x = independently organized TED event

Theme: 縁 ~En~

This event occurred on
May 21, 2017
Matsue, Simane

There is a great way to think in Shimane. It is called “縁(En)”. “En” means a destiny to get relationships with a person, place and so on. “En” is important and precious for traditional Japanese culture. We are supposed to think that if we meet someone and have relationships, it is because of “En.” “En” represents the connection of people and ideas, a commonality that we share. In this sense, “En” is very similar to TED because TED also connects people and ideas. That’s why I want to choose “En” as the theme.

According to traditional “En” thought, we should be thankful to “En” and be kind to each other. In this sense, it is similar to Japanese hospitality. When Japanese people hear “En”, most of them are reminded of Shimane, which suggests “En” is already associated with Shimane in Japan. However, most people around the world don’t know “En”. I want to spread this great idea and the idea of thankfulness through a TEDx event.

Shimane University
1060 Nishikawatsu-cho
Matsue, Simane, 6908504
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Shimane­U events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Nicholas Wolfe

【Speaker's profile】 Nicholas Wolfe is an English teacher in Matsue, Shimane, Japan. He enjoys arts & crafts, working with his hands, and video games. Wolfe grew up in Herndon, Virginia, United States, close to the capital. Though he lived close enough to the city to visit the museums, Wolfe and his family were also close enough to the country to go camping and enjoy other outdoor activities. He grew up in a close neighborhood—Wolfe’s parents and childhood neighbors would spend time together, hosting barbecues and playing in their cul-de-sac. Wolfe came to Japan with a desire to learn more about East Asia. He had never been to East Asian before and was curious as to what it was like in the region. Wolfe says that his real inspiration for coming to the region was his favorite teacher, Professor John Boyer. Wolfe had taken a class that Professor Boyer taught about East Asia, which sparked his interest. Wolfe married a Japanese woman and they both run an English language school in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture. He will be speaking about making mistakes and how they can help and promote learning—taking a seemingly negative result and turning it into a positive support. Through his many years of teaching experience, Wolfe has learned that making mistakes in learning, especially through dirty teaching methods (cheating, lying, baiting, etc), can actually be a real benefit if used appropriately.

山本 達之

【プロフィール】 現在,島根大学生物資源科学部教授。島根大学医生物ラマンプロジェクトセンター長。理学博士。松江市(旧東出雲町)生まれ。島根県立松江北高等学校理数科卒業後,東京大学理科Ⅰ類入学。同大学理学部化学科卒業。同大学大学院修士・博士課程修了。東京工業大学生命理工学部助手,島根大学生物資源科学部助教授を経て現職。学生時代から分子分光学を専攻し,現在はラマン分光法の医療応用,生物学応用研究に力を注いでいる。ラマン分光法を用いて,患者負担の少ない,QOL(生活の質)に配慮した新しい医療診断法を開発するのが夢。その夢の実現のため,国内外の研究者仲間と日々研究に勤しんでいる。趣味は,クワガタムシ採集と読書。 【Speaker's profile】 Now, he is a professor in the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Shimane University. He is the leader of medical and biological raman projects at Shimane University. He holds a Doctorate degree in science. After graduating from Matsue-kita Technical High School, he entered the faculty of Type 1 Natural Sciences at Tokyo University. He went on to obtain both a Master's and Doctorate degree in Chemistry from the same university. He was an assistant at Tokyo Engineering University to the Faculty of Life, Science, and Engineering and then moved onto his current post as an assistant to the Faculty of Biological Resource Sciences at Shimane University. In college, he majored in molecular spectroscopy and specialized in a type of biological science spectroscopy known as Raman Roscopy. He wants to develop a new way to diagnose patients using Raman spectroscopy that would hopefully lighten the burden imposed by other spectroscopy methods. In an effort to realize his dream, he works with both domestic as well as international researchers. He likes to collect stag beetles and read books.

本間 亀二郎

【プロフィール】 2011年1月「松江開府400年祭」開催に伴い、松江城とその周辺でおもてなし活動をする「まつえ若武者隊」が結成。 しかし「松江開府400年祭」終了とともに同年12月解散。 松江のサムライ魂を伝えたいがため同名にて2012年3月再結成。 現在、松江城にて甲冑姿や時代衣装でのおもてなしを行う。 「松江は武者のまち」として多くの観光客とふれあい、侍の居るまち・松江を演出している。 時代錯誤?といった周囲の疑問をまったく気にせず、松江城から日の本を元気にするため城中に出陣中。 今回は松江城を通して天の時地の利人の和を以て至弱なれども至強に対するコツをお教えする。 …要するに 「難しい歴史を平たく話し、色んな分野に活かしてほしい」 と云う事。 【Speaker's profile】 Along with the 400 Years Festival celebrating the founding of the city of Matsue, January, 2011 saw the formation of "Matsue's Young Warriors"––a group designed to preserve and sustain Matsue Castle and its surrounding areas. However, the group disbanded when the 400 Years Festival officially ended in December of the same year. In March, 2012, the group was re-organized for the purpose of spreading the spirit of Matsue's samurai. Today, Matsue's Young Warriors give out samurai armor as well as clothing matching that of Japan's samurai age. With the notion of Matsue being a samurai town, they meet many people and direct them as needed. And despite those that ridicule them for their old-fashioned spirit, they press on hoping to bring life to Japan starting from the castle itself. For this talk, Mr. Kamejiro will teach us the secret to applying one's weakness to his/her own advantage using luck, advantages, and peace through Matsue Castle. In other words, he will discuss a difficult history, simplify it for you, and hope that you would use it in many ways as you see fit.

竹田 響

京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 修士1年生。 専門は文化人類学。 トビタテ留学JAPAN!第一期生、日本学生支援機構「優秀学生顕彰」奨励賞受賞。 高校時代に難民問題に関心を抱き、「国や地域同士で関係が悪いなかで、そこに暮らす市民同士はどのようにすれば相手を想像しうるのか」ということをテーマにパレスチナ/イスラエル問題に目を向ける。 しかし大学3年の夏に平壌での日朝の学生交流に参加したことがきっかけとなって、日本と北朝鮮の関係に関心を抱くように。 日朝学生交流に携わりながら、在日コリアンと日本人のコミュニティを繋げる活動に参加している。 人と人とがどのように向き合えるのかをテーマに研究を行う。 キーワードは「分断状態の解決」。 Mr. Takeda is a first year Master's student at Kyoto Univeristy's Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies. He specializes in cultural anthropology. Takeda was also the first student at Tobitate Study Abroad JAPAN! as well as a recipient of the Japan Student Services Organization's Encouragement Prize for being an excellent student. In high school, he had an interest in the refugee crisis and turned his attention to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. "How can one get people who live in the same region or country and that hate one another to imagine each other's lives?" he thought. And in the summer of his third year of university, he got his chance. He joined a Japan-North Korean exchange program that took place in Pyongyang, North Korea. The program greatly increased his interest in Japan-North Korea relations. Besides taking part in more Japanese-North Korean student exchanges, he also participates in community activities related to South Koreans living in Japan. His research focuses on the theme of people-to-people interactions and how they oppose one another. He also wants to concentrate on "solving dividing circumstances."

野津 積

【プロフィール】 モルツウェル株式会社 代表取締役 野津 積 島根県出雲市出身。 大学卒業後、映画『007は二度死ぬ』のジェームズ・ボンドに憧れ日本版MI6、CIA法務省公安調査庁へ入庁。 その後、ホテルマンに転身Uターン。 1996年ほっかほっか亭フランチャイジーとして起業。 当時、持ち帰り専門だったほっかほっか亭で初めて「温かい弁当宅配システム」を開発・導入し売上高日本一へと導いた。 2004年時代はシニアに傾くと予測し、シニアフード事業へ進出。 現在、主力は全国36都道府県600の介護施設向け調理済み食品メーカー事業。 2011年、民間、NPO、行政が協働する買い物弱者支援『ごようきき三河屋プロジェクト』を設立。 365日稼働の配食サービス物流網に、買い物、生活支援、宅配、ライドシェア、自治会事務局運営など様々な機能を装備し、人口半減社会に対応する地域回流インフラの構築を目指している。 信条は「先憂後楽」 【Speaker's profile】 Mr. Notsu is the CEO of the Morzwell stock company. He is from Izumo City in Shimane Prefecture. After he graduated college, inspired by James Bond's 007 movie, he applied and was accepted to Japan's Public Security Intelligence Agency. Later, he switched jobs and became a hotelman in his hometown. Then in 1996, he founded HokkaHokka Tei Francheasy. At that time, his company primarily focused on take out. Eventually, however, they would go on to create the "hot bento delivery system",which garnered top sales records all throughout Japan. In 2004, he predicted that the largest consumers would be seniors and moved his business in the direction of senior food delivery systems. Today, his business delivers food to 600 care facilities throughout 36 prefectures. In 2011, Mr. Notsu's company along with other private companies, NPOs, and the government cooperated to found the "Door-to-door Mikawaya Project"––an initiative designed to help people having difficulty purchasing food and other commodities. He aims to create an infrastructure that aids with Japan's declining population problem as well as creating a logistics network for delivering foods everyday with varying options. Some examples include shopping on behalf of the customer, life support, delivery, ride sharing, and participation in the local neighborhood associations. His creed is "hardship now, pleasure later."

野邉 まほろ

【プロフィール】 現在東京の広告企業で働く23歳。 隠岐の島で生まれ育ち、その後松江市にある松江北高校へ進学。 奈良県の大学に通いながら、1つの共通の悩みを抱えた若い女性を全国から集めた「女子会」を開催。 また自身のことについて書いたブログは大きな反響を呼び、はてなブログのトップ記事入りをする。 現在はネット上で出会った女の子たちに会うため全国を回るなど精力的に活動をしている。 そんな彼女の「今」に至る自身の経験と、その経験を通して変わっていく彼女自身について話す。 【Speaker's profile】 Miss Mahoro currently works at an advertising company in Tokyo. She was born and raised on Okinoshima Island and went to Matsue Kita High School in Matsue City. When she was a university student while in Nara Prefecture, she held a "girls party" in which young women with similar concerns from around the country would gather. She posted about herself and her problems on a popular Japanese blog site, Hatena Blog. She received many positive remarks and it became the top article on the site. Now, she goes around Japan meeting girls she's corresponded with online. Today, she talked about her experiences up until now and how she's changed through them.

長谷 剛

【プロフィール】 16年間島根県の公立高校で教員をし、2011年からは松江市で県内唯一の国語専門塾「志桜塾」の設立、経営を行う。 教員時代は全国模試の作製や問題集製作をし、独立後は「ガラッと変わる現代文」(水王舎)やDVD販売、また「第5回全国講師オーディション」では優秀賞を受賞。 様々な所で国語教育をもとに島根を盛り上げようと精力的に活動。公認テニス上級指導員。 テニスから発想を得た、目から鱗の指導法で「不幸の連鎖」を断ち切るべく国語を指導している。 【Speaker's profile】 Mr. Hase was a teacher for 16 years and established Shiohjuku––the only Japanese Language specialty cram school in Shimane, which he managed from 2011 onward. When Hase was a teacher, he created nationwide mock exams and workbooks. After leaving teaching, he wrote a book––"Completely Changing Contemporary Japanese Language Initiative", published by Suioh-sha––sold DVDs, and also received an excellence award at the 5th Nationwide Lecture Audition. He does various things to help liven up Shimane Prefecture along with Japanese Language education. He is also an advanced level tennis instructor. Now, using ideas taken from tennis, he teaches Japanese Language in order to break the so-called "chain of unhappiness" through the "scales from one's eyes" methodology.

Organizing team

