x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
May 7, 2016
11:30am - 6:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)
Taichung City, Taichung

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Wagor High School
Junfu 18th Road
Beitun District
Taichung City, Taichung, 406
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Wagor­High­School events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Kenn Ross

Managing Director, Asia; Minerva Schools at KGI
羅凱 Kenn ROSS Minerva大學亞洲區總裁 羅凱(Kenn Ross)現任Minerva大學亞洲區總裁。 Minerva大學是一所為21世紀全球最聰明、最有上進心的學生所建立的綜合性新型大學,羅凱負責Minerva在亞洲區的所有活動。 羅凱還在美國設立了一項非盈利性的推動學術軟實力的國際基金會(IFPASS)。在加入Minerva之前,他創立了凱幫國際教育,一個基於推動中國非認知技能的教育平台。此外,羅凱經常受邀出席關於國際教育主題的電視節目(央視、第一財經、上海外語頻道,彭博財經),他已應邀在許多線上與傳統媒體(包括新浪、海峽時報、青年報、網易等)上發表關於國​​際性教育的演講及評論。在眾多國際教育論壇上和世界矚目的TEDx演講舞台上他都是受邀發言的常客。在此之前,他曾在清潔能源,高科技及諮詢多種領域的財富30強企業及中型規模的跨國公司擔任國際高管。 羅凱先後畢業於美國米德伯理大學、霍普金斯-南京大學的中美文化研究中心、哈佛商學院,是一位已在中國居住了20多年的美國人,能講一口流利的中文,精通文言詩詞。他也樂中於駕駛私人飛機、潛水和周遊列國。 Managing Director, Asia; Minerva Schools at KGI; Kenn Ross is currently Managing Director, Asia for the Minerva Schools at KGI, a reimagined university experience for the world's brightest, most motivated students. In this role, Kenn oversees all of Minerva's activities in the region. Kenn is also Founder of the International Foundation for the Promotion of Academic Soft Skills (IFPASS), a US-based nonprofit. Prior to Minerva, Kenn was Founder and CEO of InLight Education, a platform providing non-co

廖清池 Chihg-Chin Liao

College professor + Award winning chef
廖清池 Liao Chihg-Chin 有著“台灣第一刀” 之稱的廖清池老師,是蟬聯六年的中華台北美食展蔬果雕刻金牌,不僅是台灣的國寶級師傅,更是台灣教育界中的奇蹟。從小家境並不富裕的他,七歲時就失去了母親,由祖母一手帶大。國小畢業後,就踏入餐飲界,曾赴韓國及日本工作10 年之久,更擔任五星級飯店的行政主廚。近年受邀至大學餐旅學系授課,成為台灣第一位國小畢業的教授。 Liao Chihg-Chin is a famous national banquet chef, the “No. 1 Knife in the World”. He began his cook training after graduating from elementary school. He also worked in Korea and Japan for several years, and then he came back to Taiwan working at a five-star hotel as an executive chef. Master Liao is famous for his fruits and vegetables carving techniques and he participates in numerous cooking competitions and has won many prizes. The Hong Kong Xinhua News Press selected him as one of the "World Gourmets". He is now invited to teach in culinary schools and sharing his life philosophy with students.

徐文銘 Anderes Hsu

Artist + TV show host + Traveler
徐文銘 Anderes Hsu 一位經歷獨特的生活家,行腳節目主持人.喜歡旅遊探險.文創工作者. 其作品獲得國家贈送柯林頓總統的禮物,馬英九總統.胡錦濤先生,王永慶先生都獲贈. 旅居智利南極大圈期間助人無數,因此被當地人封稱“天使之手“...... 且看“天使之手”Anderes_Hsu為我們帶耒.什麼有趣感人的生命故事... Mr. Hsu is a talented artist, an adventurer, and a lifelong student with an insatiable curiosity. As a husband of an aboriginal princess, his creations consist of a myriad of indigenous elements. Furthermore, he is an exceptionally skilled Chinese physician who has helped people around him and those who can't afford medical attention. He chose to return to campus at the age of 45, and continued his adventure at Antarctica.

徐瑞伯 Hsu Jui Po

High School Student
徐瑞伯 Hsu Jui-Po 就讀台中一中語文資優班,成功錄取紐約大學阿布達比分校(NYU Abu Dhabi),全世界錄取率僅3.7%,並獲得千萬元獎學金。原本個性內向的他為了出國念書,在高二時下定決心改變,積極參與辯論社團及校園活動去訓練表達,在充分努力與準備後終於成功圓夢。 Hsu Jui-Po, a student at Taichung First Senior High School, has been admitted to New York University Abu Dhabi Saddiyat Island campus in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The acceptance rate was only 3.7%. He receives a financial aid package of about NT$10 million over the next four years. Describing himself as an introvert who easily gets nervous, Hsu wanted to change himself and therefore joined a debate club to improve his speaking skills. He also spent time preparing for his application and tests. He learned that with motivation he can achieve many things.

羅荷傑 Roger Lo

Senior analyst in Yahoo Asia-Pacific Business Consulting Department
羅荷傑 Roger Lo 畢業於清華大學的羅荷傑,是首位獲得機會到google公司實習的台灣人。他曾是世界知名的學生組織AIESEC的台灣區總會長,帶領了台灣超過15個分會,超過1200名成員。他也曾代表台灣參與了超過10 場的國際會議,遍佈世界各國。他的願景是 “The Educator of Next Generation”,他也正一步步地朝這個標竿邁進。他也與友人創造出了 Jumpstart Program 平台,免費贊助台灣青年進入知名企業實習,播下造福人群的種子。 Roger Lo currently serves as a senior analyst in Yahoo Asia-Pacific Business Consulting Department. Graduated from Tsing Hua University, he was the Taiwan Association President of AIESEC, an international economics and business management student union. In addition, he was the first Taiwanese student to receive the Google internship. He and his friends co-founded the Jumpstart Program to help Taiwanese students enter the world-known business. Roger talked about the importance of self-investment and how to expand interpersonal resources in many speeches. He hopes that he can actively practice the vision - "to become a youth with global view and social care."

邱喆娟 Lita Chiu Chiu

Host of villa style BNB and award winning restaurant + super mom
邱喆娟 Lita Chiu 邱喆娟女士現在是一位知名山莊的主人也是知名連鎖餐廳業主。本業在做餐廳的她,曾獲得台灣中區美食冠軍及全國亞軍的殊榮。有人形容她是事業中的女強人,但同時她也是一位勇敢偉大的母親。年輕時遭遇婚變,頓時變得一無所有,她卻學習堅強,一人獨自撫養兩個孩子,以自己的力量及好手藝闢出自己的一片天。更用自己的雙手闢出美麗的夢田。 Lita Chiu is an owner of an award-winning chain restaurant, and an outstanding villa style BNB. She is not only an alpha female in business, but also a divorce survivor. With courage and strength, she brought up two kids and built an empire, all on her own.

邱楨誠 Zhen Cheng Qiu

邱楨誠 先生 Qiu-Zhen Cheng 電機系畢業的邱先生,現任為南部連鎖知名餐廳企業老闆。出生並不富裕的邱先生,畢業後為了分擔家計,與爸爸一起經營自助餐店,還未賺到錢就負債累累。後來父親過世,債務的責任就扛到他的肩上。他並沒有因此被擊倒,而是重拾過往笑容,從新來過。他時常勉勵自己的學弟妹及員工 “只要肯做,各行各業都能拼出屬於自己的一片天。” 也秉持著“把客人當恩人”的心,使他一步一步邁入成功的康莊大道。 Mr. Chiu graduated with an engineering degree, but now he is a businessman running a well-known chain restaurant. He lived in poverty when he was little and he had a huge family debt to settle. This only made him stronger and more diligent. He believes that every profession has its own master, and will be sharing his unique business vision with us.

鍾一健 Terry Chung

Writer + Photographer + Traveler
鍾一健 Terry Chung <我的世界在路上>作者 他在29歲時放下科技公司 Intel 行銷專員一職,帶著一把烏克麗麗與相機,在旅行的過程中記錄下每張最單純的快樂臉孔,也因為讓此讓他的生命轉了一個彎。透過他的故事,你將會找到心中那份更重要更有價值的事。 The author of the book My World is on My Way. Terry resigned from Intel when he was 29. He then began his smile-collecting expedition with his ukulele and a camera. He recorded every happy face he met on his way, and his action also made a big change of his life. Through his story we can try to find out what is truly important and valuable in our mind.

陳明珠 Ming Chu Chen

TV host
陳明珠 客家電視台主持人,也是勵馨基金會Formosa女兒獎-特殊創作獎得主,一位對客家文化充滿熱情及努力實踐的執行者。出生於苗栗客家家庭,與外公外婆生活,因此對於客家文化甚至客語都如此的熟悉,然而升上政治大學前往台北念書時,才發現原來客語有逐漸式微的趨勢,於是她選擇靠自己的力量來文化傳承客家文化,對客家文化情有獨鍾的她,夢想持續被實踐著。 Ming-Chu is a hostess in Hakka TV channel and she is also the President Ms. Tsai’s Hakka teacher. She dedicates herself in promoting Hakka culture. She hopes through her effort more and more people can know more about Hakka.

Organizing team




Taichung, Taiwan