at until 2012, where he investigated the most important corruption cases in Romania and was awarded by ActiveWatch for the investigation “How to be on a TV show with 5000 or 20.000 euros”. He also created a series of reports from Afghanistan. In 2013, Attila documented the multimedia project “The list of living executioners” for which he was awarded during the contest SuperWritings. In 2014, Attila participated to International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) United States - The U.S Department of State, a program for Romanian investigations journalists. In 2015 he made reports for the TV station Digi 24. More over, he participated to many other projects against corruption.

Corina Murafa

Corina is a public policy expert focusing on energy and sustainability. She’s consulted for the World Bank, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, various think tanks and ministries . She’s an active contributor to various civic initiative in Romania. For instance, she co-founded Factual, the first Romanian political fact-checking platform. She holds a Master in Public Policy from Hertie School of Governance, Berlin and studied before in Bucharest and New York.

Create.Act.Enjoy Teatru Independent

Create.Act.Enjoy este un ONG cultural care de 5 ani activează în sectorul independent clujean, pregătind spectacole inedite, performance-uri, atelierele creative, terapie prin artă și producție cinematografică, adresate publicului de orice vârstă. Scopul asociației este acela de a oferi un suflu nou culturii autohtone, pornind întotdeauna de la resursele societății din care face parte. Producțiile companiei au fost prezentate atât în România, cât și în Franța, Macedonia, India, Abu Dhabi, Maroc, Polonia, Belarus, Italia, Croația, Irlanda, Austria, Scoția.

Cristina Grigore

Cristina Grigore is the ‘parent’ or someone who started volunteering 21 years ago and who loved creating a better world and doing acts of goodness. She believes in a better world through involvement, respect and integrity. She never had a real job, but she has combined different passions: from opening new opportunities to children as a teacher, to opening a world of books and stories as a director in a publishing house, to marketing and PR and working for the community. Her passion towards creating a better world through acts of goodness is also found in the Parents of Romania Foundation. This is what pushed her to develop Peditel, a 24/7 pediatric emergency phone service, that helps parents with medical advice. Peditel has helped until now more than 55.000 children and parents.

Dacian Ciolos

Dacian Cioloș este de profesie inginer agronom, meserie aleasă din pasiune pentru agricultură. Absolvent al Universității de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară din Cluj-Napoca, a fost, printre altele, ministru al agriculturii și comisar european pentru agricultură și dezvoltare rurală. Într-un moment crucial pentru România, și-a asumat, ca prim-ministru, responsabilitatea de a lucra cu o echipă guvernamentală neafiliată politic.

Denis Tudor

From grunt work to winner of Elon Musk’s Hyperloop competition - Denis Tudor’s life has known a remarkable transformation in the past 5 years. Originally from Mangalia, ex professional tennis player, studied Electronic Engineering in Bucharest, Denis is part of the rLoop team, the team that tested for the first time the concept of Hyperloop - a system of transportation that can revolutionize the way we travel.

DJ Shiver

Started 14 years ago making mixes for breakdance crews and playing audio-cassettes at parties with close friends, passed from CD players to turntables and from turntables to TRAKTOR systems, SHVR called SHIVER ended up as one of the most versatile Dj’s in Romania.

Dragos Bucurenci

Dragoș Bucurenci is a communication strategist and coach, a civic activist and a television personality. He is a graduate of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He trained more than 1,000 managers in public speaking, storytelling and interpersonal communication, and received the “Best Training of the Year” award at the Business Edu Gala in 2010.

Dragos Pislaru

Dragoş Pîslaru este de profesie economist, având un Master in Relații Internaționale la London School of Economics și titlul de doctor de la Institutul Naționale de Cercetări Economice al Academiei Române. După nouă ani de carieră academică și cercetare aplicată la ASE București, Centrul Român de Politici Economice și Grupul de Economie Aplicată, devine în 2007 partener fondator și manager general la Gea Strategy & Consulting S.A. În decembrie 2015 Dragoș se alătură Guvernului tehnocrat pe poziția de Consilier de Stat pe probleme economice, urmând ca mai să fie numit ministru la Ministerul Muncii, Familiei, Protecției Sociale și Persoanelor Vârstnice. Dragoș Pîslaru este un susţinător dedicat al dezvoltării ecosistemului antreprenorial în România și în regiune, cu o înclinare către industrii creative şi afaceri inovatoare în tehnologie.

Elena Pagu

Elena Pagu will be inspiring us at TEDxEroilor Challenging Tomorrow! A world Champion at 90 years old, Elena Pagu discovered athletics when she was 56 after she retired from work. When she was eighty she started to participate in national and then in international championships for veteran athletes. The outcome? 4 times a Balkan Champion, 5 times European Champion and 9 times a World Champion! Future championships may be in her mind and -why not- improving her existing records. At TEDxEroilor, Elena Pagu will speak about humans’ eternal nature to always be in search of new boundaries to cross.

Gabriela Alexandrescu

Gabriela Alexandrescu este președintele organizației Salvați Copiii, specialist în drepturile omului și economie. În prezent coordonează peste 120 de persoane și peste 3.000 de voluntari. În 2015 și 2017 a fost desemnată drept una dintre cele mai influente femei din România, de către publicația Forbes.

Kero Zen

Clujean „prin adopție”, dar nomad declarat, Kero Zen este un artist vizual care a abandonat de mulți ani convenționalul pentru a porni în căutarea esenței, dincolo de formă. S-a remarcat inițial în lumea graffiti-ului și a adus mai târziu un suflu nou în street art-ul românesc prin lucrări de artă murală tratate monumental, tablouri sau instalații experimentale. Nota lui distinctivă este cea a simbolurilor numerice şi grafice din sfera ezoterismului.

Khaled Al Mezayen

Khaled Al Mezayen este antreprenor social, CEO și co-fondator al Khar & Partners. Khaled este doctor în Farmacie și deține diplomă de master în marketing și management de la Toulouse Business School din Franța. Și-a dedicat ultimii 3 ani dezvoltării și creării Sistemului SOWAT: un sistem care soluționează problema accesului la apa potabilă, lipsită de virusuri și bacterii, dar care păstrează mineralele. Sistemul este conceput pentru comunități de dimensiuni reduse - între 500 și 5000 de persoane.

Lavinia Ioniță

Lavinia Ioniță este un practician cu o abordare inovativă în medicină. Combinând prevenirea, tratamentele bine diagnosticate și suportul personalizat Lavinia dorește să crească nivelul de conștientizare a oamenilor cu privire la optimizarea propriei sănătăți.

Lisa Vernon

Lisa has been an educator for over 20 years and has had a lot of fun leading learning with people of all ages. Her oldest student was 100 years old. Lisa trained as an archaeologist and has spent 13 years working with the Finnish school system. This combination lies at the route of her use of objects, buildings and the environment to create exciting and stimulating learning experiences. She currently works for Historic Royal Palaces in the Learning & Engagement team and has previously worked as a Senior Programme Manager for the education aid programme in Papua New Guinea and as the Campaign for Learning’s Policy Advisor to the UK government. Her experience also includes 13 years of managing European Partnership projects in Education and she is a partner in Cloudberry, a training organisation that supports EU partnership working.

Mihai Pop

Always late in daily life but very keen on accomplishing his dreams just on time. As a Sales & Marketing Specialist he has a very busy schedule and is always surrounded by people. As an extreme sport enthusiast when he needs some time alone, he simply jumps out of flying planes. Up in the sky no one is able to distract him from his smooth journey to Earth Once he gets back on “track” he analyses his flight and arranges the next one.

Norbert Petrovici

Norbert este sociolog la Universitatea Babes Bolyai. Lucreaza in cercercetarea culturii urbane si economie. De asemenea ii place sa studieze efectele distribuirii juste a resurselor asupra economiei, inovatiei si asupra calitatii vietii unui oras. Norbert Petrovici is a sociologist at Babeș-Bolyai University. He is a researcher of urban culture and economy. He is studying the impact of a just distribution of resources in the city on economic growth, innovation, and life quality. He has worked in various urban intervention projects with independent artists, urban planning bureaus and governmental agencies.

Stacey Ferreira

A native of the state of Arizona, Stacey Ferreira co-founded her first company, an online solution for password storage and management, called MySocialCloud, when she graduated from high school. In 2013, she sold MySocialCloud to and went on to publish her first best-selling book, 2 Billion Under 20: How Millennials Are Breaking Down Age Barriers & Changing the World. Stacey is currently the CEO of Forge, an enterprise workforce management application that empowers hourly employees to work on-demand while providing retailers the tools needed to source, hire, manage and retain their workforce. In 2016, Ferreira was named to Forbes “30 under 30” entrepreneurs.

Teodora Buciu

Teodora Buciu, winner of the sixth season of the show-contest Vocea României is a talented seventeen year old highschool student that has been in the spotlight since she was ten years old. The beauty of her voice touches us deeply. She likes rock and jazz and is also interested to further her music education at the musical school in London.

Vasile Cipcigan

Vasile Cipcigan este un salvamont, pasionat de aplinism. Din 2008, el a început să atingă vârfuri precum Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Mont Blanc, iar în 2016 a devenit primul clujean care a reușit să cucerească muntele Manaslu (8158 m) fără a avea nevoie de resurse suplimentare de oxigen.

Organizing team


Bucharest, Romania