In 2031, the OECD will celebrate its 70th anniversary and we will be fifteen years wiser!
What will the world look like in 2031? What will the OECD look like? How will the OECD have adapted to the SDGs? And what innovations do we need in order to continue promoting better policies for better lives?
TEDxOECD will feature forward-looking and insightful presentations from experts across the OECD, including three winning proposals selected by the TEDxOECD team.
Seating will be limited and registration will begin on Monday, 3 October, so mark your calendars and look out for our invitation email!
OECD Auditorium
2 Rue Andre Pascal
Paris, Île-de-France, 75016
2 Rue Andre Pascal
Paris, Île-de-France, 75016
- Event type:
- Internal (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.