x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Into the Unknown

This event occurred on
September 11, 2016
9:00am - 5:30pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taipei, Taipei

Thanks to human ingenuity and advancements in technology, the world today is more equipped with the right tools to uncover the mysteries of the universe than ever before. Despite the wealth of knowledge created since the 20th century, we are only beginning to understand the amount of information that is unknown to us. As we continue to build our atlas of human knowledge, we rely on experts, pioneers, thinkers, and problem solvers to take us on this voyage of discovery. How will these answers help shape our future?

This year, TEDxTaipei is inviting artists, explorers, pioneers, disruptors, and storytellers who are redefining the unknown. Join us as we push the boundaries of what is known and unknown.

Song Shan Cultural park
No.133, Guangfu South Road
Taipei, Taipei, 11072
See more ­T­E­Dx­Taipei events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Muddy Basin Ramblers

「泥灘地浪人」有如歐洲中世紀的江湖樂手來到了亞洲,由六位長居於台北並熱愛台灣文化的美國與英國籍的外國人組成。他們的音樂靈感來自於經典樂曲和台灣古典曲調,不論是 Charlie Patton 著名的三角洲藍調,還是太平洋群島、台灣廟宇、以及由日本傳來的那卡西、甚至吉普賽的旋律,任何讓聽眾笑著起舞的曲調都有可能是他們的作品。 Muddy Basin Ramblers is a group of American and UK expatriates who have been jamming in Taipei, Taiwan since 2002. The band strives for authenticity in their hot swing and jug band grooves, but the energy behind their music is tied to their lives in "Ihla Formosa," with its mix of vibrant modernism, quaint tradition, and the carefree attitude that goes hand-in-hand with island life. Band members include: David Chen (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist), Tim Hogan (washboard, percussion), TC Lin (washtub bass, baritone, trumpet), Sandy Murray (ukulele, tenor & soprano saxophone), Conor Prunty (harmonica, washtub bass), Will "Slim" Thelin (jug, tap shoes, kazoos, trombone, and vocals), and Cristina Cox (violin).

Mark Van Tongeren

Mark Van Tongeren 是一個充滿熱情的聲音探索者。他結合了藝術,科技以及網路技巧在他的作品裡。透過他靈巧的耳朵,多變的聲音以及原創的洞見,他領導著人們探索自己聲音的不同面向。作為一個受過訓練的民族音樂家,Mark持續的結合瑜珈動作,帶領學生去感受,理解泛音以及喉嚨發聲背後的理論。 Mark Van Tongeren is a passionate sound explorer who combines art, science, and contemplative practices into his work. Using his fine ears, versatile voice, and original insights as his primary tools, he guides people in discovering different dimensions to their own sounds. As a trained ethnomusicologist, Mark seamlessly combines yoga postures and leads students to explore, feel and understand the theory behind overtone or throat singing.

余懷瑾 Huai Chi Yu

余懷瑾,高中國文老師,學生都叫她「仙女」。在她的課堂,學生熱情而願意表達,充滿笑聲與生命力。她說:「文學不只能賞析,也能解決人生的問題」,讓生命教育結合國文教學,從課堂到生活,自然而然;從校園擴及社會,推己及人。 103年獲得全國SUPER教師-評審團特別獎。 Huai-chi Yu, a senior high school teacher who teaches Chinese literature, is like a "Fairy Godmother" to her students. In her class, students are always enthusiastic and expressive, full of laughter and vitality. She believes that “literature is not only meant for appreciating and analyzing; it can also help solve problems in life.” Her teaching techniques have integrated life education with Chinese literature so that lessons from classroom to real life are easily incorporated to society. This "Fairy Godmother" was presented with the distinguished Super Teacher Award in 2014.

余淑美 Sumay Yu

余院士於1993年成功地完成全球第一個農桿菌轉殖水稻基因,這個方法目前已被各國廣為應用,對水稻基礎及應用研究相當重要。她發展許多創新生物科技,並領導中研院、農業試驗所與亞洲大學的團隊於2003-2012年間完成一個龐大的水稻突變種原庫及基因資料庫,技術領先國際。這些重要的資源供應全球學界使用,成為研究水稻基因功能珍貴的材料。她與國立中興大學合作已陸續發現控制生長發育、產量及抗逆境的基因,將可用來進行水稻及其他穀類品種的改良。 Su-May Yu is a molecular plant biologist who is working to reduce world hunger by improving rice yields. In 1993, Yu conducted the world's first genetic colonization of agrobacterium into rice sapling, and successfully produced protein through the saplings. This method was considered a major breakthrough in rice genomics, and has since been widely utilized around the world. She has also led a team of researchers and academics in establishing a Rice Insertional Mutagenesis Database, which is a valuable data for crop research and experiments.

吳宗霖 Tsunglin Wu

以銅詠荷,以荷冶性,隱居烏來山林的吳宗霖,為台灣少數僅存的手工銅鑼師傅兼藝術家。從事銅製藝術30餘年,製做超過6000多片銅鑼,融合了調音的技術,完成一套「國際標準音」的音階鑼,讓聲階單一的銅鑼聲響,演奏出撫慰心靈福爾摩沙之音。他也常將親眼所見、心之所悟一鎚一鎚敲打成形,讓犀利線條、質地硬實的金屬,展現婀娜多姿的萬種神韻,成了大型裝置藝術,讓原是陣頭文化裡迎神開道的銅鑼,躋身進入怡情養心的藝術聖殿裡。 Tsunglin Wu is one of the few remaining gong artisans in Taiwan who creates gong percussion instruments by hand. He lives in the mountainous region of Wulai, where the natural surroundings inspire him to craft these therapeutic instruments. Wu has accumulated over 30 years of gong craftsmanship and has made over 6,000 pieces of gong discs. One particular set of gongs has been arranged into a complete musical octave tuned to the standard pitch of 440 Hz. To Wu, these musical and creative works of art are true representations of the spirit and soul of the Wulai mountains.

吳逸民 Yih-Min Wu

地震探測研究學家,於1995年主導完成建立臺灣的地震速報系統,是全世界第一套利用即時強震訊號做地震監測及訊息發布的系統。由於此一系統的建立,1999年能於兩分鐘內提供921集集地震之消息,有效地加速震災的搶救工作。2002年發表台灣地震預警系統之成就,能於地震發生後約20秒發佈地震消息,是當時最佳的地震預警系統。於2004年2月來到台灣大學地質科學系任教,目前以低價位的地震儀開發地震預警系統,並協助中國、印度、越南、南韓、紐西蘭及菲律賓開發地震預警系統。 Yih-Min Wu is a seismologist who helped develop the world's first earthquake early-warning technology based on estimating intensity from various seismic waves. This early warning system developed by Wu was able to report the 1999 Jiji earthquake within two minutes after it struck. By 2002, the system's response time dropped to a mere 20 seconds. Wu is currently a professor at the Department of Geosciences at the National Taiwan University. He is working on a new yet affordable detection gadget that will enable early detection in earthquake-prone areas such as China, India, Vietnam, South Korea, New Zealand, and the Philippines.

朱為民 Wei-Min Chu

朱為民在安寧病房服務7年多時間,陪伴過近6百位臨終病人及家屬走過生命的最後旅程。 因站在死亡現場第一線的職場經驗,以及家人生死交關時全家面臨的掙扎,堅信「在健康的時候,提早決定未來面對死亡的關鍵醫療方式」是每個人必考生命學作業,並致力把「預立醫療決定」的觀念散播出去,相信這樣的觀念可以減少無效醫療,改善醫病關係,讓每個人都可以依照自己想要的方式,面對人生最後一哩旅程。 Wei-Min Chu is a physician specializing in palliative care. He has served in the palliative care unit for more than 7 years and has accompanied hundreds of dying patients through their last journey of life. Because of his first-hand experience in serving the dying and the decisions his family had to make when his father was severely ill, Chu started to think about the predicament of those dying and their family members. He believes that everyone should be able to “determine his or her own choice of medical care when he or she is still healthy”. He is advocating the idea of “Advanced Decision”, since it can reduce unnecessary medical care, improve doctor-patient relationships, and make patients complete their last journey in their own way.

林信男 Hsin Nan Lin

清大材料系畢業後跑去當電動巴士廠小業務、完全是個技術門外漢。他有一個改善世界的想法,抱著它敲遍專家的門,也曾想透過參加競賽,讓點子曝光,但總被嘲笑。牙一咬,自己啃技術,用開源機器人平台做出的創新公車雛形。 Hsin Nan Lin was an electric bus salesman and a total novice to its technology. One day, he came across an idea that might massively reform the public transportation, but the experts and specialists regarded it as a naïve proposal. Despite this, he managed to build the concept prototype in one year. He wanted to demonstrate the most promising shared mobility solution: his innovative bus.

柯金源 Chin Yuan Ke

Documentary Filmmaker
人稱「柯導」的生態紀錄片導演,默默觀察並記錄台灣與全球自然生態將近三十年,為以紀錄片和前瞻性視野默默為台灣環境長久無私奉獻的苦行僧。柯導作品深入且豐富,前後已累積了二十幾萬張環境記錄圖像、四百多篇專題深入報導等多樣的記錄,也先後獲得與入圍國內外70餘個重要獎項。 Chin Yuan Ke is a documentary filmmaker with a mission to educate the public on conservation by reporting on the good, bad, and the ugly. He has produced over 18 documentaries, 400 in-depth video coverages, and 200,000 images on Taiwan's geological terrain over the past 30 years. His name is linked to over 70 regional and international photojournalism and documentary film awards.

楊玉欣 Yu-Hsin Yang

楊玉欣十九歲時證實罹患「三好氏遠端肌肉無力症」,肌肉萎縮從肢體遠端步步進逼,直至內臟。罕見疾病困鎖了身體,卻拘綁不了靈魂,她出書、作詞、新聞播報、節目企畫主持、為弱勢族群代言發聲,從而長出堅韌的翅膀,成為罕病天使。2012年她擔任不分區立委,將友善環境、病人自主、生命教育等等具哲思高度的議題帶入立法院,要求活著的品質、死亡的尊嚴。她持續思考、實踐,並且始終相信,人間會有一個讓老、弱、病、殘也能喜樂享受的文明境界。 At the age of 19, Yu-Hsin Yang was diagnosed with Miyoshi Myopathy, a rare form of muscular dystrophy that starts in the calves and affects the rest of her arms and legs. Despite her physical disability, Yu-Hsin has never regarded herself as a handicapped person. In 2012, Yu-Hsin was selected as a congressional legislator. Her highly philosophical legal agendas included accessibility, patient rights, and life education brought a different angle to the Taiwan Legislature. With Yu-Hsin's endless effort to explain the importance of creating such dialogue, she hopes that her actions can enable a world where the elderly, the weak, and the disabled can live comfortably.

沈春華 Jennifer Shen

News Anchor, TV Host
沈春華主播是新聞界指標性人物,曾為中視新聞的晩間新聞時段的當家主播,被台灣大眾視為最具專業形象以及最受歡迎的新聞主播。 Jennifer Shen is one of the most influential broadcast journalists in Taiwan, with over 30 years of experience in the field of TV and mass communication.

洪姮娥 Herng Er Horng

洪姮娥教授是一位超導電子研究學家,她將超導原理運用在感測生物標記的關鍵研究。她領軍台灣師範大學光電研究所的研究團隊,花了將近二十年的時間,與台大醫院進行合作,開發出「磁減量免疫檢測技術」。 Herng Er Horng is a superconductivity researcher whose research team has successfully developed a new method for early screening of Alzheimer's Disease. This breakthrough research is made possible through a collaborative effort from Horng's research team at the National Taiwan Normal University's Institute of Electro-Optical Science and Technology as well as research physicians at the National Taiwan University Hospital.

焦桐 Jiao Tong

一九五六年生於高雄市,現任中央大學中文系教授。知名詩人,出版詩集《完全壯陽食譜》後跨入飲食寫作。著有《味道福爾摩莎》、《臺灣味道》三部曲等書,以做學問的態度及詩意的筆法寫臺灣小吃文化;編有華人世界唯一的飲食文學集結《飲食文選》、年度詩選等五十餘種文選。 Jiao Tong is a poet, a scholar, and a food critic who has presented various styles, tastes, and flavors of Taiwanese cuisine in his 30-plus books. In his best-known works on the tastes of Taiwan, Tong had incorporated beautiful poems and committed hours of sensory research (and countless trips to restaurants) to publish a compilation of annual food reviews called "Best Taiwanese Food Writing".

王可言 Ko-Yang Wang

王可言投入科技產業多年,擁有豐富的國內外IT顧問與商業策略管理經驗。他在2011年滿懷熱忱返台,2011至2015年任職於資策會,目前有鑑於金融科技海嘯即將來襲,轉身投入新創事業,致力於建立一個由台灣出發、國際級的金融科技生態圈,讓台灣與國際發展接軌,創造台灣金融科技產業的新機會。 Ko-Yang Wang is an entrepreneur focusing on helping Taiwan develop its 1st FinTech Ecosystem. He has extensive experience in IT consulting and strategic business management in Taiwan and abroad. From 2011 to 2015, he was an Executive Vice President and CTO at the Institute for Information Industry.

胡杰 Michael Hu

他不是運動員,但故事被NIKE選為大中華地區跑步代表,拍成廣告在兩岸三地播放。全世界沒有一種跑步像他這樣,每年52週在不同地方舉辦,52個不同主題給予人們啟發。想擁有快樂的人,都會找到胡杰,跟隨他發明的「街頭路跑」展開一場奇幻的移動。 Michael Hu is not an athlete, but has been selected by Nike as their jogging representative for the Greater China Area. Commercials featuring his story has been played in Taiwan as well as China. You can't find another running club like Michael's "Street Run" club. There are 52 runs each year, held in different places. Each one has its own theme designed to inspire participants. Those who want to find happiness will eventually be connected to Michael and "Street Run". He is the blazing fire that warms up everyone's heart.

蕭俊傑 Chun Chieh Hsiao

蕭俊傑任職於國家太空中心,除了進行人造衛星與太空科學相關研究,同時也積極推動科學教育工作。在太空中心服務期間,深刻體會太空任務除了在科學與科技領域外,遠在太空中的人造衛星,透過人文、外交、教育等各領域都可以對臺灣有大的貢獻。 Chun-Chieh Hsiao is a space scientist and a science educator. He currently works as a mission scientist at Taiwan's National Space Organization (NSPO). Hsiao's main role at NSPO is to conduct satellite research as well as atmospheric observations and analysis. An additional part of his work is to educate youths on the topic of space science. He believes Taiwan's space program is mission critical, as it helps Taiwan in areas of humanities, diplomacy, and education.

郝明義 Rex How

Current Events Critic, Author
郝明義長期關注台灣公共議題,參與或發起的公眾活動中,有2013年的「反黑箱服貿」、2015年的「年輕力量進國會」、2016年的「開放台電,解開『缺電』之謎」。他曾經長時間近距離觀察台灣的七年級與八年級生所帶來的改變,並相信台灣的未來發展要靠年輕世代大步跨出去。 Rex is a keen observer of Taiwan's public affairs. Among the various civic causes he has participated or initiated were the 2013 Anti-Black-Box Movement, the 2015 Students Occupy Parliament, and the 2016 Open Taipower. Having witnessed a number of social transformations launched by Taiwan's youth, he believes that Taiwan's future must rely on these youth's intense drive to succeed.

金宰敏 Jamin Kim

目前就讀台大政治系國際關係組的宰敏,深感亞洲教育普遍存在升學主義,尤其教育部門政策往往多變,家長不僅跟不上更新的速度,對於資訊更存在嚴重的不透明性,珍貴的資源因而集中在某些人身上。為了解決這個問題,2015年開始他決定將教育融入科技,利用科技提升訊息穿透性,進而解決台灣長期存在的教育資訊不對稱。 Jamin Kim, a senior majoring in political science in NTU, noticed that Taiwan's education department lacks an organized way to transmit their ever-changing educational information and policies to parents. In addition, educational resources are often centralized in cities and not in rural areas. To solve these problems, Kim offers a mobile app solution that makes school information and teachers more accessible to parents.

阮義忠 Juan I Jong

1950年出生於台灣省宜蘭縣,就讀頭城高中時開始作鋼筆畫,勤讀哲學、文學書籍。四十年來先後出版了《人與土地》、《台北謠言》、《失落的優雅》及《正方形的鄉愁》等十本攝影集,並在世界多國舉行個展。2013年獲頒第一屆全球華人傳媒大獎“攝影文化貢獻獎”。近年來於南方周末、南方都市報、深圳商報等媒體撰寫專欄,並在大陸各城市開設攝影工作坊。 I-Jong Juan may well be considered one of the most renowned photographers in Taiwan and in China. During his 40-plus year career span, he has published over 10 special editions of photographic works. Juan is widely credited as a key figure in introducing Western photography to China, and connecting Chinese photography to the West. In 2013, he was presented with the first annual Global Chinese Photography Media Award in the "Award for Special Contribution to Photography & Culture" category.

陳永儀 May Chen

clinical psychologist
陳永儀是一位興趣廣泛的心理學家。在心理學的領域裡,涉獵的範圍包括: 組織,社會,健康,犯罪,與臨床心理學。目前她是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所的心理學教授,研究項目包括暴力與性侵犯的心理評估,以及學童的EQ發展訓練。但研究重點主要是壓力,情緒,與健康。 May Chen is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in areas of organizational, social, health, forensic, and clinical psychology. She currently teaches at the National Central University in Taiwan, where her main research focus is in the areas of stress, emotions, and health. May's most recent projects include EQ development and trainings for school children as well as psychological evaluations of violent sex offenders.

鮑永哲 Raymond Pao

Virtual Reality Enthusiast
鮑永哲是一位虛擬實境愛好者,對電子產品使用者體驗與科技演變夙富經驗,在2006至2008年與谷歌安卓團隊合作開發全世界第一隻安卓手機,後續負責HTC安卓機種系列軟體開發。他目前現任HTC虛擬實境新科技部門副總經理。 Raymond Pao calls himself a "middle-aged geek attracted to all and any kind of consumer electronic devices". His curiosity and eagerness to try out new and innovative gadgets led him to a career building the latest mobile technology and related applications. In 2006, Raymond was introduced to Virtual Reality (VR), and found its immense potential in gaming and other commercial applications extremely interesting. Since then, Raymond formed a VR interest group in Taiwan so that VR developers can showcase creations and exchange ideas related to VR.

Organizing team

